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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2122
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The gathering at Academic Bridges had everyone in high spirits—and more than a little tipsy. Ella, buoyed by the

joy of the occasion and the persistent toasts from well-meaning friends, had overindulged. Her head felt heavy,

but her mind was surprisingly alert.

As more revelers approached to offer her drinks, it was Paul who stepped in to intercept them. The teasing

started soon after, hinting at a budding romance between Ella and Paul.

“You two have been the talk of the campus love watch. Cclean, are you guys dating?”

“Yeah, both of you jetting off to Y Country together. Was that a secret rendezvous planned?”

“It's just so sweet, two high-achievers studying abroad together. You're giving us serious couple goals.”

“Don’t go eloping and surprise us with a wedding once you're back, alright?”d2

As the conversation becmore and more absurd, Ella felt helpless. “There’s nothing going on. And even if

there was a wedding, I'd cback to collect your gifts.” she joked.

“Ooh, sounds like there might be a little truth behind the teasing after all?” someone chimed in, sniffing out the

gossip with a grin plastered on their face.

Ella shook her head with a chuckle, stood up with her glass in hand—slightly unsteady—and raised it for a toast.

“Last one for the night, folks. Here's to success in our studies and a future bright as the stars.”


Paul had thoughtfully arranged for his family’s chauffeur to wait outside, ready to escort Ella back to her

apartment near the campus. He glanced at Ella, who rested her head against the car window, her brows knit

together as if in discomfort, and asked, “Feeling rough?”

“No,” she shook her head.

“Have you talked to your grandfather, or your uncle about this?” Paul seemed hesitant but broached the subject


Ella’s posture didn’t change, but she slowly opened her eyes. “Not yet. My uncle’s engagement is the priority

right now, and | doubt they'll have tfor my issues.” Her voice was calm, devoid of any emotional tremor.

Paul continued, “You might miss your uncle's engagement party...”

“I won't,” she replied calmly, cutting him off. “As inappropriate as it may sound, I'd rather not attend, so | won't

postpone my departure.”

Paul nodded, a slight relief washing over his face. After a brief silence, he suggested, “Since we have stime

over the summer, why not travel a bit before the term starts?”

Ella paused, then looked up at him.

Paul smiled. “I've always wanted to tour Western Europe. With a few free days over the summer, we could see as

much as we can. Care to join? We could start in the Netherlands.”

Ella pursed her lips, her gaze drifting to the fleeting colors outside the window. When the car stopped at her

building, Ella stepped out on her own but immediately felt a wave of dizziness and nausea.

She rushed to the nearby flower bed, bent over, and Paul was right there, supporting her. After holding it in all

evening, she couldn't keep it down any longer.

Paul gently patted her back as the driver handed her a bottle of water. Without having eaten much earlier, she

felt utterly drained after vomiting and slumped into Paul’s embrace.

He opened the water for her, and Ella took a few sips, rinsed her mouth, and then drank again, her hand

trembling around the bottle.

“I'll walk you up,” he offered.

Ella could only murmur an acknowledgment, too weak to nod.

Paul decided to carry her upstairs, and they reached her apartment door. Ella pressed her fingerprint on the

smart lock, and with a click, Paul kicked the door open with his foot.

Inside, the lights were all on, revealing a tall, stern man in the living room, exuding an imposing aura.

Ella, sensing the tension, lifted her head from Paul's arms and locked eyes with the man, her brow furrowing.

“What are you doing here?”

“Put her down,” commanded Noah, ignoring her question and fixing his gaze on Paul.

Paul remained composed. “She’s had too much to drink.”

As Noah approached, the tension becpalpable. “Give her to me,” Noah insisted, brooking no argument.

“Paul, putdown,” she requested, feeling the awkwardness of the situation.

Paul complied, and as Ella’s feet touched the floor, she swayed but managed to stabilize herself with Paul's

support. “Why are you here? Didn't you say this apartment was a gift for me? How can you just walk in whenever

you want?”

“I bought it, so why can’t | cin as | please? Ella, you've got snerve, getting drunk and bringing a guy

hwith you?”

Ella staggered toward the sofa, then Noah pulled her back. “Didn’t you heartalking to you?”

“What's it to you?!”

“I'm your uncle—does that answer your question?!”

The living room fell silent.

After a moment, Ella took a deep breath and nodded. “Fine, Uncle. I'm not feeling well. Can I rest now?”

Noah's expression softened slightly as he saw her weary face, and his tone mellowed. “Need a shower?”

The familiar gentleness in his voice made Ella’s heart twinge. She nodded, “Yes.”

“Go lie down. I'll run a bath for you.”

“I can just take a quick shower.”

“Can you even stand properly? Go lie down.” His words left no room for debate, and Ella, accustomed to

obedience, simply nodded.

