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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 1645
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Chapter 1645

With that, the assistant hung up the phone without waiting for Margot to respond.

Margot looked livid, holding her phone with her chest heaving.

“Did mom answer the call? What did she say?” Patrick asked, unable to help himself when seeing Margot’s


Margot clenched her teeth in anger, her face ashen. “Mom must have given the company to Nikita. What right does

she have? It should be mine. I can’t accept this. Why is mom so biased? I’m her flesh and blood. What kind of bond

could she possibly have with Nikita? How could she give the company to her?”

“Has she lost her mind?”

“She’ll regret this, she definitely will!”

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Looking at her near hysterical state, Patrick stayed silent for a moment before letting out a sigh. He stepped

forward to support her, speaking gently, “Man, let’s just accept it. The company being given to Nikita… is better

than it going to a stranger.’

“After all, Nikita… shares our blood. Let’s just… consider it as compensation”

“Compensation?” Margot’s eyes widened in disbelief, “Compensation for what? Do you know how much the

company is worth? Do you know what it means for the company to be given to Nikita? Do you understand what

we’re losing?”

Patrick nodded. “I do, I know it all. But Man, the company is mom’s. If she wants to give it to Nikita, we can’t stop

her. Nikita was abducted at the age of three and suffered a lot in the outside world. We were the ones who adopted

Yvonne and abandoned her.”

“Let’s consider this as compensation for her suffering and the lack of parental love. Besides, if it weren’t for her,

your illness… well, you know.”

Upon hearing this, Margot’s face changed slightly.

Patrick continued, “Let’s sign the gift contract. Although it’s not worth as much as the company, it’s not a small

amount either. Think about it, we’re already struggling to manage the Swift family. If the company was given to us,

could we really manage it well? You should focus on recovering, and I honestly don’t have the capacity to manage

such a large company.”

“Man, haven’t you learned anything from your illness? Health is the most important thing. Don’t dwell on the

company, it’s not worth ruining your health over. Let’s accept mom’s decision. I’ll get the contract, let’s sign it.”

Margot didn’t respond.

Patrick knew she was persuaded. He patted her shoulder and went to fetch the contract. After signing his name, he

handed the pen to Margot.

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Margot stared at the pen he handed her and stood still for a long time. In the end, she took the pen, signed her

name on the contract with a grim face, utterly reluctant.

She believed that one day, Old Mrs. Garrett would regret the decision she made now.


When Sheehan found out that Nikita had flown abroad, she had already arrived in the M Country.

Sylvester hosted a welcome dinner for her and Nacy, filling the table with delicacies prepared by the castle’s chef.

At the dinner table.

Sylvester turned to look at Nikita several times, his face full of unsaid words. The fifth time he turned to Nikita, she,

who had been eating seriously, looked up and met his gaze.

“Do you have something to ask me?” Nikita asked.

Sylvester coughed, took a sip of the red wine on the table, and asked in a low voice, “Sis, how’s Tammy doing

lately? Have you quys met?”