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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4206
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Three days passed in a blink of an eye, but an undercurrent surged in the entire Starfall


As Jay predicted, the Blood Moon Alliance was not the only one interested in Guan's

supplies this time. Even though Philip expected it, he never thought so many people would

appear in Guan!

Except for those who could not get there in time, eight forces had gathered in Guan.

Based on this situation, Philip quickly changed his mind, deciding to make the last shot

instead of the first shot.

As for the members of the white tiger royal family, Jay had completely convinced them. No

ordinary people could come up with this plan, not even Larry, the former patriarch. Even if

he could, he might not be able to solve it. However, Jay solved the problem with Anthony


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As Jay mentioned, no holy beings would appear in Guan. Holy beings were very concerned

about their reputation, and they would never make a move for such meager supplies.

Therefore, Anthony was enough to wipe out all the invading forces. After all, all

indomitable pseudo holy beings belonged to the major forces, and no one would join these


Not to mention that Anthony would be accompanied by a white tiger at level nine of the

pseudo holy tier. With the combined power of the two, no one could defeat Anthony.


Trifecta City, at the base of Big Dipper Palace.

Nixon, Verdant, Cora, Lumi, Portia and the others were gathered.

Philip sat at the top, rubbing his eyebrows with a thoughtful look on his face.

After Philip sorted out his thoughts, he looked at the people below calmly.

"I want every division to report the number of nine stars and pseudo holy beings under

your command."

Verdant was the first to speak "The intel division currently has four pseudo holy beings

and dozens of nine stars, but because we're mainly responsible for the intelligence

network, our combat effectiveness is relatively insufficient."

After Verdant, Nixon stepped forward, and he was smiling brightly.

"The combat division currently has 30 pseudo holy beings and nearly 100 nine stars, all of

them recruited recently. Their combat effectiveness is good. We also have two high-level

pseudo holy beings, one level eight and the other level seven."

The pseudo holy tier was divided into grades too. Levels one, two, and three were low-

level, levels four, five, and six were middle-level, and levels seven, eight, and nine were


Nixon was a level seven pseudo holy being, enough to take charge of the combat division.

After hearing Nixon's report, Philip relaxed slightly and nodded. Nixon had done a good

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job. At least they had recruited many people.

Jonas and the others followed with their reports too. The second high-level pseudo holy

tier belonged to the enforcement division, which Cora was in charge of. It was a level

seven pseudo holy being.

Philip wondered.

How did Cora subdue a high-level pseudo holy tier?

However, he did not dwell on this topic but quickly estimated the current strength of Big

Dipper Palace.

Including Nixon, they had four high-level pseudo holy beings with pretty good combat

power. Even in their respective rankings, they could easily make the top 30.

Dozens of low-level pseudo holy beings could also make up a pretty powerful force, not to

mention the large number of nine stars.