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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1981-1990
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Cicely squinted her eyes, a chill slowly seeping out.

Seeing Cicely finally lose her composure brought a rush of satisfaction to

Danielle’s heart. From the moment she met Cicely, she couldn’t stand her

arrogant swagger. Maybe they were just like oil and water.

She relished any sign of distress in Cicely, yet for years, Cicely had coasted

through life with undue ease. Nothing seemed to ruffle her feathers. Her wishes

were commands, her desires, instantly fulfilled. Except for Seth, who seemed to

be the one thing that sparked a hint of anticipation in her.

Watching Cicely cling to Seth day in and day out with such shamelessness

amused Danielle at times.

Enter title…

Without the grace and composure expected of a lady of her stature, Cicely’s

arrogance and possessiveness were blatant, her entanglements with Seth,

embarrassingly public.

How could a man, known for his aloof indifference, not grow irritated with such

relentless attention?d2

However, Seth’s repeated shows of affection had Danielle on edge. In the end,

he actually agreed to be her boyfriend. So, even a hint of an unusual expression

on Cicely’s face could make Danielle feel a bit relieved.

But that feeling didn’t last. She hoped Cicely would ask why she had made such

a comment, but Cicely, as if seeing right through her, just laughed after a

moment’s gaze. “I know the situation better than you do. When I got him to

agree to be with me, at best I felt he didn’t despise me. To say he’s with me out

of pure fondness, well, that would suggest to me that he has a soft spot for me

in your eyes.”

Danielle’s face turned cold.

With her arms crossed, Cicely’s lips curled into a lazy, dismissive smile.

“Danielle, I understand why you try so hard. In your eyes, I have everything,

always the very best, so you’ve been using me as your benchmark, pushing

yourself relentlessly?”

She scoffed, “Why are you so fixated on me? Even if I weren’t the darling of the

Ellis family, you wouldn’t be any happier. Do you know why?”

She tugged at the hem of her dress, speaking indifferently, “This dress, a

designer label. It was a tad tight when I bought it, a couple of millimeters snug

around the waist. But I got it anyway, and then I cut back on my portions. Now, it

fits just right. I feel the same way about Seth. It doesn’t mean he’s perfect, and

his imperfections include not being fond of me.”

Danielle’s face twisted with skepticism. She didn’t believe it.

Cicely continued nonchalantly, “So what? At least right now, he’s my man,

officially and rightfully. Affection can grow over time, and I don’t mind

occasionally indulging his preferences. Right now, I’m the only one with that

privilege, and no one else comes close.”

“Danielle, I’ve never claimed to be a saint, nor do I pretend to be a good person.

I couldn’t care less about anyone outside my close circle. There are plenty who

dislike me, but if you have grudges, bring them to me. My father doesn’t owe

you anything. With even a shred of conscience, you wouldn’t keep causing him


“This is the last time I’m warning you. Be polite to my father, or since you’re so

keen on independence, I’d assume you’re ready to break away completely. Then

do us a favor and keep out of our sight. If I hear about you upsetting my father

again, you’ll see what I’m capable of.

“Don’t play the Ellis family lady card with me. You know full well that in P City,

when people mention the Ellis family’s daughter, they think of me, Cicely.”

Danielle’s hands trembled at her sides before she clenched them into fists. She

stared coldly at the woman before her, struggling to keep her voice steady.

“Without the Ellis family, you’re nothing.” And Seth wouldn’t be yours, either.

Cicely raised an eyebrow. “You’ve told me that more than once, and I’ve

answered you every time. But who knows, maybe one day I won’t be an Ellis.

Perhaps then, Seth will adore me so much he can’t live without me? Even if I’m

no longer Miss Ellis, I might just become his wife, still living in luxury, simply with

a different title.”

Danielle’s expression darkened before she forced a mocking smile. “That day

will never come. Without the Ellis family, you’re nothing.”

She repeated her words, each one deliberate and clear, but this time, there

seemed to be an underlying meaning.

Cicely’s brow furrowed imperceptibly.

Danielle stepped back, “Consider that slap earlier a payment for my disrespect

towards your father. But don’t think I’ll let you off easily, Cicely. The real winner is

the one who laughs last. You enjoy your moment, but one day, you’ll pay double

for your actions today.”

Cicely had heard similar threats before, always from the same source. She

shrugged it off, unwilling to waste more words on the subject.

Danielle took a deep breath, suppressing the bitterness in her heart. “Can you

leave now, please?”

Cicely glanced at her and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Descending the stairs, she encountered Brody, the butler, busying himself with

chores. “Brody,” Cicely called out.

“Miss, aren’t you resting this afternoon?”

Cicely shook her head. “I’m too agitated to rest.”

The butler sighed at the mention of Danielle, his expression souring.

“Did my father’s health checkup earlier this year reveal any issues?”

The butler paused, “No issues at all. Doesn’t he always discuss the results with

you afterward?”

Cicely watched him silently for a moment, then spoke in a cool, detached tone,

“He did tell me, but his demeanor today didn’t seem like a man with no

problems. I must’ve binged one too many soap operas. His last checkup fell

right around the time of my tests, and I swear, if you guys pull some

melodramatic stunt to keep Dad’s illness a secret just to avoid messing with my


The butler, Brody, lowered his gaze and shook his head gently. “Miss Cicely,

perhaps you should consider watching less TV drama. You know as well as I do

that even if you hadn’t aced your tests, your father would still have made sure

you got into college.”

Cicely raised an eyebrow, conceding the point.

“The weather turned chilly recently with the onset of autumn. Sir caught a bit of

a cold, but the doctor has seen him, and there’s no cause for serious concern.”

As Cicely mulled over Brody’s words, he nodded, “Indeed.”

A silence settled in the living room. Brody thought the matter would rest there,

but Cicely’s voice slowly filled the space again. “Brody, you’ve been with my dad

for years, and he trusts you more than anyone. I’m curious—did Seth agree to

be with me because of my dad?”

The butler looked up. His gaze met Cicely’s straight on. There was no emotion,

yet those eyes were so transparent. It was as though she wasn’t asking a

question, but seeking confirmation for something she’d already concluded.

After a moment’s hesitation, he sighed softly and said, “Sir always thinks ahead.

Seeing how fond you were of Mr. Diaz, he wanted to nudge you two together

early. I suppose in this world, he’s the one who wishes for your happiness above

all else.”

