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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1956
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With a wicked glint in her eye, Danielle suddenly lunged forward and twisted the doorknob

to Cicely’s room.


Danielle had to admit, there was a deliberate edge to her action, and even in that fleeting

moment, a thrill of schadenfreude danced in her heart. But as the door swung open, she

was met with the sight of a spotless, empty room.

On the neatly made bed, devoid of a single wrinkle, lay two plush toys. Beside it stood her

vanity, while on the other side her desk was adorned with an array of simple trinkets and

several books, all arranged with meticulous cleanliness.

Seth noticed a few items that resembled those Cicely had previously brought to his room.

The state of the room was testament enough that no one had set foot in it for the day.

“It’s just dinner. What’s the rush…”d2

A familiar voice echoed in the hallway, laced with unmistakable impatience and a hint of

irritation, but the words cut off abruptly.

Hearing the sound, Seth turned slowly.

Cicely stood there, staring blankly at him. Her stunning eyes were wide with surprise, fixed

on him, tinged with disbelief.


Indeed, her voice carried the fuzziness of a dream.

Seth’s gaze lifted coolly, sweeping past her to the bookcase anchored against the wall

behind her. His eyebrows quirked slightly, the darkness in his eyes dissipating a fraction.

“Typical spoiled princess, requiring an invitation and a personal summons just for dinner.”

The familiar voice carried the usual indifference.

Cicely snapped back to reality, her joy apparent as she scampered over and wrapped her

arms around Seth’s waist.

Caught off guard, his body swayed slightly with the impact of her embrace.

“What brings you here?”

Cicely’s unique, fragrant scent instantly filled his nostrils. Her soft body pressed

affectionately against him, marking their second close encounter. It seemed that after the

first, the second or third time became more natural.

He remembered how she had barged into the Diaz estate, eager to assertively apply

medicine to his wounds.

Danielle’s face darkened on the spot. “Cicely, have you no shame?”

Seth had just reached out to push her away when Cicely, still in his arms, tilted her head

to look at Danielle and countered, “Why are you in my room?”

Danielle’s face flushed, her eyes darting away. “I came to call you for dinner. You didn’t

respond, no matter how much we knocked.”

Cicely’s eyes flickered, and she gave Danielle a sneer, unaware that Seth had just touched

her shoulder.

Joel heard the commotion and walked out of the study. “Cicely.”

Seth’s gaze met his, registering the fleeting shadow of disappointment that crossed Joel’s

eyes at the sight of Cicely in his arms.

Upon hearing the name, Cicely glanced back, instinctively straightening her posture. But a

sudden weight on her shoulder pressured her back into the hold – a brief force like a

sandbag, that felt almost like an illusion. Just as quick, Seth pulled her aside. His

movement was neither gentle nor harsh, simply decisive.

Seth’s gaze lingered on Joel for a few seconds before shifting to Cicely beside him. He

slightly lowered his jaw, his narrow eyes holding their usual detachment, his thin lips

parting slightly. “So when exactly will you be ready for dinner?”

His voice seemed as indifferent as ever, but Cicely could detect an unfamiliar softness.

Forgetting her unsettled grudges with Danielle, she replied, “I had no idea. There’s this

problem I just can’t solve, and it’s driving me insane.”

Perhaps Cicely was truly vexed by the problem, her voice tinged with irritation, her

delicate frown revealing her emotions for all to see.

Creighton wasn’t wrong. She was unaccustomed to deceit, her innocence so pure that she

never learned to mask her expressions. She was too easy to read.

“Let’s have dinner first.”

Cicely inhaled sharply, her pert nose wrinkling slightly, “If I don’t solve it, I’ll have


Her voice trailed off, then suddenly she looked up, her eyes seeming to absorb all the light

in the room. “Will you help me after dinner?”

Seth walked ahead without a word.

Cicely hurried behind him, “That means you’ll help me with the problem, right?”

Seth glanced at her sideways, “Don’t you have someone to teach you?”

“I don’t care. You’re not allowed to leave after dinner.”

Seth said no more.

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Cicely was delighted. As the four of them descended the stairs, Creighton caught sight of

Cicely’s happiness and shook his head. Indeed, there’s a lid for every pot.

