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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4190
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This newly emerged force caught Arlo's attention.

The white tiger royal family territory was quite stable now, and it was not easy for any

force to enter this place.

Small forces were not that much of a problem, but anything that could be presented to

Arlo must not be that simple. After all, Arlo's identity was not just the patriarch of the

Hood family!

"I think I need to discuss this with the higher authorities," Arlo muttered under his breath.

Meanwhile, two leisurely figures appeared outside the gates of the Hood family's


The Hood family's guards immediately stood at attention and asked, "Who's there?"

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As soon as they said that, two powerful surges of energy blasted at them.

Among the two guards, the stronger one was merely six stars, while Philip and Licht were

both nine stars, so they killed the guards easily.

"Is it really okay for us to act so arrogantly?" Licht rubbed his nose and glanced at Philip.

Philip shrugged and said, "Why not? We've done the deed. And trust me, unless the Hood

family has a holy being, we can wipe them out tonight!"

Philip was quite confident about this. After all, he had quite a few hidden trump cards now,

such as the chimera imprint, the Garuda warcraft, Verge Tower, Big Dipper City, the

pseudo holy mecha beast, and the attack left by Primus.

Unless the holy being turned up in person, Philip could kill everyone!

Hearing this, Licht glanced at Philip in exasperation. Of course, he had no idea what Philip

was hiding. However, since the other party said so, and they were already here to take out

the Hood family, there was nothing else to say.

Arlo was still reading the report in his room when he noticed the explosion of energy

fluctuations in the late stage of nine stars. He perked up and soared into the air in the

direction of the main gates.

Soon, Arlo saw Licht and Philip standing at the gates.

He scowled as a coldness appeared in his eyes. "Well... Gentlemen, what's your purpose in

killing the Hood family's guards in the middle of the night?"

Philip blinked and said to Arlo, "Isn't it clear? We're here to pick a fight."

Hearing this, Arlo's face darkened as a murderous vibe spread from him.

"Hah! You two really don't take the Hood family seriously. Since you're here to pick a fight,

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you need to pay the price for it. The Hood family is not a place anyone can mess with!"

With that said, Arlo's aura exploded. Powerful energy spread around and blasted Philip and


Inside the Hood family, several figures rose into the air and quickly rushed toward the

gate. At the same time, other people in Trifecta City also sensed Arlo's aura. They left their

houses and appeared around the Hood family's compound.

After seeing the scene, those people realized that someone was messing with the Hood


They looked at Philip and Licht while smiling in disdain. They thought the other parties

were idiots.