Cicely’s fingertips trembled slightly. “So, Dad’s involvement in managing Diaz

International was all part of the plan for us to be together?”

The butler didn’t answer directly. “Mr. Diaz is young and at an age of pride and

vanity. Besides what was done, it was hard to think of a better way at the time.

Love needs to grow gradually, Miss. With your beauty and talents, it’s hard for

anyone not to be charmed.”

Although the words she had just shared with Danielle were true, and she was

indeed clear-headed, her heart couldn’t help but feel desolate.

Pride and vanity.

So marrying her was equivalent to possessing the entire Ellis family empire, and

he would be tempted.

She joked about throwing herself at Seth, but even if it were true, Seth wouldn’t


Her father managed Diaz International, taught him how to run the business, and

then used this “favor” as leverage for a successful match. The answer to

Danielle’s question lay right here. Compared to liking her, he was more unwilling

to be labeled ungrateful.

Cicely forced a smile, “I think so too.”

Just like she had told Danielle, they were together now, and there would be a

chance of being together forever. Even if that was the case, so what? That was

the advantage she was born with.

Danielle came downstairs with her luggage, pausing upon seeing Cicely and the

butler, then proceeded to carry her suitcase out herself. The butler instructed a

maid to help Danielle with her luggage.

Cicely sat down on the couch, not bothering to acknowledge her. She picked up

her phone from the coffee table and dialed Seth’s number. The call connected,

and Cicely spoke, “Are you going to be busy today? I’d like to see you.”

Seth’s voice, cool and detached, came after a few seconds, “Busy.”

Cicely kicked off her slippers, curled up on the couch, and noticed a note with

an address that Danielle had left on the coffee table. She picked it up, settling

into the cushions, and responded, “You’ve been busy a lot lately. When are you

going to be free of this busy spell?”

“If things go well, I should have results in three days.”

A long pause followed Seth’s words, with no response from Cicely. His gaze

lifted from his documents, frowning, “What’s up? Talk to me.”

Several seconds later, Cicely finally spoke. “Seth, did you know Danielle is

moving out of the Ellis household today?”

This time Seth fell silent for a few moments before responding, “I know.”

Cicely looked at the note in her hand and asked further, “She said she found an

apartment for herself. Do you know where it is?”

“Yes.Cicely slowly set down the paper in her hand, rose from the couch, and made

her way toward the front door. “Where are you right now?”

Seth was silent for a moment before replying, “Cicely, whatever it is, let’s talk

about it in three days.”

The door was left ajar. Cicely reached the foyer and halted in her tracks. “Why

wait three days?”

After several seconds of silence, she hung up the call and stepped outside. She

walked up to the tall, rigid figure standing with his back to the door.

Danielle slammed the trunk of her car shut and turned around, her face freezing

as her eyes landed on Cicely.

Enter title…

Cicely forced a smile, her voice laced with a mocking cheer, “Can’t we talk


Seth, who had been clutching his phone, paused for a second before turning

around. He towered over Cicely now, but as he turned, his gaze locked

immediately with hers. He knew precisely the angle to catch her eyes.

Cicely faced him with a small smile, her tone neither warm nor fiery as she

looked up at him.

He squared his shoulders, looked at her indifferently, and asked flatly, “What

brings you out here?”

Cicely blinked, chuckled softly, and glanced at Danielle approaching from

behind, raising an eyebrow. “Should I escort her?”

That was a laugh. Everyone knew Cicely and Danielle were at odds. So much

so that even if today were Danielle’s funeral, Cicely might not bother to show up.

Now, just for Danielle moving out, Cicely coming to see her off? Even a fool

wouldn’t believe it. Clearly, Seth didn’t either.

Cicely laughed outright, “Don’t believe me?” It was evident her mood was

anything but light, contrary to her facade.

“Just like I don’t buy the too-busy-for-you boyfriend suddenly having time to

personally pick up my nemesis.” Each of Cicely’s words dripped with biting


Danielle disliked Cicely, and every flaw of hers was magnified in Danielle’s eyes.

“Cicely, can you drop the sarcasm?”

“Sarcasm?” Cicely gave her a dismissive glance, “Compared to you, I’m tame.

Can’t handle it? Then you should realize just how annoying you usually are.”


“You get in the car.” Seth’s voice, deep and icy, cut through the tension. Though

he faced Cicely, Danielle knew the command was for her.

Biting her lip, Danielle moved to the passenger side door and opened it.

“Danielle, wait.” Cicely’s sudden call halted her.

Turning around, Danielle saw Cicely step past Seth toward her, “Even if he’s

decided to take you today, you don’t have the right to sit shotgun, got it?”

The humiliation surged through Danielle, “Cicely, you’re going too far!”

Cicely’s lips twisted into a mocking smile, her beautiful eyes cold, “This is too

far? Danielle, just being near you without an incident makes me feel like I’m the

most benevolent person on earth. A slap is all you got. Do you see how

magnanimous I am?”

Danielle stepped back, wary.

Seth turned, his gaze falling on the handprint still visible on Danielle’s face, and

his eyes darkened. “Get in the car.”

His voice, colder now than before, prompted Danielle to fully open the door.

Cicely’s smile was replaced by an icy expression as she stepped forward, only

to be grabbed by Seth. She watched Danielle take the passenger seat.

After a few seconds, Cicely looked back at Seth with a faint, almost invisible

smile. “Want to discuss now what you planned for three days from now?”

As she spoke, she stepped back, her eyes on his hand on her arm. “Afraid I

might do something to her?”

Catching her gaze, Seth’s grip loosened, and he moved his hand slightly

downward. Where he had been holding her, the blood rushed to the surface,

leaving a distinct red mark on her pale arm. Cicely glanced at it, “You hurt me

for another woman. I’ll remember that.”

Twisting her arm, she pulled away, retreating a step with a cool voice. “Go on,

you grabbed me so tightly, you better have something earth-shattering to say, or

I’ll hold you doubly accountable.”

The butler, sensing trouble, had followed outside.

Seth looked directly at him, “Her arm’s hurt. Take her back and apply some


The butler frowned deeply.

The car window rolled down, and Danielle’s face appeared. “Cicely, he came to

pick me up because Patty asked him to. Don’t you trust your man?”

The butler’s face turned even grimmer, but he stepped forward toward Cicely.


