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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2117
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Even if the waiter knew, he wouldn't spill the beans to them. But one thing was clear—the girl standing before

them had sdeep connection with Mr. Kane.

“Enjoy yourselves, folks. If you need anything, just holler.”

“Sure thing!”

As Angie began to relax, her nervousness faded, replaced by a bubbling excitement. “I wonder what kind of

entertainment we've got lined up tonight?” You could tell she was really looking forward to it.

The kind of show Kane sets up was unlikely to disappoint.

However, choosing this kind of venue for a mixer was a bit out of the ordinary, and while the girls were quite

thrilled, the guys felt somewhat restrained. After all, the goal was to find a serious romance, and showing too

much interest in a place like this—acting like it was their regular haunt—might just nip any budding romance in

the bud. They looked at each other, all a little stiff and formal in their seats.d2

Angie's sparkling eyes had swept across the whole floor when the waiter finally brought their drinks. She reined

in her curiosity and settled back into the booth, casting a glance at the men opposite her.

The two girls beside her had already struck up a conversation, and Angie could tell their attention was mainly on

the guy sitting across from Phoebe. He was the sguy who had just asked them to move aside, dressed in

crisp, clean clothes, with handsome, refined features that gave off an impression of modest warmth, like a spring

breeze—soothing and amicable. In this noisy, chaotic setting, he managed to stand out without seeming out of


Angie, spotting something intriguing, nudged Phoebe’s arm with her elbow and handed her a glass, whispering

as she did so.

“Babe, that guy across from you, Oakley, is the finance department’s golden boy, got in on a scholarship, topped

the freshers’ list of honors with a headshot that claimed the ‘Campus Heartthrob’ title.”

Phoebe took a sip from her glass, relieved to find the alcohol content low. “How cyou're always clued up on

the gossip but still single, huh?”

Angie pouted, “I just felt bad about making a move on a younger guy...”

“And now?”

“Well... if I'm looking at school, younger guys are all that’s left, right? Can't fight the march of time...”

Phoebe couldn't help but laugh, “You're not even old...”

“Hehe, lettell you, Oakley has no shortage of girls after him. If he wanted, he could have his pick of the

bunch, but he’s been single for two years. He's never been to one of these mixers before. Tonight's his first


“Good luck to you then.”

Angie shook her head and gave Phoebe a meaningful look, winking and nudging her again.

Phoebe gave Angie a puzzled look, “What's up with you now?”

“When | asked someone to invite him, guess whose n| used?”

Phoebe shook her head, “No idea.”

Angie shrugged, “Never mind then. Just know it wasn’t under my name.”

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The conversation among the group eventually turned towards Angie and Phoebe.

Phoebe had this selective introversion thing going on. Sometimes she was quiet, almost never initiating

conversations, responding only when spoken to. Other times she was quirky and lively, a natural at lifting spirits.

It all depended on her mood, and who she was with.

Today, she was evidently not in the zone, staying quiet and speaking little. But as they all got more familiar and

the atmosphere lightened up, and with a few drinks mixing into their conversations, her mood visibly loosened.

She even started to smile as the banter grew.

Just as she was mixing herself another drink, a pair of clean, white hands reached over and took the bottle from

her. “You've had enough.”

Looking up, she saw Oakley, who had been sitting across from her all this time. His expression was neutral as he

poured ssoft drink into her glass. “This place is a bit wild. You should take it easy on the booze.”

Angie, ever perceptive, edged closer, nudging Phoebe subtly. Under Phoebe’s gaze, Angie glanced at a group of

girls nearby who were already flushed from drinking too much, then raised an eyebrow at Phoebe.

Though she didn’t say a word, her point was loud and clear. Those girls had definitely had more to drink than

her, yet Oakley hadn't intervened with them.

Before Phoebe could respond, the music up on stage cto a sudden halt, and the stylish DJ announced the

evening's special performance.

As the performers took to the stage, the crowd erupted into cheers. They were minor celebrities from the

entertainment industry, wearing glittering silver fringe dresses that barely covered anything, confidently putting

on a high-energy show.

“Wow...” Phoebe remarked, “Typical of Kane to go all out. Not your average club performers for sure.”

But as the show went on, it started to feel off-kilter, veering into the realm of risqué numbers. The dancers

switched from airline attendant getups to nurse garb, and even schoolgirl outfits. The cheers grew louder, the

crowd more excited, and the performers on stage began to thin out, disappearing into the night.

Angie was dumbfounded, clutching her drink, “Man, Kane's really pushing it, huh? If this keeps up, are we going

to see a lingerie show next? Stop, let's just play our own game!”

“Yeah, if we're here, let's make our gfit the scene, right?” Another girl, eyes alight with mischief, chimed in

and Angie waved her hand, “Deal! Let's do this!”

Could their gpossibly be more outrageous than what the stars on stage were playing?

“Loser drinks a shot, straight up.”



Upstairs in a private booth, five women in diverse outfits stood in front of a coffee table, each wearing a

practiced smile.

Seth held a cigarette between his fingers, the white smoke slightly obscuring his handsfeatures. His narrow

eyes glanced at the man sitting by the window, his mood darkening, and let out a chuckle. Leaning forward to

snub out his cigarette in the ashtray, he said, “Seems like there's nothing to Mr. Azriel’s taste here.”

With a casual flick of his wrist, he motioned to the women, “Bring in the next group.”

Azriel shot him a chilly glance. “Building a crew isn’t a walk in the park. You're going all out just to poke fun at

me, huh?”

