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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1991-2000
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“I said, this is something between the two of us.” Seth’s tone left no room for


Creighton squinted at him for a moment. “I thought you didn’t like her? I

intended to entrust her to you, but if you feel it’s too much, I won’t force you.

What’s important is that I don’t want to give you another chance to break her


Seth didn’t reply, but his intentions were clear and firm.

At that moment, Brody walked in, followed closely by his son Issac. Both men

wore grim expressions.


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Creighton turned his attention to Brody. “What’s the matter?”d2

Brody glanced at Seth before saying, “We’ve just been to the hotel to get a

handle on the situation. The banquet had to be cut short because of an incident.

Mr. Ray’s personal misconduct has been leaked, and his family’s company is in

damage control mode. But given the number of reputable media outlets present

as witnesses, it’s unlikely their PR spin will do much good. We’ll have a clearer

picture by tomorrow morning.”

This result was exactly what Seth had initially desired. He understood that, even

without Brody spelling it out.

Creighton snorted, unsurprised by the news.

“There’s something else, sir.” Brody hesitated, his expression more serious than


“Out with it.”

“Yes, sir.” Brody nodded. “According to the hotel receptionist, Mr. Ray was

forcing himself on Miss Danielle. She tried to resist but called for help when she

couldn’t fend him off. However, in the end…”

Creighton’s head shot up, his face a storm of rage. “In the end, what?”

“Well, apparently, Miss Danielle was so frightened that when she saw Mr. Ray

dragging Cicely into the room, she… she ran away.”

Creighton bolted upright from the couch.

He stared at Brody for a long moment before bursting into a grim laugh. “You’re

telling me Cicely saved Danielle, and then Danielle left Cicely behind and ran


Rarely had Brody seen Creighton lose his temper, and he dared not speak


Issac stepped forward, pulling out his phone. “Here’s the security footage from

the hotel. It should make it very clear whether Miss Danielle acted out of fear or


Creighton practically snatched the phone from his hand.

Issac withdrew, casting a glance at Seth. “I bet you already have an idea

whether Miss Danielle was deliberate or not, without even seeing the footage.”

Seth, with his stoic good looks, stepped beside Creighton.

On the screen, Danielle was seen helping Ray into a room, struggling at the

door. Barefoot, Cicely walked into the lounge, high heels in hand, trying to help


Then Cicely got caught by Ray, looking back at Danielle with a gaze that

seemed to expect the obvious—that Danielle would help her in return.

But Danielle just stood at the door, coldly watching Cicely struggle, shaking her

head and deciding to leave.

The confusion and fear in Cicely’s eyes as she was dragged into the room and

the door slammed shut, cutting off all hope, sank into the hearts of the


The phone’s screen began to shake as Creighton’s hand trembled

uncontrollably. The footage continued with Danielle encountering reporters, then

meeting Seth, and pretending to know nothing as she hurried away with him.

With a loud “thud,” Creighton threw the phone onto the coffee table. “Where’s

Danielle? Where is she?!” His booming voice detonated like a bomb in the living


Knowing something had gone wrong that night, he had guessed what Seth had

been plotting. Even if Cicely ended up the victim, he had thought it was just an

unfortunate accident. He hadn’t anticipated that this “accident” was


Issac said calmly, “I’ve sent people to look for her.”

Outside, two cars pulled up to the house.

Danielle was brought out of one, followed by Erik from the other. He didn’t even

glance at Danielle as he hustled into the living room, leaning on his cane.

“Where’s Cicely?!”

Issac had barely finished when Erik’s anxious voice filled the room. He was

asking about Cicely’s condition as soon as he entered.

Creighton tried to contain his rage in front of his father but failed.

Brody quickly said, “Miss is resting now, sir. Please be at ease.”

Seeing so many people in the living room, Erik asked, “What in the world is

going on?”

There was a moment of silence. Then Creighton saw Danielle coming in from

behind, her hands crossed in front of her, her face a mix of anxiety and evasion.

He approached her slowly, his icy gaze lingering on her face. Finally, he raised

his hand and slapped her hard across the face.

Danielle fell to the ground from the blow.

Erik furrowed his brow deeply. “What are you doing? Have you lost your mind?!”

Creighton stood towering over Danielle, pointing shakily at her. “Ungrateful…”

Blood trickled from the corner of Danielle’s mouth.

Creighton swayed, and Brody quickly stepped in to support him. “We’ve always

tolerated your mutual disdain, and if you think it’s your right as a member of the

Ellis family, then fine. But just on the matter at hand, Danielle, how could you

convince yourself to abandon her? She was trying to save you! And you

deliberately left her to fend for herself! How could you!”

Tears splattered onto the floor as Danielle clutched her face, but no words could

escape her lips.

“Do you really think you can keep this hidden? Or did you think, even if Cicely

were in trouble, I wouldn’t lay a finger on you?!”

From those words, Erik could sense something amiss. When he spoke again,

his voice was heavy with disappointment, “What happened, Danielle? What

does it mean that you abandoned Cicely?”

Creighton pointed an accusing finger at Danielle, “This… this ungrateful brat.”

He tried to speak but was too choked with rage to continue.

Issac stepped forward, picked up the smartphone, and handed it to Erik. “This is

the security footage from the hotel. You’ll see everything you need to know.”

Danielle trembled, suddenly looked up, and her gaze fell straight onto Seth, who

was standing off to the side, his expression unreadable. He was cool and

detached, revealing nothing but indifference. And yet, Danielle felt a shame so

deep it seemed to scald her.

Erik didn’t finish watching the video before tossing the smartphone at Danielle’s

feet. “What did you think you’d gain from doing this, other than possibly

destroying Cicely? All these years, where did your uncle fail you? Did Cicely

ever wrong you in a way that warranted this betrayal? He pratically raised a wolf

in sheep’s clothing, a snake ready to strike!”

The humiliation, the crushing accusations, they left Danielle with nowhere to

hide. One was her so-called uncle, and the other was her grandfather. The two

people in this world closest to her, now, for the sake of Cicely, they were

dragging her name through the mud.

Rising slowly to her feet, Danielle said, “I’m sorry, okay? I made a mistake.

