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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4189
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Licht was dumbfounded as he looked at Lilac in front of him.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Lilac pursed her lips and said, "This is Chief Verdant's

order. He said all the managers of the intel division should either hide behind the scenes

or appear on the frontline. I prefer the crowd, so I chose to stay on the frontline."

Philip sighed and said, "Verdant is a genius..."

Philip had struck the jackpot by recruiting Verdant!

Lilac said, "Chief Verdant has told me the purpose of your visit. Please come with me..."

Philip nodded, and they walked into a small room on the side.

Lilac tapped one of the bricks, and the wall in front of them rose soundlessly.

A huge room with rows of shelves stood behind the wall and a set of tables and chairs

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near the

door. They also saw some files on the shelves, obviously the intelligence they had

collected these days.

After the three of them entered the room, Lilac pointed to the chairs on the side.

"Please have a seat. I'll get the files for you..."

Philip and Licht took their seats while Lilac walked to one of the shelves with dozens of

files on it.

Lilac took the files and walked back to Philip and Licht.

"Trifecta City has eight third-rate families, two second-rate families, and one first-rate

family. The most powerful person is a level-one pseudo holy being, but we can't rule out a

stronger existence..."

"There used to be a holy being in that first-rate family, and the current pseudo holy being

comes from there too, but there seems to be a stronger person. You may have to watch

out if you want to make a move on the first-rate family."

Philip nodded thoughtfully upon hearing this.

The classification of the Starfall Continent was very clear now.

Families with pseudo holy tiers were first-rate families, those with someone at the peak of

nine stars were second-rate families, and third-rate families would have people in the

middle stage of nine stars.

Based on this classification, Trifecta City was not a pushover, but not that difficult either.

Thinking of this, Philip said, "Give me the information on that first-rate family."

Lilac flipped through the files and handed a document to Philip.

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Philip glanced through the information before handing it to Licht. "Have a look. I think we

can go with this..."

Licht nodded after looking at it. "I agree. You can deal with the pseudo holy being and

leave the rest to me. A family that has produced a holy being must have a lot of goodies."

From their point of view, as long as they could take care of the toughest opponent, the

other families in Trifecta City might simply surrender without any action.

The two looked at each other and grinned brightly. The heist duo was back in business!

Late at night, in the Hood family's residence in Trifecta City.

Arlo Hood frowned as he looked at the information in front of him.

"Big Dipper Palace is developing rapidly, and a mysterious organization has appeared in

the white tiger royal family territory?"