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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2096
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“You don’t oweany apologies. Even if you were dead, it wouldn't be any of my business.”

Cicely’s chauffeur couldn't stand idly by, “Miss...” The words seemed especially cruel considering Seth had just

narrowly escaped the Grim Reaper's clutches. His nerves were still rattled, and this talk of death felt like

tempting fate.

Seth pressed his lips together, silent for a moment before wiping his face with a blood-soaked hand. He paused

when he saw the crimson smears, then clenched his hand and let it hang by his side. Turning to the driver, he

said nothing.


“Just take them home,” he finally muttered. “I'll stay for the traffic cops.”

“What you should be doing is getting to the hospital, not waiting around for the police.” Lana's voice cut in, her

brows furrowed, and her aura stormy.d2

“You are running a high fever and got into a car accident. If you delay any longer, you'll either fry your brain, or

get a concussion. Or get a lovely combo of both and becan idiot. That way, you won't be able to do

anything stupid, and you'll save on support money.”

Seth stiffened.

The driver chimed in, “Yeah, Mr. Diaz, you really should get to the hospital. Your health comes first.”


With the car wrecked and the urgent need for a hospital, hopping into Cicely’s car was the quickest option.

Cicely didn’t speak as she got in and cradled Hugo in her arms.

Hugo's little face was pale as he clung to her clothes. “Mommy, | saw Daddy. There was so much blood.”

Cicely felt Hugo trembling and held him tighter. “Yeah, but it's okay, Daddy’s smart. He knows how to minimize

danger in an emergency,” she reassured Hugo.

The driver, who had already gotten into the car, sighed after hearing her words. “Miss, if we're talking about

minimizing danger when a crash is inevitable, Mr. Diaz's best move would've been to not swerve and hit the

brakes,” the driver commented.

Cicely frowned, “So he’s crazy?”

The driver shook his head, “If he had gone straight, he would've hit the car ahead, and that car would've hit


A realization hit Cicely hard.

The driver looked at Lana, who was busy ushering Seth to the passenger seat with a cold demeanor.

“We're all fine, even if our car got rear-ended, it wouldn't necessarily mean we'd get hurt. But you would've

definitely been frightened.”

As Seth was practically stuffed into the passenger seat, Cicely held Hugo, who was trying to wriggle free, and

glanced in the rearview mirror, locking eyes with Seth in reflection. “Mommy, | want to see Daddy.”

Cicely averted her gaze. “Daddy's fine. Be good, Hugo. We're taking Daddy to the hospital now.”

She didn’t want Hugo to see Seth covered in blood.


After a series of checks, the doctor's expression was grim. “What were you thinking? Driving with a fever of over

1027? Even if you'd made it hsafely, you probably would've fried your brain.” The doctor had no patience for

irrational patients who gambled with their lives.

Cicely, chided and stone-faced, asked, “How is he now?”

“Concussion. The head wound needs stitches. He's staying overnight to bring the fever down.”

Cicely bit her lip. Stitches and concussion. None of it was reassuring.

Just then, a young nurse ran over, tears streaming down her face.

“What happened?” asked the doctor.

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The young nurse, holding scissors, sobbed, “The patient with the fever and the car accident won't letshave

his head. He's so scary.”

The doctor closed his eyes and took a deep breath, “What's more important, his life or his hair?”

The nurse sniffled, “You should be telling him that, not me.”

The doctor was speechless.

“Why do they need to shave his head?” Cicely interjected.

“For the stitches. We have to shave the hair around the wound,” the doctor explained.

Cicely was silent for a moment before pressing her lips together, “Is there no other way?”

“No.” The doctor looked at Cicely, “Do you have a solution?”

Cicely shook her head, “No.”

“So we just let him be?”

Cicely frowned.


When Cicely approached, Seth’s dark mood hadn't lifted. “If you're the help the nurses have called in...”