Everything you’re saying is right. I’m ungrateful, an ingrate. Cicely has her real

father’s doting, and her grandfather’s love; if she’s wronged, you all jump to her

defense. But it’s different for me. The whole sky falls down for Cicely’s slightest

discomfort. The surveillance shows I was the one insulted first. Yet none of you

mention that?”

Creighton’s face contorted with anger. “Don’t you dare distort the truth! Cicely

was trying to save you!”

“So it’s only right that I’m the one who should be bullied today?” Danielle said,

her voice cold. “I’m not trying to excuse myself. It was wrong to leave Cicely

behind, and selfish, too. I admit to all of it. So, what’s next? What do you want to

do? Come on, I’m ready to pay for my actions.”

Creighton trembled with fury. She had been so sure from the start that he

wouldn’t do anything to her, which was why she dared to commit such a

heartless act. She lacked compassion, but as an elder, he could not act without


“This matter is between her and me, Dad, Grandpa. Please, don’t interfere.”

A detached and indifferent voice came from upstairs – Cicely, leaning against

the railing in her pajamas, looked down at the chaotic living room. With such a

commotion below, it was impossible for her not to hear.

Seth looked up, Cicely was descending the stairs, barefoot. A flicker of concern

crossed his face as he went to her and scooped her into his arms.

“Do I need to remind you how annoying you’ve been today?” Cicely asked,

gazing at him.

His voice low and husky, Seth replied, “You’re not wearing shoes.”

At that, Cicely barely smiled, and she let Seth carry her, her gaze settling on

Danielle. Their eyes met, and Danielle felt another wave of embarrassment.

“Hold me closer. I have a few things to say to Danielle.”

As Seth approached Danielle with Cicely in his arms, Danielle instinctively

stepped back. Cicely’s eyes held a faint smile, “Seth just asked do I want to

break up with him?”

Seth’s complexion changed subtly, his grip tightening.

“Do you think if I told him I wanted to split, he’d choose you over me?”

Danielle’s lips pressed tightly together, her fists clenched.

Cicely turned to Seth, “Would you?”


Cicely looked back at Danielle and continued, “To be honest, before tonight, I

might never have asked him that question because I wasn’t sure he’d say ‘no.’

But now, do you know why I asked? He probably feels some kind of debt

towards me. I’m okay now, so I can afford to feel relieved that it was me who

took the hit tonight. If it had been you, his guilt would have shifted to you. And if

you wanted to take advantage of that guilt to make him stay with you, it might

just work..”

Danielle’s eyes, which had been filled with doubt, widened in shock. “Why…”

“Because I’m his girlfriend, but I had to play your knight in shining armor. So

tonight, if either of us had gotten hurt, he would’ve been to blame. Why do you

think he’d feel guilty?”

The possibility that had begun to dawn on Danielle shattered with Cicely’s


Creighton frowned at her. After all this, she was still covering for Seth.

However, having Danielle know the whole truth would cause trouble, not just for

Seth, but for her, too, assuming she didn’t want to break up with him.

“But let’s be clear, what you did tonight, abandoning me, that’s a debt I still

intend to settle. I hold grudges, and I won’t let you off easily if I catch you. Can

we just let it go for tonight? I’m feeling terrible, and I can’t sleep with all this


Grandpa and Dad couldn’t really kill Danielle, but without her stepping in, it

seemed this scene tonight could never end.

“I’m going back to bed. She was your responsibility, after all, so it’s only right

you see her out. If you’re planning to take her home, put me down.”

Seth looked at her, said nothing, but turned and carried her upstairs.

Cicely smiled, letting him take her away.Danielle watched as Seth cradled Cicely in his

arms and walked away, her mind

swirling with Cicely’s recent words.

“He probably feels some kind of debt towards me. I’m okay now, so I can afford

to feel relieved that it was me who took the hit tonight. If it had been you, his

guilt would have shifted to you. And if you wanted to take advantage of that guilt

to make him stay with you, it might just work.”

“There are so many kinds of love. It doesn’t always have to be romantic to be


Patty’s words from Cicely’s debutante ball suddenly crowded Danielle’s thoughts

at this moment. She hadn’t understood then, but now, she was beginning to. It

Enter title…

didn’t have to be love that brings people together, guilt could do the trick too.

“To be with the one you love makes you a winner in life. You must learn to be

content and not ask for too much.”

Patty’s words from the past now seemed to resonate deeply within her, but it

seemed Cicely had beaten her to the punch.d2

Seth felt guilty towards her. He felt guilt for not protecting her tonight. Everyone

could see that the power in their relationship had never been in Cicely’s hands,

but now, it seemed to have shifted to her. As long as she played her cards right

with that guilt, Seth would stay by her side.

And the one who made it all possible was Danielle.

Cicely stepping in to stop any further pursuit had also given Erik and Creighton

a way out. Digging deeper wouldn’t change anything.

“Issac, see her out,” Creighton ordered coldly, motioning towards Danielle.

Issac nodded, stepping outside to make the arrangements.

Erik’s gaze on Danielle was heavy with disappointment and chill.

“How can two kids raised under the same roof turn out so different, one with

such a selfish and spiteful heart?”

Danielle felt desolate and met his words with a bitter laugh. “In your eyes, she’s

always been the better one.”

Erik took a deep breath. “No one’s been comparing you two. It’s you who’s

made her your rival all these years. You both are Ellis’, and her successes don’t

threaten you, nor do yours affect her. Eventually, the family legacy will belong to

just you two, and no one wishes more for you two to get along than us. Forget it,

if you were going to change, it wouldn’t have taken till today. You’re grown with

your own mind, and we can’t constrain you. Pursue your dreams if you wish, but

if you’re going to measure yourself against Cicely, just stay with the Ellis family.

We can afford to keep you.”

“No need. I’ve been a thorn in your side for years, and I don’t deserve to be a

freeloader.” With those final words, she turned and left coldly.

Erik’s brow knitted in frustration.

Creighton’s breathing grew heavy, he sank into the sofa, his head lowered,

struggling to get over the hurdle.

The tension in the air thickened, and Brody felt a sense of helplessness beside

him. “Sir, perhaps Miss Danielle is just more sensitive since she’s an orphan.

Her attitude over the years might stem from being hung up on her mother’s


At the mention of this, both Erik and Creighton’s expressions shifted slightly.