The next moment, Noah carried her straight to the bedroom, a rare physical closeness that had become

uncommon in recent years.

He gently placed her on the bed, looking down at her coldly. “Don’t think we're done discussing tonight's

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events,” he said before leaving the room.

Noah then faced Paul, still standing in the living room, and his presence chilling the air further. “Are you not


Paul stood his ground. “Isn't it inappropriate for you to enter Ella’s place like this?”

A dangerous glint appeared in Noah's eyes. “Are you lecturing me?”

“It could harm Ella’s reputation. Besides, you're about to be engaged.”

Noah's expression was ice-cold. “So what? And what right do you have to talk toabout this? If you want Ella,

you'll have to get my approval first.”

Paul's lips curled into a sardonic smile. “Actually, that’s not the case. Grandpa Jon has no objections to me

pursuing her. All | need now is for Ella to say yes. And you might want to remember, she’s just your niece. You

don’t have that many rights to meddle in her life.”

A vein throbbed dangerously on Noah's forehead.

Paul continued, “Besides, you're only her uncle in name.”

It felt as if a rational cord inside Noah snapped under the weight of his rage. “Paul...”

“Paul, why don’t you head out?”

A voice from behind cut through just as Noah's anger was about to erupt.

“Go get srest. I'll see you at school tomorrow.”

Paul stared at her for a long moment before nodding. “Alright, make sure you rest up too.”

Ella watched Paul close the door behind him before turning to Noah. “Uncle Noah, you should head out too. I'm

feeling much better, just need a quick shower.”

“Ella,” Noah said heavily, “can’t you see he’s got designs on you?”

Ella pursed her lips, surprised he would stay to question her after she'd asked him to leave. “I can see it, but

there's no need for you to worry. | had a few too many drinks at the dinner. He was just seeinghome, and it

won't happen again. And don’t think I'm playing sgame. This is my apartment, after all. | wasn’t expecting

you to show up tonight.”

“Why don’t you keep your distance if you see his intentions?”

“Why should I?” Ella frowned. “He's a classmate, a friend. He has his sights on me, but he hasn't done anything

inappropriate. How else am | supposed to find out if he’s worth my trust if | keep him at arm’s length?”

Noah's pupils dilated as the air around them seemed to freeze. “What did you say?” He stepped close, his grip

on her chin was menacing, and his dark eyes churned with a chilling sternness. “Worth your trust? What are you

thinking, huh?”

“Thinking about giving it a try with him.” Ella was brutally honest. “There's no better candidate than him for now.

We're of the sage, share the smajor, and have a lot in common. I've seen his character over the years;

there's nothing to pick at. Only a fool would keep distance from such an outstanding guy who likes me, right?”

Her words only tightened his grip on her jaw. “Ella, I'm wondering what | need to do to teach you a lesson and

get rid of these thoughts.”

His voice was so cold that Ella shivered. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then suddenly said, “Uncle

Noah, I'm sorry.”

Her tone shifted, adopting the sapologetic and aggrieved demeanor she used in the past when scolded by

him. “I shouldn't have drunk. | shouldn't have let a drunk man into my place. It won't happen again.”

She leaned her head against his shoulder, her voice carrying a hint of coquetry, “I feel awful now, and | know |

was wrong. Please, let's forget about tonight.”

Noah's rising anger crumbled at her sudden change of heart. He was at a loss for how to react.

Ella truly felt miserable and exhausted. The alcohol took effect, blurring her consciousness, leaving her without

the strength to stand off with Noah any longer.

She softened her stance and simply apologized. In the past, whenever she did something wrong and admitted it

with good grace, playing the pitiful card, she always managed to get off the hook. It never failed.

Though she couldn't bring herself to think about it, it seemed to have worked once again.

Letting out a long sigh, she instinctively snuggled closer into his embrace.

The weather had been gloomy all day, with low-hanging fog and a dampness in the air. Ella had dressed simply

in jeans and a hoodie.

She was usually a peaceful sleeper, even when drunk, she didn’t thrash about, just slept quietly. But this time, as

he laid her in bed, she frowned and squirmed restlessly, her face showing discomfort and impatience.

Noah sat by the bed, watching her for a while, his hand hovering over the hem of her shirt. Finally, as she

twisted again in discomfort, he lifted her shirt.

Summer attire was light and simple. Beneath the hoodie, she wore nothing but a bra. Her skin was glowing and

flawless, her delicate curves barely concealed by the pale lingerie.

The once sweet and innocent girl had grown into a woman.

Lust filled his eyes as he fought the shadows rising within him. Taking her into his arms, he ignored the boobs

against his chest and quickly removed her hoodie over her head. She quieted down after that.

Covering her with a blanket, he stood up in the temperature-controlled room, drenched in sweat.