“I am,” Cicely cut him off, then stepped closer, fingers probing his scalp until she found the wound near the left

temple. “Shaving off a lock will be covered by the hair on top. It won't be noticeable, and your hair will grow

back. Are you really going to fuss over a lock?”

Seth pursed his lips, “You would not likeif | were to beclike that.”

Cicely paused, “I'm not exactly fond of you right now, especially with the way you're behaving, so that’s hardly a


Being disliked seemed worse than losing a bit of hair to Seth. So, the nurse shaved as little as possible. Once the

hair was combed over, it was barely noticeable.

Cicely couldn’t help but smirk at Seth's sullen face. Despite just losing a tuft of hair, he seemed diminished


The ordeal with the haircut had taken its toll, and with the IV drip in, Seth had drifted off to sleep.

Hugo lay by his bedside, watching him sleep, then looked at Cicely and whispered, “Mommy, | think Daddy’s


Cicely glanced at Seth, then picked up Hugo. “Alright, it's tfor us to go home.”

Hugo pouted, a little disappointed, “Are we just leaving Daddy here alone?”

“Someone will take care of him.”

Hugo said nothing more, his worried eyes lingering on Seth, lying in the hospital bed.

As they exited the room, Lana was waiting by the door. Seeing Cicely, she had an expression that was both

expected and surprised. “Leaving?”


They had barely reached the hospital entrance when Charlie hurried over. “Ms. Cicely.”

“He’s in room V2010.”

Charlie seemed like he wanted to say more, but Cicely didn’t give him the chance.

On the drive back, night had fallen, and Hugo, exhausted, fell asleep in Cicely’s arms. Cicely, too, had closed her

eyes for a brief rest.

Lana had been silent throughout the journey, but as they neared Cicely’s Mansion, Lana suddenly spoke up, “Let

Cicely opened her eyes and turned to look at her, “Why ask again?”

The car pulled up at Cicely’s Mansion, and Cicely stepped out, carrying Hugo in her arms.

Lana opened her door, “Are you two just going to keep this up? Cicely, if you want to avoid any entanglements

with him, three years aren't enough. You walk away for another three, five, or ten years. Or, just stop wasting

tand get back together already. It’s clear there are feelings, yet you torment each other, and everyone

around you is exhausted. If you can’t get past that hurdle in your heart, then...”

Her gaze flicked to Hugo in Cicely’s arms, her tone resigned, “Perhaps do it for Hugo's sake.”

“Why do we have to be together?” Cicely, still holding Hugo, headed upstairs, “We're getting along peacefully

now, and | won't stop him from seeing Hugo. Everything is moving in a positive direction, except for us not being


“What about the future? You're still young. If you're not with him, does that mean you won't consider other


Cicely furrowed her brow, “If | meet someone | like or someone suitable, I'll naturally consider it.”

“So you'd consider finding a stepfather for Hugo.”

She opened the door to Hugo's nursery, and gently placed him on the bed, “That's a matter for the future. Do

you really think | would choose a sadist?”

Lana pursed her lips, “Do you think you'll find a man who loves you more than he does?”

Cicely smiled, “It doesn’t matter. As long as he loveseven a little, I'm coming out ahead.”

Lana’s expression darkened completely. “You really have thought this through.”

Cicely turned away nonchalantly, “I’m going to see what's for dinner. I'm a bit peckish.”


Dinner was ready by the tCicely cdownstairs. The servants promptly set the table upon her inquiry. She

sat down and instructed them, “Prepare sporridge and light dishes for Hugo when he wakes.”

“Right away.”

Cicely served sfood onto Lana's plate. “I don’t have the tor the energy to embark on a new relationship

right now with Hugo still so young. Auntie, you're thinking too far ahead.”

Lana took her fork, her face rather cold. “Cicely, don’t mess around.”

Cicely chuckled, “How could | mess around? Regardless, | have to consider Hugo.”

Lana said no more.

Hugo awoke around eight in the evening, and Cicely got him up, fed him, and bathed him. It was past eleven

when he finally went back to sleep.