“If she’s unsatisfied, she should take it up with me. It was solely my decision to

stop her mother from entering our family. She has no right to take it out on


Brody said no more. Creighton had always worried that living with Erik might

make Danielle uncomfortable or even worsen their conflicts, which was why he

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allowed her to stay, but it hadn’t changed anything.

After a while, Creighton sighed and waved his hand dismissively. “Let it go, Dad,

don’t bother with it anymore. Tonight, Cicely… it didn’t lead to irreversible

consequences, so let it be.”

Again with ‘let it be.’

Brody stood aside, watching Creighton’s helpless demeanor, feeling a pang of

sympathy. Time and again, it was Creighton who made the concessions

because of Danielle.

Family skeletons were meant to stay in the closet, and no matter how ruthless,

one couldn’t cut off their own flesh and blood, especially the only child left by his

own brother.

“Sir, perhaps you should stay here for the night. It’s getting late.” Brody tactfully

changed the subject.

Erik, not wanting to go through any more trouble, nodded in agreement.


Cicely was placed back into bed by Seth, burrowing beneath the covers.

“I really feel awful right now, so do the smart thing and leave. You must have a

lot to deal with, just close the door on your way out.”

Seth watched her turn her back to him as usual, standing still for a long while

before finally turning to leave.

Exiting the Ellis family home, he took out his phone, which had been vibrating all

night. It was filled with calls from Patty. He gave it a cursory glance and then

switched it off.


The next morning, the events of the previous night had fully fermented and

exploded. Negative comments and skeletons from the past were dragged into

the light.

Fans of their signed artists were clamoring for contract terminations, and scripts


Ray’s management faced a near-universal boycott.

The turn of events was within Seth’s expectations except for one thing—Ray’s


He had never considered it.

Even when he decided to use Danielle, he had never thought he’d lay a hand on

Ray. But who could have foreseen it would come down to Cicely?


He had wanted to shelter her from the darkness and filth of society, keep her

untouched by its ugliness. How then could he bear to see her consumed by it?

Destroy Ray? He had wanted to kill him.

Seth sat alone in his office, his expression as frosty as the atmosphere, the

room itself felt like it was in the grip of winter.

Suddenly, the door swung open. Patty stormed in, her shawl tight in her grip, her

face set in a stormy expression.

Seth gave her a brief glance before turning away, picking up a document from

his desk. He didn’t say a word, allowing Patty’s upcoming tirade to unfold.

His indifference only fanned the flames of Patty’s fury. “I specifically asked you

to help Danielle shake off Ray’s obsessive grip, Seth, but instead you practically

gift-wrapped her and handed her over to him. What the heck were you


“She wants to act, and Ray’s got the connections and the clout in the theater

scene. She wants it, and she didn’t say no. It was her choice.”

Patty squinted at him, a fierce glint in her eyes. “And was it her choice when she

almost got raped by that bastard? You can’t keep seeing Cicely. Call it quits,

now. If we’re talking crushes, Danielle’s probably head over heels for you too.

Personality-wise, Danielle’s a way better match for you. And let’s not forget,

because of your negligence yesterday, Danielle almost got herself in a real

mess. Do you have any idea how devastated a girl with a spotless reputation

can be if she’s nearly raped? You are responsible for this, Seth.”

Seth looked up, his gaze icy as he met Patty’s accusation. “If you’re so keen to

bring up last night’s fiasco, then you should know it wasn’t Danielle who nearly

got raped.”

Patty scoffed with disbelief. “She was asking for it.”

A frown creased Seth’s brow.

“She’s narrow-minded, jealous because you’re getting too close to Danielle. She

went to that party of her own volition. Nobody invited her. If she gets in trouble,

she’s asking for it.”

After a moment, Seth’s stern features suddenly twisted into a mocking sneer,

accompanied by a low, cold chuckle. He tossed his pen onto the desk and

leaned back in his chair, his posture relaxed but his voice laced with a frosty

edge. “So, if my girlfriend Cicely gets into trouble, she’s asking for it, but I’m

supposed to take responsibility for Danielle? Isn’t that a bit hypocritical?”

Patty had never seen Seth so wickedly nonchalant, and for a second, she

seemed utterly lost.

“So you’re that eager to set me up with Danielle, huh? She’s all grace and poise,

a perfect match for me.” Seth reached for a drawer to pull out a cigarette, but

then he stopped himself and pushed it shut. “Since she’s so graceful and

compliant, does that mean I can parade around with other women, push them

onto someone else, and then take responsibility when things go south?”

Patty’s face was a picture of disbelief. “You… what?”

“At that point, will this perfectly suited, adoring woman be able to stay calm and

magnanimous, welcoming them into our lives?”

Patty stared at Seth as if he were a creature from another world. “Have you lost

your mind?”

“Am I crazy?” Seth’s laugh was tinged with sarcasm. “I’d have to be out of my

mind to agree to take Danielle to that party, knowing full well it would cause

drama with Cicely.”

Patty’s brow furrowed as she digested Seth’s words, her expression suddenly

turning ashen. “Don’t tell me you had an ulterior motive for taking Danielle to

that party.”

“Curious about my motive?” Seth’s smile was thin. “The current state of Ray’s

family is my motive.”

Patty’s eyes widened in shock. “So you… you deliberately set Danielle up.”

“Too bad Danielle ended up pushing Cicely out in the end.” The icy humor in

Seth’s eyes faded as he spoke.

“What do you mean Danielle pushed Cicely out?” Patty stopped mid-sentence,

her puzzled gaze freezing as it met Seth’s. It seemed unthinkable, yet her

rational mind told her it was exactly something Danielle would do.

“Cicely said she was actually relieved it was her and not Danielle. Because if it

had been Danielle, I might have felt guilty enough to agree to be with her. But as

it stands, it wasn’t Danielle.

“The truth is, I’ve put up with Cicely smashing my car and creating a scene, and

I never thought about breaking up with her. But I still decided to take Danielle

out. Because, from the get-go, I never intended to take responsibility for her.

“I ignored Danielle at the party, I didn’t lay a finger on her when we got back to

the Ellis estate, and the fact that she’s still fine now is the most dignity I’ve

afforded her—just because I planned to use her from the start.”

Seth looked straight at Patty. “After all this, do you get my point? If you think my

attitude doesn’t matter, go tell Danielle that I only wanted to use her last night.