The women were all young, fresh-faced and hungry for their big break, flinging themselves headfirst into the

cutthroat world of dreams. Here they were, paraded in like lambs to the slaughter, a clear one-way ticket to a pit

of fire.

Seth was playing god with people’s lives, squandering and trampling them without a shred of guilt. He just

smiled, a casual lean back into his chair, idly toying with a platinum lighter in his hand. “Having the honor to

serve Mr. Azriel should be considered a blessing for them. Or you could tellyour preference, Mr. Azriel, and

I'll have them handpicked and delivered.”

Azriel couldn’t be bothered to spar with him. “Don’t bother.”

Seth raised an eyebrow, his dark eyes brimming with teasing mirth. “Should you fancy someone someday, just

say the word. I'll be sure to assist.”

Azriel didn’t bite, just grabbed the crystal whiskey glass from the table and glanced casually at the raucous

scene below, his movements suddenly coming to a halt.

A tense silence hung heavy for a good fifteen seconds before Damon glanced out the window, his lips almost

imperceptibly twitching before his face set into a grim mask.


Downstairs, the gat Phoebe’s table was drawing quite a crowd. People were cheering them on, turning them

into the center of attention.

It was a gof Telephone, but with a twist—passing a slip of paper mouth to mouth.

They’d drawn numbers to decide the order, and two girls ended up side by side, taking the loss and downing

their drinks.

Now it was Angie's turn. Flanked by girls, she confidently took the paper, passing it to Phoebe with a bit too

much cheek-to-cheek contact. Even among girls, this close encounter had the bystanders hooting.

Phoebe quickly faced the next in line, but her gaze locked with Oakley's, and she knew she was in a pickle. If she

didn’t pass the paper to Oakley, she'd be forcing him to drink.

Oakley's eyes held a teasing glint as he watched Phoebe’s expression flip through various stages of horror, his

gaze drifting to the white slip of paper on her lips.

Phoebe’s nerves had her hands involuntarily shrinking back, only to be caught by Oakley’s firm, reassuring grip.

The subtle action, unnoticed by the others, sent a jolt through Phoebe’s heart.

Finally, Oakley spoke, “Alright, 1—"

But before he could finish, a hand reached out, yanking the paper from Phoebe’s mouth, tossing it to the floor.

Everyone paused, turning toward the newcomer.

Phoebe’s heart skipped a beat upon seeing Azriel’s icy glare. “What... are you... doing here?”

“Enjoying yourself?” His tone was icy, his face frightening, and that slight smile of his lips seemed like a barbed

hook ready to tear flesh. Phoebe was at a loss for words, avoiding his gaze and swallowing hard.

Seeing this, Oakley stepped in front of her protectively, a move that narrowed Azriel’s eyes with a glint of

coldness. They locked eyes, the tension palpable and charged.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay

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“Good heavens, my dear girl!” Kane pushed through the crowd, grabbing Angie’s arm with a look of sheer panic.

“Why didn’t you givea heads up? If something happened to you under my roof... well, even if it didn’t, you're

toast now... Cwith me!”

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Angie blinked, her rosy cheeks showing her confusion, “Kane? But we're socializing... | organized this... | have to

see it through...”

“See what through? You're a walking calamity! Where's the manager?!”

“Right here, sir!” The bar manager squeezed through, drenched in sweat.

Kane waved him off impatiently, “Write off the bill for this table. Make sure someone gets them hsafe and


“Right away, sir!”

When Kane left, he took Phoebe with him.

Oakley grabbed her hand, holding on tight. “I'll take her home.”

Azriel struggled to contain the anger boiling within him, stating coldly, “She's staying withnow. Are you

offering to drop her at my place?”

Oakley looked taken aback and turned to Phoebe, surprise written all over his face. Phoebe quickly explained,

“He’s staying at my grandparents’ villa. He's like a brother to me, looked aftersince | was little...”

Her eagerness to clarify dimmed the light in Azriel’s eyes.

“Oakley, you all head back. I'm with Angie, we'll be fine. No need to worry.” Phoebe feared the standoff would

escalate into something unforeseeable. Kane's tone didn’t sound promising.

After a moment, Oakley nodded, “Textonce you're hsafe.”

Phoebe nodded back, “I will.”


As soon as Damon spoke, Angie was on the brink of tears. “It's my first time, honest to God, the first tin my

life... I'd never do this again... just this once in my lifetime...”

“I think your ideas are bigger than your courage,” Damon said blandly, casting her a fleeting glance.

Angie shrank back, her tears streaming down her face, “I really won't do this again...”

Damon said nothing; the only sound was the flick of a lighter. Azriel sat quietly to the side, lighting up a


After a silent, brooding moment, Damon stood up slowly and strode towards the exit. As he passed Angie, he left

her with an icy remark: “Someone at hwill deal with you.”

Angie dabbed at her tears and scuttled after Damon. Seth also stood up, eyeing Kane, who was scratching his

head in dismay, and delivered a sharp kick to his leg. “Let's get out of here.”

Kane: “But...”

Seth shot him a frosty look that jolted Kane into realization, and he hurriedly followed Seth out of the private


The spacious room was suddenly quiet, leaving only Azriel and Phoebe.

One stood up, looking like a child who had been caught misbehaving. The other sat down, exuding a gloomy

aura, silent, as if waiting for the other to break the silence.

Azriel took a deep drag on his cigarette, unsure what he was expecting her to say at this moment.