Cicely chuckled lightly, “Don’t play these childish games of misdirection. What if

I booked a hotel room to ‘just chat’ with your future husband? I’d hope you’d

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trust him enough then.”

Standing before Cicely, Seth’s expression darkened instantly. “Cicely,” his voice

turned colder, matching his demeanor.

“Uh-huh?” Cicely turned her gaze from Danielle to Seth, a feigned smile on her

lips. “Patty sent you to pick her up? And that house in the prime P City district,

the same neighborhood, was that Patty’s idea too?”

Seth’s gaze intensified on her radiant face, “I’m not in the mood for your games

today. I have to take her away personally. If you really want to make a scene,

save it for three days from now. You can have your outburst then.”

Cicely touched the spot where Seth’s grip had pained her, her expression

mocking, “You mean I should hold back? But I’m angry now, and I can’t wait. I

want to vent now, and in three days, there will be new anger waiting.”

Seth’s brow furrowed, “Suit yourself.” His voice managed to be as cold as his

very presence.

Cicely’s brow quirked with a hint of mischief, then she nodded with a smile that

was all sweetness and light. She stood with a grace that seemed as natural as

the breeze, her voice soft and melodious, “Of course.”

Seth gave her a cursory glance, his expression unreadable as he strode past

the shiny car, swung open the door, and slid into the driver’s seat. Without a

moment’s hesitation, he fired up the engine and pulled away.

The butler’s face was a study in concern, his usually composed features

betraying a flicker of worry. With Mr. Diaz’s temper, if Cicely were to truly end up

with him, and if she maintained this current demeanor, would it truly be for the


As Cicely stood there, gaze lingering on the receding car, the butler stepped

forward and softly called out. “Miss…”

“Brody.” Cicely cut him off suddenly, “Where’s Issac?”

Brody paused for a brief moment, “I’ll give him a call and have him here right



Cicely’s response was nonchalant as she turned and walked into the living

room, her face betraying none of the drama that had just unfolded.

Issac, Brody’s son, had been just as dedicated to the Ellis family as his father


Five minutes later, Issac’s tall and imposing figure appeared before Cicely. She

was lounging on the sofa, half-watching the TV when she saw him, and greeted

him with a playful smile, “Issac, you’re looking more dashing each day.”

Having been raised to understand the nuances of respect and hierarchy, Issac

didn’t react much to Cicely’s teasing. His reply was formal, “Is there something

you require, Miss?”

“Oh, there is.”The silence was deafening as they drove on.

Danielle shot glances at Seth, who sat enveloped in an aura of brooding

aloofness, making her lose whatever courage she had mustered to strike up a


But then again, what was there to talk about? Any attempt at small talk would

just be her trying to fill the uncomfortable void between them, and likely, would

only serve to embarrass herself.

After much deliberation and hesitation, she found a topic that seemed safe

enough. “Sorry for the trouble,” she muttered.

Seth remained quiet.

Enter title…

Even though she was accustomed to his coldness, Danielle couldn’t shake off

the feeling of awkwardness that crept over her. Biting her lip, she turned her

face away, looking out the window.d2

“We don’t have any bad blood between us. Can’t you drop the silent treatment?

Just because you’re with Cicely doesn’t mean you can’t talk to other women,

right? She was so possessive today, like she couldn’t stand you being around

any other woman. Do you think that’s normal?”

Finally, Seth responded, glancing at her briefly, his voice indifferent, “So, you’re

okay with your man having other women around?”

Danielle was taken aback, “Even monks can’t turn away women who come to

worship at the temple.”

There was a brief silence before Seth chuckled darkly, a fleeting shadow

crossing his eyes. “Too bad I’m not a monk.”

Danielle thought he misunderstood her, “You’re not one to make your life

difficult. Being with her, bound so tightly, doesn’t it wear you down? She’s only

going to bring more trouble your way.”

“Danielle,” Seth said, his hand casually resting on the steering wheel, his

posture relaxed, “Gossiping behind someone’s back is in poor taste.”

She froze, a rush of heat flooding her face, then draining away leaving her pale.

Her hands clasped tightly in front of her, her voice quivered with barely

concealed sharpness, “And Cicely never talked behind my back?”

The traffic light turned red, and they stopped. Seth glanced at her, the slight

curve of his eyes and lips sending a wave of discomfort through Danielle. He

was implying that Cicely was above such behavior.

“You didn’t have to come yourself today. You’re not always doing what Patty tells


If he was truly obedient, he never would have agreed to be with Cicely in the

first place.

“It was unexpected that she found out. Picking you up…” Seth paused as the car

started moving again, and almost simultaneously, he continued, “I just thought it

would make you happy.”

Danielle’s heart skipped a beat. She stared at Seth’s profile, trying to decipher

something, anything, from his impassive face. “What do you mean by that? You

accuse me of speaking ill of Cicely, and now you want to make me happy. What

are you really thinking?”

Seth didn’t look at her, his lips curling into what seemed like a smile, but it sent a

chill down her spine instead. “Don’t overthink it, or you’ll just feel worse.”

Danielle couldn’t process his words, “What are you trying to say?!”

His gaze darkened, and he reverted to his usual indifference. “Everything has its

price. Just like obtaining something has its cost, debts must be repaid.”

She didn’t understand. “Why are you suddenly talking like this?”

They pulled into a high-end residential area, and Seth fell silent, his words

leaving Danielle with an unsettling feeling. She knew that no matter how much

she pressed, she would get no further answers.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, Seth drove into the underground parking of the

apartment complex. As Danielle stepped out of the car, a cacophony of engine

roars, brakes squealing, and car doors slamming resounded through the

garage. Several men in black suits, each wielding a metal bat, began to


“What… what are you doing.” Danielle’s voice trembled, her complexion ghostly

as she staggered backward.

Seth watched the unfolding scene through the mirror, then finally, stepped out of

the car.

Danielle rushed to his side, “Seth…”

He moved to the trunk, fixing his gaze on the men emerging from another car.

“What do you want?”

Issac, leading the suited men, nodded at Seth, “My apologies, Mr. Diaz. Ms.

Cicely is in a bad mood. She’s having a tantrum, and she said you agreed to

indulge her. So here I am, just following orders.”

Danielle’s face turned to ice upon seeing Issac, “So she throws a tantrum, and

you guys come chasing us down here?”

Issac didn’t reply, just shot her a cold glance.