See if she’s heartbroken or just upset, and if she still wants to keep her crush on


Patty was speechless. She was filled with confusion and doubt about Seth.

When had he become so hard and merciless? When had he become so


“Why did you change like this? You’re just…”

“If I don’t change, the world will leave me behind. Do you think I want to live the

rest of my life branded as some trophy boy living off a woman?”

Patty finally understood it. Her eyebrows knitted together as her voice took on a

sharp edge. “Is it because of Cicely?! What are you plotting? Because she’s the

Ellis family’s precious daughter, you’re doing all this just to prove you’re worthy

of her, aren’t you?! For her, you’d sacrifice Danielle…”

She caught her breath, horror dawning on her. Her son, her own flesh and

blood, could be such a terrifying person.

For Cicely, for Millie’s daughter, he’d become this obsessed.

But why?

Why was it that Millie had two men so fiercely in love with her? One, who wore

his heart on his sleeve while the other, loved humbly and silently. The man

openly in love with Millie was the same man Patty herself cherished, and the

other was Patty’s own husband, who professed his love for her and pledged to

nurture and protect her for the rest of their lives.

She had thought that not marrying the man she loved and instead settling for a

man who loved her was the right choice. Yet she hadn’t expected that Tod didn’t

love her at all; he loved Millie, who was in Creighton’s arms. He facilitated Millie

and Creighton’s love, trapping her in his world for a lifetime, all to give Millie a

peaceful life.

One was heartless, and the other was a complete fraud.

She hated Millie. She hated Millie for ruining her life.

But why? How could her son fall fr Millie’s daughter?

Seth’s mom had always been the epitome of poise and grace, but now, as she

stood before him, her composure was shattered like a dropped porcelain vase.

The usually serene Patty was a storm of emotions, her voice sharp as broken


“Seth, you can’t fall for Cicely, not Millie’s daughter. You just can’t! Do you hear

me?!” Patty’s voice pitched into hysteria, her body language screaming of a

control slipping away.

Seth’s brow furrowed in concern as he rose to his feet. Patty, her elegant shawl

crumpled on the floor, clutched her head in her hands, her eyes blazing with

distress. “Millie, Millie, Millie, why is it always her? Why can’t I ever escape her


The commotion in the office had grown too loud, and secretaries from outside,

fearing the worst, rushed in only to find Patty in the throes of near madness.

“Out!” Seth barked coldly, and the onlookers scurried away, closing the door

behind them with a click.

Seth reached for Patty’s shoulders, trying to steady her, but she suddenly

grasped his hands, her face a canvas of desperate pleading and appeasement.

“Do you hear me, Seth? Be a good boy, and listen to your mother, won’t you?

You can’t… you mustn’t fall for her daughter. Isn’t Danielle good enough? She’s

the apple of the Ellis family’s eye, and she’s my best friend’s girl, she’s

wonderful. If not her, then any other girl, any girl at all, just not her.”An hour later, the

office regained its tranquility.

Seth had brought Patty’s private physician, who administered a sedative to help

Patty calm down. Patty was now resting in the break room.

“Ma’am has rarely been sick in recent years, and you’ve always been cautious

about this. What happened today?”

Seth’s expression was icy.

Seth wasn’t talking and looked rather pallid, so the doctor carefully added

another piece of advice. “Please do not upset her again, and don’t go against

her wishes. You’ve been doing so well with this over the years.”

Enter title…

Seth stood by the bed in the break room, silently watching Patty’s pale, sleeping

face, lost in thought for a long time.d2

The doctor called out to him uncertainly, “Mr. Diaz.”

Seth slowly turned away from Patty, remained silent for a few seconds, and then

spoke softly, “I understand.”

Exiting the break room, Seth walked to his desk, pulled open a drawer, and took

out a cigarette. He lit it and then picked up his cell phone, pacing toward the


The office was silent. The figure by the window stood rigid as if rooted to the

spot. Occasionally, a faint wisp of smoke rose from that direction, then silently

vanished into the air.

He fiddled with his phone for a while, pausing midway before continuing.

When the cigarette was down to the butt, he turned and stubbed it out in the

crystal ashtray on the desk. Once again he looked at his phone, finally unlocking


Cicely’s fever had subsided. When she woke up in the morning, she had

breakfast and appeared to be in good spirits.

Erik and Creighton had joined her for breakfast, and now that her looking better,

they felt much relieved.

“School’s starting soon. Got everything you need? If you don’t feel up to it, I can

have someone prepare everything for you,” Creighton offered.

“Hmm.” Cicely pondered for a moment, “Clothes, shoes? Maybe I’ll pop by the

stationery store later, and pick out some nice pens and notebooks.” Thinking

about it, she realized she hadn’t really visited a stationery store in many years.

“Sure. Isaac can go with you later.”

Cicely took another spoonful of porridge, pausing briefly when she heard

Creighton’s suggestion, then nodded lightly. “Okay.”

After breakfast, Cicely went upstairs to change. While she was halfway through,

her phone rang. It was Seth calling.

Without hesitation, she picked up.


Seth hadn’t expected her to answer so quickly, and for a moment, there was a

prolonged silence.

“Did you dial the wrong number or what?” Cicely glanced at the screen; it was

indeed him.

It took a moment for Seth to speak, his voice deep. “I thought you’d still be


Cicely laughed, “So you decided to bother me while I was supposed to be


“If you hadn’t answered, I wouldn’t have called again.”

Cicely frowned, “What are you talking about?”

“Is your fever gone? You sound fine.”

“Yeah, what, was I supposed to keep burning up for days?”

Another pause from the other end, “And your foot? Is it better?”

This time, Cicely didn’t respond right away. Silence fell on Seth’s side as well.

After a while, Cicely spoke first, “Seth, what do you really want to say? When

did you become so hesitant? Do I have some kind of rapid self-healing power?

Can a scrape heal completely in less than twelve hours?”

Having a valid point to argue, she spoke with newfound boldness.

“Just take care and we’ll talk after you’ve recovered.”

Cicely suddenly froze, her grip tightening on the phone. After about ten seconds,

she simply said “Okay” and hung up.

She was only wearing jeans; her T-shirt lay beside her on the bed, and she

listlessly pulled it over her head, then sat down.

Some things seemed clear to her, yet they were still uncertain. She wanted to

ask, but anxiety held her back. She feared that asking one more question might

bring the answer she least wanted to hear.