Awakened by the footsteps of a nurse coming to remove his IV, Seth looked around the hospital room—there was

only the nurse and Charlie.

“Mr. Diaz, you're awake!”

Seth's eyes were bloodshot. His gaze swept the room again, his voice weak and hoarse. “Where are they?”

Charlie hesitated, then replied softly, “Ms. Cicely and the young master have gone home.”

Seth stared at the ceiling until the nurse removed the IV. Only then did he get out of bed, fighting off a wave of

dizziness. He grabbed his jacket from the sofa and headed for the door.

“Mr. Diaz, what are you doing?”

Seth brushed past the nurse. Halfway out, he asked Charlie for the car keys.

“I'll drive,” Charlie insisted, noting Seth's fever. “You're still not well.”

Without waiting for a response, Charlie hurried outside.


The car eventually stopped at Cicely’s Mansion. Seth, his voice rough, said, “You go rest.”

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“Alright...” Charlie reluctantly agreed and drove away.

Seth looked up at the light in Cicely’s room.

It was midnight.

He breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the spillar he had the night before. It was good she was still

there. Good she hadn't left.

Twenty minutes later, Cicely emerged from the bathroom, her hair half-dried and her pajama shoulder damp. Yet

she still climbed into bed.

The day’s events, though she’d done little at the amusement park, had worn her out, especially after witnessing

an accident and rushing to the hospital.

The exhaustion was tangible, but as she lay down, the day’s events replayed in her mind like a movie—

From encountering Seth in the morning to his accident and hospitalization. The last image in her mind was of

Seth's bloodied face and the driver's words,

“A straight collision would have hit the car ahead, certainly causing it to hit ours. Even if we weren't injured in

the rear-end, you would surely have been frightened.”

Her grip on the edge of the bedding tightened, and she forcefully closed her eyes.

Two minutes passed, and the bedroom light dimmed.

Seth's thoughts were muddled, his body instinctively still. He would stand guard here, to ensure Cicely didn’t


Since Hugo hadn't slept with Lana, Lana woke up early as usual, ready for a morning walk to stretch her limbs.

After breakfast, Lana stepped outside and spotted a familiar figure leaning against a pillar. If not for her clear-

headedness and the white bandage around Seth's head, Lana might have thought she was still in yesterday.

Seeing her, Seth moved sluggishly, supporting himself against the pillar. He didn’t withdraw his hand as he had

the day before but kept it there, looking at Lana.

“Good morning.” His hoarse voice sent shivers down Lana's spine, fearing he might start bleeding as he spoke.

“You...” Lana struggled to find the words, “Weren't you in the hospital?”

Seth didn’t answer but instead asked, “Are you leaving today?”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay

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Lana compressed her lips and stepped forward. “You are making yourself look like this. Do you think she’ll take


Seth tugged at his lip gently, “She doesn’t fall for that.” So it wasn't like he was putting on a sob story to gain


Lana took a deep breath, looking at him with detachment. “What are you really after, Seth? What kind of

outcdo you want between you two?”

“Given how well you claim to understand her, you should know what's on her mind. If she doesn’t want to be

with you, or, since you understand her, you should know how to win her over.”

Seth was silent for a long time. After a while, his hoarse voice slowly began to fill the space, “She said she loved

me. If | make her angry, she will forgiveas long as | sweet-talk her. Now she doesn’t love me. She's mad, and

no matter how | try to sweet-talk her, it doesn’t work.”

Lana felt a sudden tightness in her chest, an unexpected wave of sorrow washing over her.

“She used to say that it was all one-sided on her part, that her love forwas open and known to all. She

feared losing me, and | wouldn't want her. But I've always known that if she was set on leaving, I'd be the one

truly helpless.”

How could he admit that he loved her?

“Does saying ‘I love you’ even matter?”

Lana bit her lip, feeling an inexplicable sense of powerlessness overwhelm her.

It was useless.

That was why back then he had been so obsessive, refusing to let Cicely go no matter what. His love really

couldn't bind Cicely.