Seth asked coolly, “How does she want to make a scene?”

Instead of answering, Issac signaled his men. They surged forward, raising their

metal bats, and began smashing Seth’s car into oblivion.

Danielle screamed, covering her head as the violence of metal against metal

and the shattering of glass echoed in the garage.

Seth stood by, watching impassively. Once the destruction seemed sufficient,

Issac ordered a halt. He then stepped forward, addressing Seth, “The lady says

the passenger seat is dirty, and she can’t use the car anymore. It’s as good as

junk, so might as well treat it like junk.”

At that, Seth looked at Issac, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips, “Is that so?

Seems wasteful because she’ll just have to smash a new one next time.”

Issac, uninterested in Seth’s quips, merely said, “I’ll report back then.” With that,

he and his men left as abruptly as they had arrived.

In the garage, other drivers watched, horrified.

Danielle, pale and trembling, crouched in the corner, arms wrapped around her

head, shaken to the core.

Seth cast a dismissive glance at the mangled wreck of the car, expressionless.

He turned on his heel. Seeing Danielle, who was visibly shaken, he said

indifferently, “Head upstairs.” With that, he pulled a suitcase from nearby and

slid it toward Danielle.

Danielle shivered, cautiously lifting her head to see that the menacing figures

had dispersed. Only then did she lower her hands from her head. Her hands,

cold and trembling, gripped the suitcase, her voice still quivering with shock.

“Aren’t you coming up?”

“I have other things to deal with.” Noticing her hesitant and still frightened look,

Seth added, “She’s just throwing a tantrum with me, and it won’t come down on

you. Don’t be scared, no one’s going to hassle you.”

Danielle’s grip on the suitcase handle tightened, and tears suddenly filled her

eyes. “Sending a mob to smash the car without a word, and that’s just her

throwing a tantrum? Is she some kind of mafia boss? And you just let her get

away with this?”

Seth furrowed his brow, his lips pressed thin, and he walked toward the elevator.

Danielle bit her lip and hurried after him. The elevator reached the ground floor,

and as the doors slid open, Seth stepped out without a backward glance or a

word to Danielle.

Cold and heartless.

People like him, probably never realize the invisible hurt they inflict on others.

Assistant Charlie came to whisk Seth away. “Mr. Diaz, are you sure about going

to the gala like this? If something goes wrong midway, how will you explain it to

madam? And Ms. Cicely, aren’t you going to give her a heads up.”

Seth’s gaze was downcast, shrouded in a thin veil of indistinction, his

expression unreadable. “She doesn’t need to know.”

Charlie chose not to speak further.

No one knew what Seth was truly thinking. How long would it take to fully

understand such a detached person?

Shaking his head silently, Charlie slightly sped up the car.


Issac returned to the Ellis estate, reporting the outcome of his mission to Cicely.

Cicely was lounging in the conservatory, nibbling on fruits and flipping through a

fashion magazine. Issac noted the trimmed branches and leaves beneath the

plants – a sign of careful pruning.

Hearing that Issac had completed his task, Cicely showed no surprise. Without

even looking up, her voice was slow and indolent. “Did he say anything?”

Issac relayed, “He said it was a waste, because you’re just going to keep on


Silence fell in the conservatory. After a while, Cicely closed the last page of the

magazine, tossing it onto the glass table in front of her. She picked up her

phone and dialed a number.

“Audrey’s Boutique? This is Cicely. Hold that new Hepburn-inspired dress for

me. No event to attend, just fancy it, hate to miss out. uh-huh. I’ll come by

tomorrow to pick it up.”

Ending the call, she tossed the phone onto the table and turned to Issac, who

was still standing there, with a smile. “Then keep smashing. Let’s see what

brand of car I can smash next time. I hope he doesn’t get some cheap car just to

appease me.”

Issac was speechless.

Cicely stood up and took a leisurely walk around the conservatory. “Joel brought

some Queen of the night from the base. He said he’d give me a couple. Run

over to his place and fetch them for me.”

Without hesitation, Issac agreed and left.

“Hold on,” Cicely called out as she approached him with a task in mind, “and

help me look into something.”

“What do you need?” Issac asked.

Cicely arched an eyebrow.


That evening, Seth was on a video call. The large screen displayed a multi-party

conference call. The man at the center of the screen, with his sharp features

and unmistakable poise, exuded an air of refined elegance even through the

digital interface.

It was he who spoke up in a cool, deep voice, “Need a hand?”

Seth, lounging in his chair, declined without hesitation. “No.”

“Damon, with his stubborn pride, he’ll suffer in silence. If I were you, I wouldn’t

even bother asking,” Kane commented, familiar with Seth’s temperament.

Damon’s expression remained unaffected, “Some experience is good. Let him

see how harsh and real the rules of survival in today’s society can be.”

Kane scoffed, “More like he’s the one showing others how harsh and cruel life

can be, right? With his nasty temper, he’s probably dug the pit before anyone

could even trip him up.”

The term “sly as a fox” didn’t seem to cover Seth. His silent demeanor, amiable

one second and deadly the next, was chilling to even think about. Yet his

machinations had never truly been witnessed.

Everyone on the call watched Seth, who was nonchalantly accused, but he

simply smirked. “One day, you’ll get a taste.”

Kane quickly raised his hands in defense, “No thanks, I play things straight. If

there’s an issue, let’s settle it with a good old-fashioned brawl. Aren’t you good

with your fists?”

“Oh?” Someone on the call showed interest, “How good are we talking?”

Kane was about to share when Seth’s phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID,

Seth excused himself, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll drop off.”

Picking up his phone, he disconnected the video call.

It was Patty on the line. As soon as he answered, she bombarded him with

questions, “What’s going on? Danielle told me your car got smashed today?”

Seth’s brow furrowed, his tone cool, “It’s nothing.”

“Cicely’s doing?” Patty’s voice was filled with unmasked displeasure and anger.

Seth stood, firm in his response, “It’s between her and me. The car can be

replaced, I’m fine. Don’t bring it up again.”

“What do you mean ‘between you two’?!” Patty’s voice spiked, “I’ve never heard

of a woman throwing a fit like that, sending goons to wreck a man’s car. She’s

quite the eye-opener. Get back here now.” In the background, Danielle’s voice

could be faintly heard, trying to calm Patty down.

Seth hung up the call.

A message notification lingered on the screen, sent by Cicely an hour ago.