At the dinner table, Danielle and Joel were virtually silent throughout the meal, only

occasionally engaging when Creighton directed a question to Joel, to which he would

politely respond. The old adage “don’t speak while eating” was no longer strictly

observed, even in the most well-mannered families of today. It was all about finding the

right balance. Yet Danielle adhered rigidly to those archaic rules, always the prim and

proper lady of the Ellis household, her table manners flawless. Especially in front of Seth,

she strove for perfection.

However, Cicely was different. Raised in the Ellis family, known as the pampered princess

in P City, she sat in front of Seth, ceaselessly offering him dishes from the table. Using the

serving spoon was one thing, but she used her own without hesitation.

Cicely was rarely this enthusiastic. And Seth, ever the stoic, could hardly stomach such

fervor. “That’s enough.” Watching the heap of food in the plate grow to an almost

mountainous proportion, Seth finally broke the silence.

Cicely wasn’t much of an eater. With a table full of dishes, she didn’t need to sample each

one to feel full. In the end, it was about her taking a bite, serving Seth two, and then

watching him take one. It was a ritual she never tired of.

Across from her, Danielle looked on with a detached air, her eyes painting a picture of

scorn upon hearing Seth finally speak up coldly to stop Cicely.

Sometimes, people just push their luck too far. People like Cicely, all the more so. Did such

a person ever leave a good impression in anyone’s eyes?

Cicely, however, did not seem bothered by Seth’s coldness. Resting her chin in her left

hand and holding a fork in her right, she leaned slightly to watch Seth. “You’ve barely

touched your food, and I’m the host here. I can leave food on my plate, but you can’t.

Unless you admit you’re one of the Ellis family, then you can leave whatever you want.”

A twitch crossed Seth’s brow as he looked at the plate of food before picking up his fork


Cicely watched him take a bite of food, his face showing no emotion. Naturally exuding an

air of elegance and cold nobility, he ate with a deliberate, refined, and graceful manner.

How could Cicely like someone who wasn’t extraordinary?

Observing his actions, a smirk played at the edges of Cicely’s mouth, hinting at a tinge of

disappointment, yet her eyes couldn’t hide a triumphant gleam. She knew Seth too well to

expect him to admit he was one of the Ellis family. It was just about getting him to eat

more, that was all.

Creighton could see it. And Seth wasn’t ignorant to it either.

After all, Joel was a guest Cicely had invited, and now that Seth was eating as she wished,

she turned her attention to Joel. Being a gentleman from a distinguished family, Joel’s

manners needed no comment.

“Joel, I really owe you one for tutoring me these past few days.”

Although most peers in P City were somewhat wary of the Ellis family’s haughty heiress,

those who got close knew she wasn’t as difficult as rumored. In fact, Cicely’s reputation

was mixed, but Joel thought few truly disliked her.

She had always been accustomed to being alone, but if she wanted, there would be many

people willing to get close to her, whether for the sake of the Ellis family’s influence or for

her as a person. But her nature was such that, in his estimation, she didn’t care for idle

chitchat. She was one of those rare people whose favor was priceless. Never one for

pretense or duplicity.

Joel watched the corners of her mouth lift slightly, her eyes shimmering beautifully. He

smiled softly, shaking his head. “I’m happy to help. I hope you ace your exams the day

after tomorrow. You can thank me then.”

Cicely arched an eyebrow, resting her cheek in her hand, clearly pleased as she took

another bite of her food.

“True. I guess I’ve got to perform exceptionally well now or else it would be a disservice to

the time and effort you’ve invested in me these past days.”

Seth, who had been eating steadily, tightened his jaw ever so slightly, his expression

darkening where no one could see.

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You’re smart, and I have every faith you’ll do


Cicely just smiled again, turning her attention back to Seth at her side. The plate was

nearly empty now, with only a few stalks of celery left.

Creighton had high blood pressure, so the kitchen was always careful with the meals,

incorporating celery into nearly every dish, whether as a main or a side.

“Don’t like celery?” Cicely’s voice carried a mix of surprise and amusement, as if she’d

discovered something or caught him in a fault. Thinking back, she couldn’t recall

ever seeing celery in any dish at the Diaz family dinners.

Seth ignored her, continuing to eat everything but the celery in his plate. Suddenly, a fork

appeared over his plate.

Seth paused. He watched as the fork took his celery and brought it to her mouth, chewing

carefully before swallowing.

“What else don’t you like?” Cicely asked with genuine interest.