Cicely sat on the bed for several minutes until there was a knock on the door.

“Miss, there’s a visitor downstairs. Mr. Creighton wants you to come down.”

The maid got no reply, “Miss? Are you there?”

After a moment, the bedroom door swung open, and Cicely stepped out. “What

does any visitor have to do with me?”

The maid just shook her head.

Cicely descended the stairs.

In the living room sat a young, handsome man whose appearance and

demeanor immediately suggested that he was no ordinary gentleman. Upon

seeing her, he stood up, a slight forced warmth in his otherwise aloof smile.

“Hello, Ms. Cicely, I manage The Watson Hotel. I’m terribly sorry about the

incident last night that caused you distress.”

Cicely understood; this was someone from the hotel coming to apologize and

mitigate the damage. She gave a wry smile, approached him, and looked up

into the handsome face across from her, her gaze audacious.

“You’re in charge of The Watson Hotel? You don’t look much older than me.

How did you get to run the renowned Watson Hotel?”

The man casually stepped back a half-step, maintaining a polite smile. “Thanks

to my father’s influence.”

Cicely’s eyes twinkled as it clicked, “Ah, so you’re the son of the Watson family.

That explains it.”

Claud simply nodded, acknowledging her assumption. “Though the incident has

happened and the harm can’t be undone, I felt it was necessary to apologize to

you in person. How can we make amends to you?”

“What to do?” Cicely tilted her head, pretending to ponder before looking at

Claud with a playful smile, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

Claud smiled lightly and said. “No.”

“Then, that settles it,” Cicely tilted her chin up and said with a smile, “School

starts in three days, so how about you keeping me company until then.”

Claud paused a beat, “Not worried about your boyfriend getting jealous?”

“Would jealousy stop you from accompanying me? Are you apologizing to him,

or to me?”

Claud’s smile held a hint of chill. “I do not believe that I owe that gentleman any


Cicely raised an eyebrow, “Alright then. You’re coming shopping with me now.”

Creighton chimed in at just the right moment, “Cicely, that’s enough.”

“Got it. Who’d want to cross the Watson family’s young master, right?”

Once outside, Claud personally opened the car door for Cicely, and had the

driver step aside, taking the wheel himself.

“This car smells like disinfectant,” Cicely complained.

“Sorry about that.” Without further ado, Claud started the engine.

As they drove away from the Ellis family estate, there wasn’t much conversation

between the two strangers. Claud broke the silence, “You looked a bit off when

you came downstairs earlier. I heard from your dad that your fever’s gone.”

Cicely leaned lazily against the seatback, watching the sycamore leaves flutter

to the ground. “Yeah. I got a call I shouldn’t have answered.”

There seemed to be a story behind those words, but Claud didn’t pry.

“I’m not too familiar with P City, so do you have a specific destination in mind


“Let’s hit the stationery store.”

Claud glanced at her, “What grade are you in?”

“College. Is that a problem?”

“No problem.”

They drove in silence for a while longer until Cicely suddenly said, “Actually, let’s

make a stop at a phone store first.”


Cicely walked out with the latest smartphone model and got herself a new

number. She then took out her old phone, “Trade this in?”

The salesperson glanced at the nearly new phone, “We’ll take it.”


Claud observed all this quietly, offering no comment. He’d thought that

accompanying a woman on a shopping spree would be the ultimate test of

patience, but the woman beside him seemed to have even less of it than he did.

They were in and out of the stationery store in less than ten minutes, with just a

few pens and notebooks.

“I need a break. Let’s sit somewhere.”

After a coffee shop stop and a restaurant meal, they had spent thirty minutes

driving downtown, ten minutes buying a phone, another ten in the stationery

store, with the rest of the day spent at the coffee shop and now the restaurant.

Claud had anticipated an easy mission based on Cicely’s physical strength, but

after lunch, she powered through the mall for three hours straight.

His mood was souring by the minute. Hers wasn’t much better.


Ray’s family business was in showbiz, and the recent scandal had sent their

troubles skyrocketing, with endless drama.

Not only were their managed celebrities starting to rebel, but their scripts were

under pressure from other shareholders eager to dump them before they lost

value. Directors and producers were watching closely, leveraging public opinion

and a full-scale boycott to push Ray’s family to their limits.

Within three days, Ray’s family were forced to sell off their most valuable scripts.

Everyone had their eye on those scripts, but no one was a fool; they waited,

knowing the prices would drop further with time. They didn’t expect all the highquality

scripts to be snapped up so quickly by some unknown media company.

The news caused widespread confusion. Who was this new player? Cicely,

eyeing the unfamiliar name on the screen, couldn’t help but smirk.

Who indeed?

Everything had been orchestrated by him, and now, there was no way that he

would leave any chances for others.

He was capable, alright. She knew he had intentions in the film industry, but she

hadn’t expected him to actually pull off starting a company and securing topnotch scripts

on his first go.

Though she wasn’t savvy about the ins and outs, she understood that the film

industry was highly lucrative. High quality, solid teams, and good marketing

meant success was almost guaranteed.

With Seth’s clear and extravagant action, it was obvious he wouldn’t make a

move unless it was of significant importance. He had been planning for so long,

aiming to establish a firm foothold in the industry – he was determined.

Such audacity was exactly what she admired in a man.

At ten in the morning, Claud arrived at the Ellis family estate promptly.

The first day was stationery stores and malls.

The second day, malls and supermarkets.

On the third day, Claud asked directly, “Which mall are we hitting today?”

“Umm. let’s skip the mall today. I’m sick of clothes and shoes. Let’s go to the

amusement park. I’ve never been to one before.”

Claud frowned, glancing at her feet, “You sure you want to do that?”


By four in the afternoon, Claud was carrying Cicely back to the Ellis family

home. Her pallor alarmed the butler who opened the door. “Miss, what’s


As the household gathered in the living room, Claud entered carrying Cicely. His

gaze met Seth’s for a brief moment, the intensity in the other man’s eyes


Creighton stepped forward, “What’s going on… What now?” It seemed like one

thing after another lately.

Claud, his face set in a cold expression, said tersely, “She hurt her foot at the

amusement park and refused to go to the hospital.”