[Don’t skimp on the car, Seth. I want to feel a sense of achievement when I

smash it.]

Seth’s lips twisted into a wry smile, his cool detachment more pronounced than


Leaving the office and sliding into his car, Charlie asked, “Where to, Mr. Seth?”

After a few seconds of silence, Seth said indifferently, “Take me to Audrey’s


Charlie was somewhat taken aback. This was the first time he had heard Seth

mention a place so incongruous with his usual style.

Audrey’s Boutique was the epitome of luxury shopping. It was almost exclusively

for haute couture and the most prestigious labels. It was where the crème de la

crème, the true elites, went to shop.

Charlie fired up the engine, and with a speculative grin, teased, “So, have you

figured out how to get back in Ms. Cicely’s good graces?”Charlie revved up the engine

and, following his hunch, chuckled, “Figured out a

way to cheer up Ms. Cicely, eh?”

A nearly imperceptible furrow crossed Seth’s brow, a flicker of light passing

through the darkness of his eyes.


Patty sat on the couch with a frosty expression, while Danielle sat beside her,

her face etched with a hint of worry.

Seth walked in, prompting Danielle to quickly stand up. “Seth…”

Enter title…

Spilling the day’s events and getting Patty this riled up was bound to backfire on

her. Sure enough, Seth ignored her and focused his gaze on Patty.d2

Patty, sensing Danielle’s unease, stood up and glared at Seth coldly. “I

pressured Danielle into telling me, so if you’re looking to blame someone, blame

me. But seriously, isn’t Cicely having someone trash your car way out of line

compared to the truths Danielle shared with me?”

Seth casually undid his suit jacket, and the housekeeper hurried to take it from

him. “She’s angry with me, so her throwing a fit is to be expected. No harm


Danielle’s eyes flickered with unease. The anger in Patty’s eyes, however,

intensified. “So her being upset justifies smashing your car? No harm done? You

sure have a big heart. Seth, let me tell you once more, you can date Cicely, but

don’t you dare take it any further. With her pampered ways, the Diaz family

won’t cater to her. She’s throwing a tantrum, right? Perfect timing for you to

break it off.”

Seth’s lips curled into a cool half-smile, a hint of frost touching his dark gaze. He

didn’t respond to Patty, instead, he turned to look at Danielle. His face held a

smile, foreign and chilling to Danielle.

At this moment, Charlie walked in from outside. Patty felt a bit displeased about

Charlie’s sudden appearance, but Seth spoke up.”I’ve got your gown for

tomorrow’s gala ready.”

Patty was taken aback, not expecting this. Danielle stared in disbelief at the box

in Charlie’s hands.

Charlie met her gaze with a stiff smile. “Mr. Diaz picked this out for you in

Audrey’s Boutique before coming home.”

Still in disbelief, Danielle looked to Seth for confirmation. Seth did not deny it,

“This is your first time attending a gala. You should prepare well.” His words

echoed Charlie’s claim.

Charlie stepped forward, handing the box to Danielle. She accepted it, placed it

on the coffee table, and carefully opened it.

Inside was a white knee-length dress with asymmetric shoulder straps and a

crystal brooch at the left breast. It’s simple in design, yet unmistakably luxurious.

Danielle’s excitement waned as she stared at the dress. She had envisioned a

statement-making, flowing gown, not this understated, albeit high-end piece.

It seemed more suited for… She bit her lip, suppressing the name that almost

slipped out.

Putting the dress away, she smiled at Seth, “Thank you, I do like it, but why…”

Why did he go out of his way to get her a dress, and from Audrey’s Boutique no


“If you like it, that’s all that matters,” Seth said coolly. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow


Patty, puzzled by Seth’s behavior, couldn’t fathom any reason for his atypical

actions today. However, seeing him show such thoughtfulness for Danielle was

comforting. She had worried he might refuse when she first suggested he take

Danielle to the gala. To her surprise, he agreed. At that point, she was taken

aback, but her ultimate goal was achieved, so she had nothing more to say.

Perhaps he was also concerned about Danielle being harassed by that

notorious playboy, Ray, who had been doggedly pursuing her, even following

her to several cities.

This gala, partially orchestrated by Ray, had extended an invitation to Danielle—

an invitation she would typically refuse without hesitation. However, the gala’s

focus on script auctions—plays, musicals, screenplays—with renowned

directors, screenwriters, producers, and actors in attendance offered top-tier

opportunities not open to just anyone.

Danielle, keen on establishing herself in the theatrical industry, saw it as a prime

opportunity. Despite the invitation coming Ray, she didn’t want to turn it down.

Yet, she was wary of Ray seizing the chance to pester her, perhaps even using

money to lure or intimidate her into compliance.

To prevent any trouble from Ray at the gala and to make him back off, she had

Seth play the role of her “knight in shining armor.” She had been ready to

coerce him into agreeing if necessary, but he had surprisingly complied without

a fuss. And not only did he agree, but he went as far as to prepare a gown for


“Charlie, make sure you drive Ms. Danielle home later.”

“Sure thing.”

After Seth had gone upstairs, Patty furrowed her brow. She felt as if there was

something important they hadn’t finished discussing.

Regardless of whom the dress suited best, receiving such a considerate gift

from Seth for the first time was enough to make Danielle happy.

After sending Danielle off, Patty remembered what topic had been glossed over

by Seth. Her expression darkened as she glanced at the clock, deciding not to

pursue Seth further.


After finishing her milk, Cicely received a message from Isaac.

[Tomorrow’s party is going to be epic. Mr. Diaz is escorting Miss Danielle.]

Cicely placed the cup on the coffee table, and the cup made a gentle sound.

She stared at the mobile phone screen for a long time, and her narrowed eyes

gradually relaxed a bit. [Tell me what you know.] She demanded, rising from the

plush sofa and ascending the staircase with phone in hand.

Upon reaching her bedroom, she made a beeline for the bathroom. After a quick

shower, she emerged with a towel slung over her shoulders, her hair still


She checked her phone and saw a message from Issac. [The Peck family’s

involved with the party. It’s a high-profile affair, all major players from the

entertainment industry. Miss Danielle wants to go but is worried about Mr. Ray

pestering her, so Mrs. Diaz asked her son to accompany Miss Danielle.]

Cicely snorted derisively. She tossed the phone onto the bed and returned to

the bathroom to blow-dry her hair.

