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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4137
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"What should we do? Get someone else to come over?" Isbert frowned.

"Although Philip has a trump card, we're not that weak either. If we need the help of

others to deal with Philip, our status will be at stake!"

Although they were talents of the royal family in name, there was competition among

each other too.

Strength determined the resources they could receive. If their family was disappointed

with their strength, a reduction of resources would surely follow. It would be a great loss

for them.

Hilary grimaced and said, "We have no other choice. If we can't complete this family

mission, our resources will be deprived. Philip gives me a very dangerous feeling. Maybe

he has a stronger trump card he hasn't used yet."

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The intuition of a talent was very accurate.

Once Hilary said this, even Isbert had to take it seriously.

After a moment of silence, Isbert said, "Should we get someone from the family, then?"

Hilary seemed indignant at this suggestion, but this problem could not be resolved by


"Ask the family to send someone over. This matter is too tricky to handle."

The four people could not help but sigh, and Isbert felt mixed emotions.

Someone ranked in the top 100 could not deal with someone who fell outside the ranks. If

word of this got out, Isbert would be made a laughingstock. However, the reality was

cruel. Isbert and Hilary could not deal with Philip.

"What the hell are you?" Philip communicated with the little guy in his mind curiously.

The chimera imprint had awakened, and it had become totally different. It was more

accurate to say that the imprint was more like a life form now.

The little guy looked at Philip with scorn and said, "I'm a chimera! Can't you tell by looking

at me? Are you really my master? Why do you look so stupid?"

Philip was exasperated.

This little guy seemed quite smart, but Philip had an urge to beat him up.

"I know you're a chimera! I was asking about your current state!"

The contempt in the little chimera's eyes grew more intense.

"I'm a thought conscious, of course. Can't you tell?"

Hearing this, Philip did not feel like talking anymore. He ignored the little chimera and

simply withdrew from his mind space.

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Nigella was still staying in the Page family with a clear purpose in mind. She wanted to see

how far Philip could go. Nigella should know something about the chimera imprint.

Thinking of this, Philip got up and walked to Nigella's room.

Meanwhile, two people with smiles on their faces stood outside the door of the Page


"Verdant, Why are we looking for that guy? Is he really as strong as you think?"

The two were none other than Verdant and Irvin. They were two exceptional talents who

woke up

naturally from their sealed state because their families had cut off all ties with them!

Upon hearing Irvin's words, Verdant smiled and said, "Irvin, believe me, this guy definitely

has abilities and

a trump card that you don't know about. He's more than enough to defeat you!"

With that said, Verdant strolled leisurely to the Page family's door.