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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4186
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Corby was the one who gave Nixon the inspiration to use a fake treasure to lure these

people into the valley while the combat division waited outside.

The main purpose was to coerce or persuade them to join the combat division. The targets

of Big Dipper Palace were very clear too. All of them were revived sealed talents!

In the meantime, they also found some mighty beings of the older generation to join

them, such as David's teacher and Holy Polo!

In just one month, they had recruited about a hundred revived talents. They also got hold

of people of the older generation, all of them famous people.

When the people surrounding the three saw this scene, their expressions changed rapidly,

and everyone stared at Nixon darkly.

"Nixon, aren't you afraid that the other forces will come after Big Dipper Palace for doing

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"That's right, your forced handling is a little too much."

"I planned to join Big Dipper Palace at first, but this behavior of yours has made me feel

that this organization is very unethical! I've decided not to join you."

Everyone vented their anger and looked at Nixon with hostility.

Nixon smiled and said, "It's not up to you whether to join us or not. I'll give you two

options now. First, join Big Dipper Palace. As long as you don't betray us, the contract

won't affect you in any way, and you can void the contract after 30 years..."

"Second, it you don't join Big Dipper Palace, we'll either kill you or plant a contract that

puts you completely under our control."

Nixon was very confident that he could keep everyone here.

Everyone looked at each other after hearing Nixon's words. In their opinion, it was better

to die than to be under other people's control, but Nixon's first option made them waver.

They could regain freedom after 30 years!

For these talents, 30 years would pass in the blink of an eye. Besides, this duration was

not the time to compete for the god position yet. In addition, the fame of Big Dipper

Palace had gradually spread, so they could make use of this opportunity to grab


This was actually a good thing for them.

Various ideas popped into their minds, and everyone seemed troubled.

After some time, someone finally asked, "Are you sure we can regain our freedom after 30


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Everyone looked at Nixon with searing eyes.

Nixon nodded and said calmly, "I have no reason to lie to you.”

Everyone calmed down, but their struggle was still apparent in their eyes.

After a while, a man said, "In that case, I choose to join Big Dipper Palace.”

With someone taking the lead, the rest followed suit. Nixon and the others killed a few

who resisted.


"Philip, are you sure you want to do this?" In an aircraft, Licht looked at Philip next to him

with a face full of reluctance and helplessness.

Philip raised his eyebrows and said tauntingly, "What? Are you scared? You weren't like

this when we were in the ancient ruin of the Beelzebub royal family. Didn't you enjoy

robbing others back then?"