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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 1625
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Chapter 1625 What’s wrong with her?

Yes, Nikita had already cut off all ties with them. So now, she’s just an outsider.

Why can’t she get the company?

She’s been running the Swift family business for years and she’s been keeping it ship-shape. Although it was not as

famous as some of the top companies, it was still listed on the top 100 companies in N City. Even if she’s not the

best, she had years of experience in managing a company. But what about Nikita? She had never managed a

company before and was completely clueless about how to run and manage a company.

Cathleen didn’t want to entrust the company to her own daughter, who had experience, instead of an

inexperienced person. This was beyond ridiculous! Was she out of mind?

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Margot suspected that Cathleen was in an incoherent state and had no idea what she was saying or doing.

Cathleen had just woken up from surgery, and her head was still heavy and uncomfortable. When she heard

Margot’s angry outburst, she immediately frowned and said in a displeased tone, “I can hand over the company to

whoever I want. I am very clear about what I am doing. If you are here to make trouble, you can leave


“Mom, you just had surgery, and your body is still weak. I asked the doctor, and he said that you have suffered

some brain trauma, so you may not be in a clear state of mind. You don’t even know what you’re doing,” Margot


“The transfer of the company is not a trivial matter, and it cannot be decided in just a few words. You should take

good care of your body and talk about it when you are almost recovered’ Cathleen replied, turning her head to look

at Nikita with a cold expression, “You don’t have to take what my mom said seriously. She is still not in a clear state

of mind, and her words cannot be taken seriously”

Nikita looked at her with a sneer, her eyes devoid of any humor, and said in a cold tone, “Mrs. Dan, you don’t have

to worry. I am not interested in your company. If you heard the conversation between Mrs. Garrett and me, you

should have heard that I recommended you to her, but she said you were not good enough.”

Margot’s face sank, “Bullshit!”

Nikita stood up, her expression indifferent, “I’m not going to stick my nose in your family drama. Mrs. Garett, take

care of yourself. I gotta qo, got some stuff to do.”

With that, Nikita turned around and headed out of the room.

Patrick and Nathan, who had come along with Margot, watched her leave with a frigid expression on her face.

“Mom, the company’s affairs are really not trivial. How can you entrust it to Nikita so easily? She has no experience

managing any company. It’s ridiculous to hand over the company to her. I am your own daughter, and you should

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trust me. I have experience in managing companies. If you really want to retire, you can hand over the company to

me, and I can help you manage it”, Margot said as she sat down by the bed, still talking about the company’s


“Yes, mom,’ Patrick added, “Margot is your daughter. You should entrust the company to her. Nikita has cut off all

ties with us, and she is no longer a part of our family. If you entrust the company to an outsider, aren’t you worried

that she will ruin your hard work?”

Since the heavy blow, the Swift Group has not been able to recover to its former glory, and the Swift family is no

longer what it used to be. They had planned to push Yvonne to be Sheehan’s girlfriend so they could climb up the

social ladder through the Lambert Family, but after Yvonne’s scandal, it was naturally impossible.