There was a moment of silence before Creighton acted, ordering Brody to call a


“Second room on the right, upstairs. If you think you can handle it, I don’t mind

you carrying me a bit longer.” Cicely, who had been frowning the whole time,

suddenly spoke up.

Seth, who had just started to approach, stopped in his tracks at her words.

Claud gave her a look and carried her upstairs, with Creighton following closely.

After settling Cicely on the bed, Claud dusted off his impeccable suit, earning an

eye roll from her. “That’s enough. I accept your apology. You can go now.”

Claud lingered, staring at her before suddenly lifting the hem of her pants.

Cicely flinched back, “What are you doing?”

Claud caught a glimpse of blood seeping out from the edge of her sock around

the ankle. He stared at her and asked, “Do you have a tendency for self-harm?”

Creighton walked in, and Cicely’s eyes caught the figure behind him. She

instinctively pulled her feet back.

Claude pulled his hand back, casually grabbing a wet wipe from the nightstand

beside Cicely’s bed.

He wiped his hands with a nonchalance, and said, “Hey, it was me who brought

you to the amusement park. You got hurt on my watch, so just walking away

doesn’t seem right.”

“Your job here is done,” Cicely replied.

Claude paused, his gaze dropping to meet hers as a faint smile played at the

corner of his lips. “Who says I’m here on a job? Can’t a guy just want to see

you’re alright without an agenda?”

Cicely looked at him, a hint of surprise flickering across her face.

With a quirk of his eyebrow, Claude’s eyes briefly darted to her feet before he

stepped closer, tossing the wet wipe aside. “Let me help you with your shoes

first,” he offered, reaching out toward Cicely’s hand.

But before he could make contact, another hand intercepted. Claud lifted his

gaze to meet Seth’s indifferent face.

“Mr. Watson, I’ll take it from here,” Seth said coolly. “It’s the least I can do,” Claude


Seth’s long gaze narrowing slightly at the scene before him. “There’s nothing

here that you’re obliged to do.”

Raising an eyebrow, Claud withdrew his hand and turned to Cicely. “Do you

need me to stick around?”

Cicely shot him a sidelong glance, her tone laced with impatience. “Aren’t you

feeling worse than I am right now? Just go, you’re making me uneasy just

standing there.”

The look in Claud’s eyes changed as they rested on her, a sure sign of his


Enter title…

Seth, witnessing the exchange, felt a shadow pass over his features, his face

darkening with a mixture of anger and something else—something territorial.d2

Sensing the thick hostility rolling off Seth, Claud averted his gaze. “Since you’re

so worried about me, I can’t have you fretting any longer. I’ll head out. You’ve

got my number. Call me anytime.”

“Hmm,” Cicely murmured absently, her mind clearly elsewhere, coping with the

throbbing pain in her foot that threatened to knock her unconscious. To Seth,

however, her response seemed to carry a different weight.

As Claud left, Seth pursed his lips tightly, silently sitting on the edge of the bed.

He glanced at Cicely and then shifted his gaze to her feet.

Cicely flinched.

Seth first reached for her leg, his grip firm despite her attempt to withdraw. She

felt his hand tighten and eventually allowed him to remove her shoe, peel back

the cuff of her pants, and slide off her sock.

Removing just one sock revealed a foot that was starkly pale against the

crimson of her heel, with blood matted and flesh raw. The fabric sticking to the

wound made Cicely’s eyes well up with tears from the sheer pain.

Creighton inhaled sharply. “How on earth did you manage to do this to yourself?

Didn’t you feel the pain at the start?!”

Seth lifted his gaze, looking at her with a detached calm.

Sniffling, Cicely’s voice was tinged with a cry, “Dad, my foot hurts, and you’re

yelling at me. Soon my whole body will hurt.”

Seth methodically removed her other shoe. He held her foot without saying a


The family doctor, practically dragged in by Isaac, wore a look of concern upon

seeing Cicely’s foot. “My lady, aren’t you the one who hates pain the most? How

did you not notice such severe abrasions?” As he spoke, he opened the medical

kit with practiced ease, finding antiseptic and bandages. “Isn’t school starting

tomorrow? Maybe you should wait it out. No need to show up in a wheelchair,”

the doctor added.

Catching sight of the antiseptic bottle in his hand, Cicely’s eyelashes fluttered.

“Can you stay away from me? I hate seeing you.”

The doctor chuckled wryly. “I know you don’t like me. If you truly despise me,

don’t let yourself get hurt again.” He turned, with tweezers and cotton ball in


Cicely tried to pull her foot back, but Seth’s grip did not relent. Seth met her

gaze with a stern face. “Do you think these feet are expendable?”

Cicely’s face was pale, her vulnerability and weakness now doubled.

Seth turned his gaze back to the doctor, his grasp on her foot tightening. “Treat


“I’m in pain!” Cicely’s face turned even paler.

“Apply the medicine.” Seth insisted.

“Dad!” She looked to Creighton for help, but he knew coddling her wouldn’t

solve anything.

“Just bear it for a moment,” he said before stepping out of the bedroom.

“Dad! It hurts!”

After the ordeal of dressing the wound, the doctor, his hair in disarray, looked

down at the sobbing girl on the bed and shook his head hopelessly. “Make sure

not to get it wet; otherwise, the infection will be more painful. Just one painkiller

for today. You can’t take any more.” he advised before quickly making his exit.

Seth stood up and lifted her in his arms, supporting her with bent legs. With one

hand, he lifted the blanket and gently placed her back down. Her face, already

ghostly pale, glistened with sweat on her forehead and the tip of her nose; her

eyes swollen red, and her hair damp at the temples.

“Now you are crying?” Seth’s cold demeanor softened somewhat at the sight of

her distress. Cicely looked up at him, her voice tinged with frustration and pain. “My feet


practically done for, and you’re telling me I can’t even cry about it?”

“So you knew they were done for? Usually, you make a fuss over a tiny blister,

but here you are running around like a madwoman for three days, and suddenly

you’re having the time of your life.”

Her gaze dropped, and her voice was muffled as she admitted, “Yeah, it was

kinda fun.”

Seth stared intensely at her.

Cicely clutched the quilt and slipped beneath it. “I’m fine for now. You can go.”

Enter title…

But Seth didn’t move from her bed.d2

After watching her for a moment, his eyes landed on the smartphone on her

nightstand. It’s the latest model, different from what he had seen her with before.

