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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4105
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Jonas said, "This is my father, Linus Page. He lost his eyes because of fortune-telling. He

revealed too many secrets and was punished by the heavens, making it impossible for him

to make another prediction in this lifetime. His practice is completely ruined."

Jonas' voice was full of bitterness.

Philip finally understood why Jonas' family did not allow him to learn fortune telling.

With this example, who would dare to let their children and grandchildren learn this skill?

If Philip were in the same shoes, he would not agree either.

"I see..." Philip said with a sigh.

Jonas said no more but walked quickly to his father, wanting to help him.

Linus seemed to sense Jonas' movements and stopped in place, waiting for his son's

arrival. He held no hatred or resentment for his son, only heartache.

Soon, Jonas came to his side and supported him.

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With tears in his eyes, he said, "Dad, I'm back..."

"Welcome home," Linus responded simply.

"Do you have friends with you?" As if aware of Philip and the others, Linus asked.

"Yes," Jonas said without hesitation.

Linus paused and said, "Ask your friends to come in. I have something to ask that man


Jonas was startled and had a hint of doubt in his eyes but said, "Okay..."

Philip walked forward, supported Jonas' father, and said with a smile, "Mr. Page, please

speak your mind. I'll tell you everything I know."

Jonas' father said, "Let's go in and talk."

Philip had no choice but to help Linus into the room with Jonas. Meanwhile, many people

appeared in the front yard and greeted Jonas, who responded to them too. He clearly saw

that those people's eyes were full of helplessness and resignation.

No one disliked Jonas. It was more like they were helpless, which proved that Jonas' family

atmosphere was quite good.

After entering the Page family's living room, Linus said, "Jonas, you should see your

mother. I'll speak to your friend in private."

Jonas agreed without hesitation, while Philip asked Haley and the others to go out.

After everyone left, Linus said, "Is your last name Clarke?"

Philip's mind was in turmoil as he looked at Linus in surprise. Jonas had not told his father

Philip's name, but the other party said it directly.

For a moment, Philip's mind raced.

Had Linus really lost his practice and ability to predict secrets?

Linus seemed to sense Philip's restlessness and added, "It seems I'm right. Everything is

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The man seemed to age all of a sudden. His upright back became slightly hunched, and

darkness seemed to loom over him.

Philip took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Page, you're right. My last name is Clarke, and my

name is Philip. May I know why you look so dejected?"

He was puzzled.

Linus was silent for a moment before he said, "Do you know why I'm blind?"

"Jonas said it's because of fortune telling," Philip said honestly.

Linus nodded and said, "Indeed, it's because of fortune telling. To be more precise, it's

because of you..."


Philip was really dumbfounded this time.

B-Because of me?

What did this have to do with me?

When Linus went blind, he had not arrived on Starfall Continent yet!