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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110 Nikita really believed it was a coincidence.

“Oh?” Nikita raised her eyebrows as if she were interested and asked, “Why?”

Sheehan hesitated for a few seconds: “When I was abroad, I often couldn’t sleep for a while. It was a

radio program called Fate that cured my insomnia The background music used by the radio host is the

one you hear now”

Nikita’s eyes flashed, but her face remained the same: “I didn’t expect Mr. Lambert to listen to radio


“Are you surprised?”

“Well, a little ”

“I haven’t listened to it before. It was also during that time that I lost sleep, and I found that radio station

by accident.” Speaking of this matter, Sheehan had a little nostalgia in his eyes. “The host told me that

not everyone could hear her radio station, and she was surprised that I could find it.”

“I was her only listener.”

“She is a knowledgeable person. She knows everything about any topic and any field.”

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“She’s smart enough to make me think she should be a 70 to 80–year–old woman. But I can hear her

voice, which belongs to a very young girl.”

Speaking of which, Sheehan turned to look at Nikita.

“Speaking of which, Miss Swift’s voice is somewhat similar to hers.”

“Oh, yeah?” Nikita blinked, her face didn’t change much, and her slender fingers clicked on her chin,

and she analyzed it seriously. “Maybe she’s a 70 or 80 year old grandmother who just used a voice



He could definitely tell whether she used a voice changer or not.

Nikita asked again, “Are you still listening to her program?”

“She hasn’t broadcast it for a long time.” Sheehan’s tone was with a pity. “On the last night, she told me

that she was leaving Country C. Since then, her radio station has never been broadcasxo.com

fast updatet again.”

“Oh.” Nikita replied lightly, turned her head back, and said nothing more.

It was really a small world.

She had set up a radio station by herself to kill time, and she set it up specially, thinking that no one

would find it.

But she didn’t expect it.

Her only audience should be Sheehan.

And this man was sitting beside her at the moment.

What he played in the car was a song that she created in her spare time.

This time, Nikita really believed it was a coincidence.


Outside the Swifts‘ villa.

Nikita unfastened her seat belt “Mr. Lambert, thank you for the ride.”

She pulled the door and was about to get off.

“Miss Swift” The man’s voice was warm, and one of his hands was on the steering wheel. His sleeve

was at his elbow, and a cold white arm was exposed. The diamond in the watch shone brightly under

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the refraction of sunlight. “Are you going somewhere else later?”

Nikita stared, looked back with her dark eyes half–narrowed.

Nikita really believed it was a coincidence.

Sheehan lay on his side, staring at her with deep black eyes. Under the backlight, the outline of his

face became deeper and more three–dimensional, and made people unable to move their eyes: “I’ll

wait for you.”

Don’t know if it’s because of the light.

The man’s eyes are extraordinarily deep and gentle.

They looked at each other for a few seconds.

Nikita’s heart flashed a strange mood, but was quickly pressed down by her.

She sipped her lips, and the man’s attentions were too obvious. She was not polite: “I pack something

and leave in a minute.” “Mr. Lambert wants to wait, please.”

This is very impolite, and even a little hostile.

She purely treated him as a free driver.

Mr. Lambert, the first celebrity in N City, is her free driver.