He picked it up, noting that she hadn’t bothered to set a passcode, and found

only two contacts in her address book.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

One was Issac. The other, Claud.

And there was a call history with the Ellis family’s landline number.

Without a flicker of emotion, Seth blocked and deleted Claud’s number. He

wouldn’t be able to call in, nor she out.

After doing this, he lowered his head to look at the woman peacefully observing

him. He dialed his own number from her phone and then handed it to her.

“Add my number to your contacts.”

“Why don’t you do it yourself? You’ve got the phone,” Cicely retorted, eyebrows

knitting together.

“I don’t know how,” Seth stated firmly, leaving no room for argument. “Do it.”

Cicely snatched the phone from him, a mix of irritation and challenge in her

tone. “Are you looking for trouble?”

He simply watched her silently, his gaze fixed on the phone as she begrudgingly

saved his number.

“Did you delete my contacts?” Cicely’s voice was cold as ice.

“What’s the point of me admitting it?” Seth’s tone was equally chilly.

Cicely paused, a soft chuckle escaping her. “I guess I want to hear out loud why

you’d delete my contacts.”

She took a deep breath, resignation in her voice. “Never mind, I don’t care to

hear it. Can you leave now? These next few days, maybe even weeks, are

going to be hell for me, so I don’t want to see you. Even if you call, I won’t

answer. You seem to have your hands full with your victories, so I won’t trouble

you further, and I’d appreciate the same courtesy.”

Seth watched her quietly as she finished speaking. Her pale, delicate face,

though sickly, still held an undeniable beauty and life.

“So, you don’t want to see me for a few weeks, and you won’t answer my calls.

Do you plan to stay home alone, or do you need someone else to keep you

company?” His voice was devoid of emotion.

Lying in bed, Cicely stared at his stoic, handsome face. Her nose tingled, a

prelude to the swell of emotion rising in her chest, threatening to spill from her


“After all these years, a few weeks shouldn’t matter. Seth, you don’t need to

concern yourself with who I want to be with. As long as it’s not you, it is fine.


The depth of Seth’s gazes seemed to conceal untold thoughts, a flicker of

emotion passing through them, subtle as the ripple of an unseen creature

stirring in the deep sea.

“Do you want Claud to keep you company? You seemed to enjoy his company

these past few days,” he said flatly.

Cicely didn’t deny it. “Can we not talk about this anymore?”

“Cicely,” Seth’s voice was suddenly sharp and cold, “are you trying to break up

with me?”

Her lips twisted into a weary smile. “I don’t want to talk about this right now.”

“Even if you’re thinking of breaking up, you can’t get too close to other men. It’s

a matter of principle.”

Silence stretched between them, heavy and prolonged.

Finally, Cicely clenched the quilt, looked Seth in the eyes, and after a moment of

hesitation, she closed her eyes tightly. “Fine, I can get through a few weeks on

my own without anyone’s company.”

A warm touch landed on her brow. Fluttering her lashes, she opened her eyes to

find Seth’s hand gently caressing her face, fingers tangled in her hair as he

leaned in close. His voice was a low, husky whisper, “Did you hurt yourself just

to avoid seeing me?”

Cicely’s eyes flickered, trying to turn away from his intense gaze, but his hand

brought her back, fingers gently stroking her hair. “If we broke up, would you be

with another man?”

The words ‘broke up’ stung Cicely like needles to her heart. “Didn’t you say

some things should wait until I’m fully recovered? Or did you come here today

determined to discuss this? If we broke up, of course, I’d be with other men.

What, am I supposed to stay single forever?”

“I don’t have lofty ambitions, nor the desire to be a strong, independent woman,

and I certainly don’t want to be alone. I want to date, to marry, to have children,

and to have a complete home as a dependable refuge for the rest of my life.

“That’s what I want, and it’s also my father’s greatest wish. I always have to fulfill

it; I can’t keep him worrying. There’s not much I can do for him, but the least is

to ensure my own happiness. So if not you, it would definitely be someone else.

Your questions are pointless.”

Every word she spoke seemed to darken Seth’s expression further. With

someone else. To date, to marry, to have children… Each word tightened his grip

on her hair.

“Don’t you love me? How can you love me, while getting married and having

kids with another man?” He spat the last words out as if they left a bitter taste in

his mouth.

Cicely felt a chill run down her spine.

“Don’t provoke me on purpose,” Seth warned, his forehead pressed against

hers, his voice laced with restrained anger. “Did you intentionally get yourself

hurt just to upset me?”


It took a few seconds for the implication to hit Cicely, and her eyes widened in

shock. “What do you mean intentionally? You… mmm…”

Before she could finish her denial, Seth’s lips captured hers in a deep, silencing

kiss. Cicely didn’t even close her eyes, completely taken aback by the sudden

move from this man.

In the warmth of the moment, his chiseled face hovered just inches from hers,

his dark eyes locked on hers in a silent exchange. As their gazes met, there was

no hint of him stopping the passionate kiss. Instead, he deepened it, claiming

her lips with an intensity that left her breathless.

Cicely, coming to her senses, tried to push him away, but he caught her wrists

and pinned them above her head. She could feel the firmness of his body

pressing against hers, the heat of him seeping through the blankets. She was

no stranger to his kisses, yet she couldn’t claim to be familiar with them either.

Pinned down on the bed, under the weight of his desire and the fervor of his

kiss, she recalled a recent encounter in the hospital that had her heart racing at

the mere thought. Perhaps it was her attempt to interrupt the kiss that provoked

him to start all over again, with no sign of stopping.

The temperature between the two continued to rise, and Cicely’s already frail

body softened under the kisses. She found herself pressed into the bed, in a

daze, just hoping he would stop at an appropriate moment.

His lips, however, had other plans, trailing down to her neck, somehow

managing to undo the buttons of her blouse and sending shivers down her spine

when his tongue brushed against her earlobe. Almost reflexively, she pushed

against his shoulders.

Panting softly, she found herself lost in his dark, enigmatic eyes, her heart

skipping a beat. She tried to avert her gaze, but he forced her to face him, his

voice low and husky, carrying a rasp she’d never heard before.

“You never let yourself suffer,” he stared intensely at her. “You did it on purpose,

deliberately subjecting yourself to this. To say you’re heartless is not accurate. In

fact, you’re the one who knows how to play with people’s hearts the best.”