In less than five minutes, Cicely reappeared, her hair no longer dripping but still

damp. She sat on the edge of the bed, distracted herself with a mobile game,

and once her hair felt almost dry, she slipped under the covers.

The next morning, she woke feeling groggy, thinking she hadn’t slept well, and

dozed off again.

When she finally got up close to ten, she went downstairs after freshening up,

and the butler, noting her listless appearance, couldn’t help but ask, “Miss, are

you feeling unwell?”

Creighton, who had just taken a stroll outside, set down his water glass and

looked at her upon hearing the words. “Are you feeling ill?”

Cicely descended the stairs, leaning on the banister, “I’m fine, probably just not

adjusted to the change of seasons. Caught a bit of a chill, I guess.”

Brody hurried to the kitchen to instruct the cook to prepare some ginger tea.

After a hearty meal and her tea, Cicely changed into warmer clothes: a kneelength black

A-line skirt with a row of buttons down the slant and a slit that

teasingly revealed her slender legs. She paired it with a black blouse, whose

light green and orange-red accents added a youthful vibrancy to her dignified


Creighton approved of her outfit for the day, “Heading out?”

“Yes. Bored at home. Spotted a dress I liked, want to see it in person.”

“You’re feeling better?”


Aside from a slight heaviness in her head, she felt okay.

Creighton nodded, “Have Issac go with you.”



Arriving at Ollie’s, Cicely headed straight for the boutique where she’d seen the

dress the day before.

“Ms. Cicely, welcome back,” the sales associate greeted her eagerly,

recognizing her as a regular.

With a brief acknowledgment, Cicely browsed the store before settling on the

sofa, “The dress I reserved last night, I’d like to try it on.”

The associate hesitated, prompting Cicely to raise an eyebrow, “Is there a


Quickly recovering, the associate smiled, “Not at all, I’ll fetch it for you.”

Cicely emerged from the fitting room, and the associate couldn’t hide her

admiration and envy.

As the fitting room door swung open, the other staff members were dazzled,

unable to resist praising her. “Ms. Cicely, you look absolutely stunning in that


In fact, the new product had just arrived, and when they first saw it, it didn’t

strike them as particularly stunning. The design was simple, lacking any

prominent highlights. However, the price was surprisingly high. The only

noticeable thing that seemed valuable was probably the brooch on the chest.

They wondered if it would sell at all, but before their worries could grow, Cicely

had called to reserve it. They marveled at the rich taste they couldn’t


Now, seeing Cicely wearing it, they truly appreciated the designer’s work. On

her, the simple design was transformed into something astonishing and

luxurious. But of course, not just anyone could exude such grace. Raised in the

lap of luxury by the Ellis family, even if Cicely were to wear mere rags, she’d still

look elegant and sophisticated.

“Ms. Cicely, this dress suits both high-end parties and casual wear,” the sales

associate commented with a smile.

Cicely examined herself in the mirror, turning to check the dress from different

angles, then nodded, “I’ll take that dress too.”

As another associate fetched the dress, Cicely disappeared back into the fitting

room. She reappeared dressed in her own clothes and approached the counter

to pay. The cashier listed the prices and handed over a neatly packaged bag.

Upon hearing the mentioned amount and seeing only a single bag, Cicely lifted

an eyebrow in query, “Has there been some kind of mistake?”

The cashier blinked, “Pardon?”

The sales associate quickly interjected, “What seems to be the problem, Ms.


Cicely calmly placed her card on the counter, “You forgot to pack the dress I

reserved, and the price wasn’t included. That dress should earn you a hefty


The associate paused, then asked with some confusion, “You already have that

dress, don’t you? Do you want another one?”

Cicely paused, then looked up, “I believe I only reserved one dress over the

phone yesterday. I didn’t pay, and I didn’t receive it. What do you mean by


“Oh.” The realization dawned on the associate, who covered her mouth with her

hand, then quickly laughed, “My mistake. Another customer reserved the same

dress last night. I thought you’d sent him to pick it up. Sorry, Ms. Cicely.”

Cicely rarely concerned herself with matters unrelated to her. Anyone could buy

the same dress, but who it was didn’t interest her.

“Wrap it up. I’ll pay by card.”

“Of course,” the associate signaled to the cashier, who swiped the card,

deducting an amount that would sustain an average family for a year.

As the associate packaged the dress, another whispered, “Are we still supposed

to get another one? The one from last night…”

“Shush. Maybe Mr. Seth hasn’t had the chance to give it to her yet. If it’s a

surprise, wouldn’t we be spoiling it?”

“But isn’t this dress a bit pricey? Getting two of the same, isn’t that a bit… you


“Does she look like she’s short on cash? Besides, it’s not like we can say

anything about it. If we speak up, it’s bad news. If we don’t, it’s just her buying

an extra dress and us making an extra sale. We’re all sharp cookies here. A little

thought and nobody’s going to give us grief for it.”

After saying that, the associate took the packaged bag and walked out. Handing

the bag to Cicely, she added, “We’ve only stocked two of these beauties at our

P City branch. In a way, you could say it’s practically your own private couture,


Issac reached over and took the bag from behind. Cicely, however, just offered a

bored smile and remained silent.

Such unabashed flattery and deceit. They claimed there were two, yet they were

telling her it was unique and tailor-made now? Did they really think she was

some kind of brainless heiress?

Cicely didn’t rush out of the boutique. Instead, she browsed some cosmetics

and picked out a pair of heels that would match the dress perfectly. After all, it

was the heels that really made a dress pop. Sure, they can be a pain to wear,

but she felt it was worth it.

Maybe last time she just wasn’t used to them. Perhaps after a few more blisters,

a bit more pain, and a little bloodshed, one day she’d master them completely

and be unapologetically beautiful.Having chosen the shoes and settled the bill, she walked

through the other door

of the store, intending to browse a bit more before leaving. However, she

unexpectedly encountered someone she thought she wouldn’t see again so


There she was, the very woman she had slapped just the day before, now

comfortably seated on a bench, trying on a pair of sandals adorned with crystal

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Their eyes met, and an unmistakable mutual distaste hung in the air.

Cicely cast a cursory glance at the sandals the woman was trying on and

couldn’t help but smirk.

Enter title…

Noticing Cicely, Danielle’s expression darkened. She stood up and walked over

to a full-length mirror to check out the sandals on her feet.

