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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4177
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"The final number of votes will determine the person in charge of the Oslo family and the

entire white tiger royal family."

Seeing that Oswald did not ask him to step down immediately, Larry felt more at ease and

agreed without hesitation.

Jay and the others frowned.

After glancing at the elders present, they slowly nodded in agreement.


Meanwhile, outside Asteroid City, Philip was waiting for the exotic fire to appear as he

discussed with Nixon and the others about the reorganization of Big Dipper.

The new establishment would be collectively known as the Big Dipper Palace, divided into

seven halls, which referred to seven divisions with different responsibilities.

The seven halls were Dubhe, the enforcement division, in charge of Big Dipper's internal


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Merak, the intel division in charge of intel gathering.

Phecda, the resource division in charge of internal resource allocation.

Megrez, the human resource division in charge of recruiting people with special abilities,

such as alchemists, blacksmiths, mages, and so on.

Alioth, the foreign affairs division in charge of external affairs.

Mizar, the combat division was in charge of recruiting people with strong combat power

and developing internal combat power.

Alkaid, the stealth division in charge of operations such as assassination.

In this new establishment, the division was done carefully and covered all aspects.

After everyone heard Philip's plan, those who belittled him felt respect for him now. Even

Verdant wondered if Philip was all prepared to establish an organization and he just

happened to come across


After Philip briefed them about the responsibilities and divisions of the halls, he swept his

gaze over everyone.

He said after some thought, "Jonas will join Megrez and take charge of the human resource


"Verdant will join Merak and take charge of the intel division."

"Nixon will join Mizar and take charge of the combat division."

"Paxton will join Alkaid and take charge of the stealth division."

"Portia will join Alioth and take charge of the foreign affairs division."

"Cora will join Dubhe and take charge of the enforcement division."

"Licht will join Phecda and take charge of the resource division."

After all the positions were allocated, Lumi looked a little disappointed.

In her opinion, she could have been in charge of a hall with her potential and strength, but

Philip chose Paxton, a friend of Nixon and Verdant, to take her place instead. However, she

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did not know that Philip decided this because Paxton was proficient in the path order of


The person in charge of the division must have matching abilities. For example, Jonas was

proficient in fortune-telling. Licht's personality was most suitable for running the resource


As for Cora, Philip forced her to take charge of the enforcement division.

In fact, Lumi was the most suitable person to take the role, but Philip had other plans for

her, so he appointed Cora instead.

"You guys can arrange your manpower on your own. Verdant, you're proficient in the path

order of integrity and are good at persuasion, so I hope you can get the intel affairs up and

running as soon as possible. We need resources, so our intel must be accurate. Do you


Verdant nodded without hesitation and felt an inexplicable sense of passion.

Philip exhaled and looked at everyone again.

After some thought, he said, "Other than that, our people will be divided into different

categories too."