She made him feel double the heartache, intensifying his guilt, and made him

care about her future plans with another man. When it came to manipulating

people, no one could surpass her.

Biting her lip, she retorted, “Am I the master of hearts? Have I captured yours? If

so, I wouldn’t choose such a foolish way. You’re the smartest, and you know

everything. So, you can’t wait even a fortnight to confront me now?”

“What would you do in these next few days if I didn’t?”

“That’s none of your business.”


Seth’s voice cut through her words. His dark eyes continued to study her

beautiful, flushed face, his fingers gently caressing her soft skin. As she met his

gaze, he spoke again, slowly: “Let’s get married.”

Cicely froze. After what seemed an eternity, she managed to ask, “What did you


Seth gave a slight smile, straightened up, and withdrew his hand. “Because you

don’t want to leave me. You’re using this method to escape, and perhaps next

time, you might use the same method to hurt yourself. If we get married, you

probably won’t have these wild thoughts anymore.”

Cicely was still in shock but clung to a thread of reason, “Is it really just my wild


“No. This decision was impulsive, and I might regret it in the next moment. So, I

need your answer now. Will you marry me?”

“And what sparked this impulse? Pity? Guilt for your recent actions? Or guilt

towards me?”

“If I said all of the above, would you refuse to marry me?”

Cicely was silent for a moment, “Marriage is a serious matter. If I respond now,

will you take full responsibility for this decision?”

Seth didn’t answer immediately, pondering as he gazed at her.

Cicely panicked, “Don’t tell me you’re already regretting it.”

“Being married to me might not be the best thing for you.”

“Are you trying to make me say no?”

He simply watched her, their silent battle of wills culminating in his concession.

“No. I’m proposing. Your ‘yes’ is what I want to hear.”

Cicely nodded, “We can’t predict the future; I only know what I want now. Seth, I

believe you wouldn’t say this lightly, and you don’t need to make any promises. I

never even asked if you loved me; promises seem too pretentious.”

In the end, promises were the most ironic and worthless of things. Only betrayal

could highlight their value – a value steeped in irony. “So you’re on board then,” Seth

concluded, clearly not keen on belaboring the


Cicely’s voice was firm and clear, “Yes, I agree to marry you.”

Seth nodded, studying her for a moment before suddenly reaching out to cup

her chin, “You remember my cell number, right?”

“Why bring that up all of a sudden?”

Though she might have the air of a pampered heiress, her memory was sharp,

but only for the things she chose to remember. And Seth’s number was certainly

one of them.

Enter title…

“Forget about any other guys or things that shouldn’t be on your mind.”d2

Cicely arched an eyebrow, “Not much to forget.”

Seth’s fingers gently caressed her chin for a moment, “For the next few weeks,

I’m with you, but just this once. I won’t accept you getting hurt in any way. If you

do, get yourself to a hospital.”

“Any way? What, am I a porcelain doll now?”

“Yeah, a porcelain doll,” he murmured, almost absently, as his hand moved

softly against her cheek.

The mood was far lighter than before. Even though both of her feet were hurt

like hell, Cicely felt there was no happier time than now.

Marriage. A notion that once only existed in her imagination, something she’d

only discussed hypothetically, was about to become a reality.

She had never thought he would be the one to bring it up first. Even if she

wanted marriage, she’d expected it would be her badgering him.

“I thought you are feeling unwell? Not sleepy?”

Cicely paused before shaking her head. “When do we get married?”

“You’re too young; by the book, we can’t register for marriage.”

“Then we’ll do it off the books. Do you want to handle it, or should I have my dad

step in?”

“I’ll take care of it,” Seth said coolly. He was the one who proposed, so naturally,

he would arrange the wedding.

“So when can we?”

“After your injuries heal.”

Cicely paused, then reached into the nightstand drawer for a notebook,

propping herself up against the headboard. “To prevent any future denials, we’d

better sign a contract.”

As she spoke, she flipped open the notebook. It wasn’t long before she handed

it to Seth.

“On this date, Mr. Seth proposed to Miss Cicely, who has accepted. They’ve

decided to get a marriage certificate as soon as her injuries are healed. This

document will hold, no backing out.” She then signed her name in the bottom

right corner.

Seth glanced at the writing, a smirk tugging at his lips, “It’s just a few days. I’ve

made a promise; I won’t back out.”

Cicely pushed the pen into his hand, “No, we can’t be too sure about the future.

Since you won’t back out, signing your name is nothing to you, but it will put my

mind at ease.”

Indulging her, Seth’s hand flew across the page, leaving a bold, confident

signature behind her own.

Cicely was satisfied and put the notebook back in the drawer.


After Cicely fell asleep, Seth went straight to Creighton.

“What did you say?” Creighton couldn’t believe his ears.

“She’s agreed.”

Creighton took a deep breath, “You’re both young, haven’t been through much.

Aren’t you afraid of having regrets?”

Seth’s dark eyes reflected the fading twilight outside the window. After a moment

of silence, he spoke softly, “I’m afraid. That’s why we need to get married right


Creighton stared at him for a long while, “What are you afraid of?”

Seth’s gaze dropped, his hand twitching at his side.

“Do you love her?”

“She said,” Creighton’s question finally prompted Seth to speak up, “if we break

up, she’ll find another man, fall in love, get married, and have kids.”

Creighton’s lips twisted into a smirk, “Yes. No matter how strong and

independent a woman is, she still needs a man to accompany her and a family

to rely on. Especially Cicely, she’s never positioned herself as someone overly

capable or independent. If not you, then someone else. If she doesn’t find

someone, I’d help her look. She might act like she does what she wants, but she

listens to me.”

Seth’s lips were pressed tight.

“So then, her words hit a nerve?”

“I don’t know. But she can’t be with any other man, no matter what.”

Creighton suddenly laughed. Two questions and non-answers, but his vague

replies somehow cleared Creighton’s own doubts.

Seth probably knew what he was laughing about.


It took over twenty days for Cicely’s legs to heal completely, but they had

already gotten their marriage certificate ten days earlier. The wedding would

have to wait another two years until she reached the legal age for marriage.

After all, a wedding was a public event; they couldn’t give the public something

to talk about.

Even with marriage, life hadn’t changed much.

Seth needed to prepare a home for their marriage. The mansion for the pri