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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4176
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Oswald glanced at Jay and the others and walked forward slowly.

Everyone felt a strong life force from him.

Oswald controlled three great paths of life, wood, and earth. He had lived for a long time.

Even though he looked very old as if he was about to die any second, no one dared to

underestimate Oswald. After all, he was ranked the eighth position on the holy being list!

Oswald did not speak, and Jay and the others dared not look up. They slowly turned their

bodies as Oswald moved.

Patriarch Larry Oslo quickly stood up and walked to Oswald's side. He helped Oswald to his

seat, his face full of respect and a look of relief. With Oswald here, he could probably

defend his position.

After sitting on the main seat, Oswald looked at them and said calmly, "Okay, take a seat,

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everyone. Jay, you guys can be at ease too..."

Jay and the others looked up at Oswald with a trace of indignity in their eyes.

Tyrone did not say anything but looked at the scene in front of him nonchalantly. He was

sure of one thing, Oswald would never make a move on him. Otherwise, the whole White

family would inevitably turn against them!

Oswald looked at Jay and the others calmly, saying, "I can somewhat understand what you

sealed talents are thinking. You just feel that Larry is incompetent. But do you think you

can run the whole white tiger royal family better if you sit in this position? This is not an

ordinary small family!"

Jay said without hesitation, "Your Holiness, I beg to differ. Before I was sealed, I often

helped my father to handle some family affairs. In terms of managing the family and

choosing a direction, I think I'm more suitable than Larry! At least under my charge, I

won't allow any scandals to happen!"

Jay said this with confidence.

When they walked in just now, they heard the noise in the meeting hall, and their

impression of Larry was

even worse.

Jay would not back down on this matter!

Oswald was silent for a moment when he heard Jay's words. He knew exactly what Larry

was capable of.

If not for the fact that Oswald could not find someone more suitable for this position, he

would not have made Larry the patriarch. As it turned out, not only did the Oslo family

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disgrace themselves, but internal strife also occurred within the family.

If this matter was not handled properly, it would likely trigger turmoil for the entire white

tiger royal family.

Jay and the others looked at Oswald quietly and patiently.

The hall was silent as no one spoke while Tyrone sprawled there lazily.

After a long while, Oswald sighed tiredly.

Larry's heart skipped a beat as a bad premonition welled up in him.

The next moment, Oswald said, "All of us are members of the same family. If we fight each

other, we'll be

seen as a laughingstock. Since you think Larry is not good enough, let me ask you a

question, and the two of you can answer it... The elders here will then make a vote..."