“Don’t see you hit the mall much. What brings you here?” It was a clear dig at


Cicely paused, arms crossed, boredom etched on her face as she turned to face

Danielle through the mirror. “Stalking you, obviously.”

Danielle looked up, meeting her gaze in the reflection.

Cicely chuckled softly, “Is that the answer you wanted to hear?”

Frowning, Danielle didn’t respond. Cicely gave her a sidelong glance, then

turned and walked over to a display case, picking up another shoe to examine.

“What I’m doing here is none of your business. We don’t need to pretend

niceties or acknowledge each other. Isn’t it nauseating to even try?”

She placed the shoe back on the display and walked out without a backward

glance, leaving Danielle staring coldly after her in the mirror. The two sales

associates standing by Danielle exchanged awkward looks. The Ellis family’s

feud was well-known, but to witness such disdain in public was something else.

Indeed, as a lady raised in the Ellis family, this frank and arrogant temperament

of Cicely’s couldn’t be adequately mimicked by anyone else.

Danielle caught sight of the gaze of the two sales associates through the mirror,

and a wave of embarrassment suddenly washed over her.

As they got into the elevator, Cicely casually asked, “Where is tonight’s banquet

being held?”

Following behind her, Issac replied, “At the Watson family’s villa hotel by

Imperial Bay.”

Cicely arched an eyebrow, “That’s quite an extravagant choice of location.”

Issac didn’t respond.

“Is it hard to get in?” Cicely asked.

Issac glanced at her from the side, “You might need your father’s help to get an


Cicely frowned, “How prestigious does an event have to be that my father needs

to get involved?” After a few seconds of silence, she walked out of the elevator,

“Alright then.”

With that, she pulled out her phone and dialed Creighton.

By the time Cicely reached home, Creighton was waiting for her in the living

room. On the coffee table lay a black, gold-embossed invitation.

“Thanks, Dad,” Cicely said, picking up the invite with a half-smile.

Creighton pursed his lips. “You know it’s just going to be a headache for you,

right? Why go?”

“To broaden my horizons at a fancy shindig? Never been to one like this.”

Creighton sighed, resigned. “Just don’t cause any scenes. Keep the family

drama private.”

“As if I’d make a scene,” Cicely scoffed, though her words carried little


Seeing that Creighton had stopped speaking, the butler couldn’t help but add,

“Although the Ellis family hasn’t directly involved itself with the entertainment

industry, the myriad of intricate connections inevitably leads back to us through

others. The social elite circles in P City aren’t extensive, after all.”

“If the script auction at the banquet succeeds, it could directly catapult P City’s

economy to new heights. Aside from significantly boosting average income at

grassroots levels, the craftsmanship involved, costuming, and particularly the

substantial investments required for constructing various film and television

sets, all are major components. Once these behind-the-scenes operations kick

into high gear, it would inevitably concern the Ellis family, emphasizing the

crucial significance of this banquet.

“It has come to my attention that Mr. Diaz had a keen interest in attending this

banquet but intended to rely solely on his merits. Regardless of perspective,

he’s only been in a leadership role for two years, and he’s still enrolled in school.

Relying on his individual efforts alone, it’s virtually impossible for him to gain

easy access to the banquet.”

In truth, Cicely hadn’t initially attached much significance to the banquet. Now,

hearing Brody’s explanations, she was struck by how naive she had been.

Cicely’s interest piqued. “Seth wanted to go and got rejected?”

“He didn’t even know how to get an invitation, let alone get turned away,”

Creighton said with a hint of irritation.

Cicely’s brow furrowed as she glanced at the invitation in her hand. She had

gotten access with just a phone call.

Sensing Cicely’s current confusion, Brody decided to add more, “Actually, Sir

has been waiting for Mr. Diaz to approach him for help, but…”

Before he could finish, Cicely understood what he meant. Seth didn’t come to

ask her father for help.

Her somewhat lethargic mind was perhaps a bit foggy. Various messy thoughts

in her mind were bumping against each other, like entangled pieces of string

becoming increasingly knotted. Her complexion wasn’t great.

The butler, sensing her confusion, added, “Mr. Diaz is bringing Danielle to the

event for a reason. Perhaps he had his explanation.”

Tired, Cicely excused herself. “I need some rest.”

As Cicely ascended the stairs, Creighton and the butler exchanged worried

looks. “Are we sure about letting her go? She smashed Mr. Diaz’s car just

yesterday,” the butler asked Creighton.

“If I forbid her, she might level the house in retaliation,” Creighton muttered, halfjoking.

The evening approached, and luxury cars snaked their way to the Watson

family’s villa at Bayview Haven. While the villa’s exterior suggested beachside

leisure, its interior revealed opulent seclusion. Guests arrived, invitations in

hand, passing through tight security, a testament to the exclusivity of the night’s


As the Maserati rolled smoothly into the parking lot, the driver’s side door swung

open, revealing a crisply pressed trouser leg followed by a tall, lean figure

standing by the car. Under the glow of the streetlights, his face was striking yet

aloof, his eyes sweeping casually across the passenger side. After a quick

adjustment of his shirt cuffs, he strode over to the other side and opened the


Danielle stepped out, flashing Seth a muted smile. Her hair was expertly coiffed,

and her makeup was of the finest touch.

Noticing a valet approaching, Seth took a step back, opting to close the car door

himself. Danielle felt a twinge of disappointment as she clasped her purse and

fell into step beside him.

While presenting their invitation at the entrance, Danielle instinctively slipped

her arm through Seth’s. The staff glanced at them both, welcomed them with a

nod, and let them pass.

Danielle held her breath, focused entirely on Seth, dreading any sign of

impatience or annoyance, but he remained composed all the way to the villa’s

grand hall.

It was only after checking her arm in his, that the stiffness in her smile relaxed.

The pair stood out at the reception—too young amongst a sea of veterans who

had spent lifetimes earning their place. Some had traded youth and more to

claw their way up in society. How could they compete with those born atop the


However, in their memory, wasn’t that young man the boyfriend of the little

princess of the Ellis family? How could he come here with another woman?

The silence lasted just for a moment before the previous lively atmosphere

quickly returned. Whispers floated around, mentioning the Ellis family heiress,

the temperamental princess of P City, Cicely.

Ray, who had been waiting for Danielle to arrive, approached as soon as he

spotted her. “Danielle. You look stunning.”