Ella was roused by her alarm in the morning. Despite a pounding headache, she forced herself up. These were

her last few days at Summit Ridge University, and the closer she got to the end, the more she didn’t want to


After freshening up, she stepped out of the bedroom just as Noah exited the adjacent room. She paused. “You

stayed here last night?”

She vaguely remembered Noah's shirt from the night before.

Noah's face was etched with displeasure. “Is that a problem?”

Ella closed the door behind her. “No, it’s just that I'm not sure what the point was of you buying this apartment


Noah was silent for a moment. “You're moving back tonight.”

Ella fell silent. Was he crazy?

“There's no need,” she refused without a second thought, “Summer break is just a few days away, and this place

is indeed convenient. | don’t want to hassle with moving again.”

Noah's brows furrowed. “Did | make your life that inconvenient?”

If it cto it, Ella couldn't answer. After all, Noah had always taken care of her every need, down to the

smallest detail. She hadn't felt inconvenienced at all.

“Things are different now.”

Ella was about to grab her book from the living room coffee table but found it empty.

Just then, Paul's call cthrough.

“Hello? Just about to eat... Thanks... Oh, you have my book from last night? Great, I'll cdown and get it.”

After hanging up the phone, Ella had already reached the entrance. There was a half-length mirror in the

entrance area, and Ella bent down to apply slipstick, carefully adjusting her hair. “Uncle Noah, I'm heading

out. Drive safe, and don’t forget to lock up.”

“I'll drop you off at school.” Noah's tone was as decisive as ever, his expression had turned inexplicably grim.

“No need, I'm going to school with... a classmate.”


“Bye, Uncle Noah.”

Ella seemed to fear Noah might say more. She rushed through her goodbye and disappeared in the blink of an

eye as she opened the door and left.

Noah’s anger swelled within him, finding no outlet for release. Almost reflexively, he moved to the living room

window and watched as Ella hurried down to where a man stood waiting by the grove of trees at the downstairs

of her apartment building.

The man smiled as he saw her approach, then handed her a paper bag he had been holding. Ella took it eagerly,

pulling out a carton of almond milk with a straw, and began drinking it as she walked away.

This only reinforced Noah's belief that letting her live on her own was not a good idea. As he watched their

retreating figures, Noah's gaze darkened even further.


In the afternoon, Ella had just stepped out of the school gate when she saw Noah's car. He was leaning against

the car door, one hand in his pocket, the other holding a smartphone, busily tapping away. His casual stance had

already attracted quite a few stares and whispers.

Ella even thought that there seemed to be more students hanging around the north gate than usual.

“Ella, is that your uncle?”

“Did your uncle cto pick you up from school?”

“He’s so handsome, no wonder you haven't had a boyfriend for two years. With such an impressive man close

by, it’s no surprise you're picky.”

Ella offered a strained smile.

Noah seemed to sense something amiss and looked up directly at her. His gaze lingered for a second before he

spoke in a deep voice. “Chere.”

Taking a deep breath, Ella put on a brave face and walked over to him. “Uncle Noah, what brings you here?”

Noah glanced at her, “Get in the car.”

Ella instinctively looked at the passenger seat. “Where are we going?”

Noah remained silent.

Ella suddenly remembered what she had said to him earlier in the morning, “I'm about to have my summer


“Ella.” Noah's voice was stern. “Are you avoidingdeliberately? To spite me, you'd pick any random guy to be

your boyfriend. That's irresponsible towards your own life. As long as you're part of the Tretton family, and under

my watch, sdecisions are not yours to make. | don’t want to tell you a third time. Get in the car.”

In that moment, Ella felt a mix of panic and helplessness. In the end, her recent actions, in his eyes, were just

another tedious game.

Yes, she couldn't deny she'd been avoiding him deliberately. Her feelings for him weren't something that could

just disappear overnight. God knows how torturous these past few days, putting on a brave face, had been for


“Maybe you're right. So tell me, how should | act around you so it doesn’t seem deliberate?”

“You don’t have to do anything.”

Tired of overthinking, Ella yanked open the rear car door and got in, slamming it with force.

Noah frowned slightly, glancing at the passenger seat before letting her be. He was used to this.

Ella had expected him to take her back to his villa, but instead, he drove her to meet Rebecca. They arrived at a

wedding planning studio, decorated in a dreamy and luxurious style, with white being the dominant color and

dazzling chandeliers everywhere.

Rebecca was sitting in the VIP area on a white fluffy carpet, surrounded by notebooks and paperwork. She sat

barefoot, leaning over a crystal coffee table, engrossed in her planning.

Upon seeing them, Rebecca greeted Ella with a smile and waved her over. “There you are. | just can’t decide.

Everything looks so good. Ella, cand helpchoose.”

