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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4102
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Philip said, "Teacher, there's news of an exotic fire in Asteroid City. I've reached a

bottleneck in my

practice level now, so I want to go there to see if I can find an opportunity to break

through. I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"Exotic fire?" Holy Polo was taken aback.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, Teacher. I can't rely on you all the time, so I'll handle this myself," Philip said with a


Philip was a smart person. Although he did not like to put himself in danger, he knew that

his potential and ability could only be unleashed to the greatest extent in those situations.

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If he relied on Holy Polo all the time, he would end up useless.

Philip did not want this to happen, so he chose to reject Holy Polo.

Holy Polo said in understanding, "Since you've made a decision, you may go, but I'll be

leaving too. If you have time in the future, you can bring Licht home to look for me. Let

him go with you this time."

Philip hesitated when he heard this and said, "Teacher, the fight for this exotic fire may be

extremely fierce. Licht may be in danger if he goes with me."

After all, Licht was Holy Polo's apprentice. Philip had to take Licht into consideration.

However, Holy Polo smiled and said, "It's okay. That brat is too lazy for words. It's good if

he can experience some things with you so that he won't idle his time away."

"Okay then. This matter is decided. You may take your leave."

Since the old man said so, Philip said no more and left after agreeing.


"The ancient Heavenly Court's talent list is out again! There are a lot of changes this


"That's right, many talents have appeared this time. And have you heard? An exceptional

talent who reached the middle stage of nine stars at the age of 27 has appeared in the

territory of the Beelzebub royal family!"

"Really? Who? Help me find out!"

"The middle stage of nine stars at the age of 27? What a freak! I'm afraid only those

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ancient talents can compare with him."

"Well, he's a freak, but the people above him probably won't give him the time and

opportunity to grow stronger. There are thousands of people on this list ranked according

to their strength. That guy is almost at the bottom of the list."

"Who can guarantee that he won't make the top of the list in a short time?"

"That's difficult to say. How old is he?"

"To achieve that level, talent and luck are indispensable. What if he's lucky enough to step

into the pseudo holy tier?"

Various comments could be heard in the city.

Philip, Kane, and Haley strolled in the city. Hearing the discussions, Haley smiled and

looked at Philip.

"Master, you seem quite famous. Everyone is talking about you."

Philip smiled and said, "It's just a bit of fame. A talent who can't grow stronger isn't a

talent. I'm aware of this fact."