Her smile faltered slightly as she gripped Seth’s arm tighter and leaned in closer

to him.

Ray’s gaze darkened, unabashedly scrutinizing Seth. They were classmates,

though not in the same field, and Seth’s relationship with Cicely was well-known

throughout P City. Ray couldn’t fathom why Seth would show up with Danielle

instead of Cicely.

Danielle was the woman Ray was pursuing, the one he had impressed with an

invitation to tonight’s event. Yet here she was, on another man’s arm.

Ray’s frustration simmered beneath the surface.

Even Danielle was uncomfortable with Ray’s disrespectful stare. To deflect, she

smiled and started a conversation. “Thank you for the invitation. Without it, I

wouldn’t have had the chance to meet so many esteemed directors and actors.”

Every man likes to be admired, and Ray was no exception. “Just the beginning,”

he beamed. “Come, let me introduce you.”

As Ray moved closer, Danielle instinctively tried to dodge, but Seth stood firm.

Ray’s attention remained on Seth, and after a few seconds, he chuckled, hands

in pockets, exuding confidence. “Why are you here with Danielle?”

Seth’s eyes narrowed slightly, a faint smile on his lips. “It was quite unsafe for a

young lady to be here on her own. She was like a sister to me, I felt it was my

duty to accompany her,” Seth explained.

Danielle was stung by what Seth had said. She knew Patty had sent Seth to

protect her and possibly discourage Ray’s advances. Now what Seth had said

had no effect on Ray’s pestering of her.

Upon hearing this, Ray paused for a moment, turned to look at Danielle, and

something seemed to flash through his mind. He blinked awkwardly and

surprisingly remained silent.

Seth turned to Danielle, suggesting softly, “This is a rare opportunity. Why not

spend some time with him and meet some industry veterans?”

Danielle hesitated, “What about you?”

“I’ll wander. Just stay in the hall, and I’ll be within sight,” Seth reassured her, his

voice unusually tender.

Danielle let go of Seth’s arm reluctantly. Ray quickly offered his, and after a

moment, she accepted it.

Ray stole one last glance at Seth, then led Danielle into the crowd. After a few

steps, she glanced back to see Seth smiling reassuringly, allowing her to relax

and return the smile.

A server carrying a tray of drinks brushed against Seth, prompting a soft

exclamation of concern from Danielle, but Seth simply shook his head in

forgiveness, and Danielle turned away.

As Ray and Danielle mingled, he complimented her, “You look beautiful,

Danielle. I’ve never seen you dressed like this before. You seem different.”

Her smile stiffened once more, “Thank you.”

Ray’s gaze lingered on Danielle as they walked, and she felt increasingly


“Here, Danielle, this is Director Suarez, of the stage play ‘The Maiden.’ You must

be familiar with his work.”

Danielle snapped back to reality, her eyes lighting up with a mix of awe and

excitement as she faced the man before her, whose hair had silvered with age.

“Mr. Suarez, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m a budding stage actress, and I

absolutely adore your play ‘The Maiden.'”

At that moment, Ray flagged down a passing waiter and ordered two glasses of

wine. The waiter lowered his tray and handed the two wine glasses to Ray.

Without missing a beat, Ray handed one of the glasses to Danielle.

Seth withdrew his gaze and made his way to a corner nearest the door, casting

an indifferent eye over the glitz and glamour of the party’s attendees.

Beneath the handsome and gentlemanly exterior, what kind of power-hungry

and dirty heart was wrapped up?

Everyone was the same. Including himself.

Danielle seemed to be completely swept away by Ray’s presence, her

demeanor radiating happiness. She genuinely loved the theater.


Cicely slept deeply in the afternoon, woke up a bit late, and by the time she

dressed and finished her makeup, it was a bit later than she had expected.

Fortunately, when they arrived, the banquet had not been going on for long.

After Isaac parked the car, Cicely had already handed the invitation to the staff.

As they were about to be let in, Issac’s voice came from behind her, “Miss, do

you want me to accompany you?”

Cicely glanced at him and smiled, “Issac, you look dashing tonight.”

Issac wasn’t sure why she suddenly complimented him, but he soon got his

answer. “You say that, but what if people think you’re my boyfriend?” Cicely’s

smile widened, “He’s also here, and even if he doesn’t get the wrong idea,

others will talk. It could make him uncomfortable.”

Issac furrowed his brow, “He’s brought Danielle with him tonight. As for people

talking, you’re probably already the subject of their gossip. If that’s the case, you

showing up alone is only going to make you the one who’s uncomfortable.”

For once, Issac’s words carried an unexpected weight of emotion. He was

upset, even angry.

Cicely was taken aback. Isaac became aware of his emotions, stayed silent for a few

seconds, and then

slowly said. “The scene inside isn’t as harmonious as it seems. It’s not safe for a

lady like you. Miss, let me accompany you inside.”

Despite his concern, Cicely declined the offer. “Really, I’ll be fine. If anything

comes up, I’ll call you.”

With a reassuring smile, she turned and headed towards the grand villa that had

been converted into a boutique hotel for the evening’s soiree. She was wearing

a pair of high heels she had bought earlier that day, her steps careful and

slightly unsteady.

Enter title…

Passing through the ornate entrance, the bright lights from the hotel’s ballroom

spilled onto the path ahead. Silhouettes of guests mingled and moved within.

Cicely paused just outside the doors, shifting her weight from one foot to the

other before straightening her posture and stepping into the ballroom.

Her silent arrival should have gone unnoticed. But there she was: a woman so

strikingly beautiful and delicate that she captured attention effortlessly. Standing

alone at the threshold, it was inevitable that she caught the eye of a few.d2

After an initial wave of admiration, more curious and envious glances followed.

Seth, lurking near a corner close to the entrance, caught sight of her and his

gaze darkened. Before he could approach, whispers began to circulate amongst

the crowd.

“Isn’t that the Ellis family’s darling? Why is she here alone?”

“Didn’t her boyfriend just arrive with another girl?”

“Is she dumped or cheated on? Her man arrives arm-in-arm with someone else,

and here she is, solo at a party. What if they run into each other…”

Cicely never cared for how others perceived her. And she certainly didn’t listen

to the snippets of gossip, but even so, the deliberately hushed yet audible

comments made her uncomfortable.

She took a few more steps forward, then looked up to find Seth’s intense gaze

fixed on