Ella suddenly felt a chill. A creeping coldness started at her feet and spread to every corner of her body, every

drop of blood, every cell, and every pore.

She stood there, her face pale, her lips quivering.

Her emotions were too apparent, and Rebecca's words trailed off as she looked between Noah and Ella, confused

and uncertain. “Noah, what's wrong with Ella?”

Hearing this, Noah turned to Ella, and upon seeing her ashen face and the tremble in her lips, his expression

stiffened. “What's wrong?”

Ella let out a cold laugh, suddenly swatting Noah's hand away.

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The room went still.

Ella closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and when she opened them again, her clear eyes were filled with

sadness and irony.

“Is this what you meant when you said | don’t have to do anything?”

Noah's gaze turneBooks Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates...

d icy, like a bottomless abyss. “What are you playing at now?”

Caught off guard, Noah stumbled backward a few steps but quickly regained his composure and started to follow


Rebecca stood rooted to the spot for a moment before, in a panic, she reached out and grabbed Noah's arm.


Noah stopped and turned to her, his face still clouded with unresolved anger and frustration.

Rebecca's heart skipped a beat, but she held on to his arm tighter, her expression stiff. “What did Ella mean by

that? What feelings?”

Noah's gaze grew colder still. He said nothing, yet Rebecca understood the devastating truth. “Noah, she’s your


“So it’s us who are getting hitched.”

Noah dropped the emotionless bomb and brushed off her hand, turning his back and striding away.


Ella hadn't run far before Noah caught up with her with ease. Her arm was yanked with such force that the

momentum nearly toppled her, but instead, she crashed into the solid embrace of the man.

That familiar scent required no second thought. Ella didn’t hesitate as she began to struggle. “Let go of me!”

“Where do you think you're running off to, Ella? I'm giving you a minute to cool off and talk to me, properly.”

No matter the circumstance, he was all too accustomed to chastising her like an elder, to commanding her. And

now was no different.

Even her sorrow had a tlimit. He wanted a say in everything about her, to critique, and to plan her life. She

wasn't allowed to love him, nor to fancy anyone else.

“Talk about what? What could | possibly say to you? Does what | say even matter?”

Noah’s arm tightened around her waist as he demanded, “Explain what you just said. What do you mean by ‘not

for long’?”

Ella paused briefly, “Nothing.”

“You better cclean with me.”

Ella calmed down, straightened up, and her voice steadied. “Aren't you the one who says my studies should be

my focus right now? | think you're right, so I've decided to dedicate myself to learning.”

“What does that have to do with what you said?”

“It does. If | immerse myself in my studies, then naturally | won't have to think about you anymore, so you don’t

need to go out of your way to makegive up.”

Her answer wasn't particularly convincing, but the logic was there. Still, it wasn’t what Noah wanted to hear, but

it was all he could accept.

“And...” Ella’s voice was faint, “I'm going to travel abroad as soon as summer break starts.”

Noah narrowed his eyes, “I won't be around to take you.”

“I know, you'll be busy with your engagement party.” Ella took a deep breath, “I don’t want to see you

preoccupied with that, and | don’t want to be part of it. Out of sight, out of mind. Better to be abroad than

sulking at home.”

Noah watched her for a long moment before nodding, “Fine. Where are you planning to go, and for how long? I'll

make the arrangements.”

“Western Europe, starting with the Netherlands, about two weeks.”

“No way.” Noah's words cut through like thunder, “Two weeks is too long.”

“Then ten days.”

“One week, tops. Otherwise, forget it.”

Ella’s heart sank, the sold story. She closed her eyes momentarily, reining in her feelings, then nodded,

“Alright, one week it is.”

Noah nodded, “When do you plan to leave? Best if it's before the 9th. You know my engagement party is on the


Ella forced a smile, “The 5th.”


He was always quick to act, immediately dialing his assistant to book Ella’s flight to the Netherlands for the 5th,

arrange the hotel, and even set up a couple of bodyguards to accompany her.

Ella frowned, wanting to refuse, but considering the inevitable outcome, she let it be.

After hanging up, Noah glanced at her, “Con, I'll take you home.”

Ella paused, “What about Rebecca?”

Noah gave her a sidelong glance, “You still remember her, how touching.”

Ella pursed her lips, “You should go check on her first. | can take a cab.”

“Don’t worry about things you shouldnt,” Noah said, picking up his phone again and gesturing to her, “Go wait

in the car.”

Ella did as told, heading back to where Noah's car was parked by the studio. Before she left, she overheard his

call being answered, “Still at the studio?”


In the end, Noah did manage to drop her off at her college dormitory.

Before getting out of the car, Ella said, “I won't be able to return to the family hthis weekend.”

“Cstay at the villa tomorrow.”