Seth watched as her crimson lips moved, forming words, and he could clearly see the

upward curve of her mouth.

Seth kept silent as Cicely scanned the table, her gaze settling on a dish in front of Danielle

that she hadn’t touched—steamed mussel.

Danielle caught on to her intentions. As Cicely’s fork reached toward the dish, Danielle

said coldly, “He doesn’t like seafood.”

Cicely hesitated for a moment. After a cold glance at Danielle’s pretentious expression,

she still served a piece of the sea cucumber onto Seth’s plate.

Seth looked at her with a a piercing coldness. Cicely, still smiling, said, “Why aren’t you


Despite her cheerful demeanor, everyone felt the atmosphere turn chilly.

“Enough, Cicely,” Creighton finally intervened, breaking the tension.

“Is it me stirring up trouble? It’s premium mussel, how could I let him miss out?”

Danielle slammed down her fork, unable to contain her frustration. “Cicely, even if you

want to play games, there’s a time and place. Do you find this amusing?”

Cicely’s gaze turned frosty as she watched Danielle for a moment before turning to a

maid, “It seems Ms. Danielle is done eating. Clear her place, please.”

Danielle’s complexion darkened further.

The servant hesitated, not daring to move. It was clear Cicely was making a statement.

Removing someone’s place setting mid-meal was the same as asking them to leave the


Cicely addressed the maid again, “Are you hard of hearing or did you not understand me?”

The maid quickly moved to Danielle’s side.

“That’s something you should tell yourself!” Danielle spoke with an icy edge in her voice,

“What’s it to you if he doesn’t eat seafood? Throwing a tantrum like a child, really, what

are you trying to prove? How petty can you get?”

Cicely nonchalantly reached over and plucked a stick of celery from Seth’s plate, chewing

with deliberate slowness before replying, “Pick your battles, darling. That’s advice you

might want to take to heart. You always carry yourself with such an air of superiority, like

some high-and-mighty heiress. The Ellis clan isn’t fussy about dining etiquette among

family, but we certainly don’t tolerate sulking or slamming cutlery at the dinner table.

Who do you think you’re impressing with that little show?”

Having said her piece, she glanced at one of the maids whose face tightened with

embarrassment as she quickly cleared Danielle’s plate.

Then, turning to Seth, she asked, “Not eating?”

Seth cast Cicely a cool glance and said matter-of-factly, “I don’t eat seafood.”

The others tensed silently. His candid admission seemed to confirm Danielle’s statement.

Cicely’s sudden change of attitude was because Danielle, having known Seth for years,

understood him too well. Had Seth remained silent or denied it, the incident might have

passed without consequence.

However, Cicely merely smiled wryly, using her fork to transfer a piece of mussel from

Seth’s plate to her mouth.

“Got it,” she said simply.

The room was silent. Almost simultaneously, they realized that Cicely was just unwilling to

acknowledge how well Danielle knew Seth.

Creighton exhaled in relief and gave the servant a nod, “Bring a fresh set, please.” It was

clear whom it was for.

“No need!” Danielle snapped, abruptly standing. “I’ve lost my appetite.” No one wanted to

linger after such an embarrassment.

Creighton didn’t say more, though his mood had not lightened. Ever since Danielle had

brought Seth home, Creighton’s displeasure with her had grown. Now, with this drama at

the dinner table, it was hard for him to maintain any semblance of affection for her. He

prided himself on treating her as he treated his own daughter, not expecting gratitude in

return. However, it seemed he couldn’t even count on her for the slightest bit of


His own daughter always knew how to cheer him up, and he felt his care for her was

warranted and willingly given. Given the same level of dedication, the starkly different

returns he received from Danielle and his daughter were clear to all. Moreover, to avoid

any bitterness on Danielle’s part, he had been more critical of his daughter lately. Yet, for

all his efforts, Danielle’s favor remained elusive. All these years, it had been him making

the concessions, toiling thanklessly.

Danielle’s behavior was predictable, but a thoughtful person would not have left in such a

manner, especially not when guests were present and after he had given her a chance to

save her dignity.

Danielle turned and left, her chair scraping against the floor with a jarring screech.

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Cicely’s eyes flashed with annoyance, but Creighton’s glance quelled her rising anger.

Danielle’s departure had an undeniable impact. Soon after, the remaining guests put down

their utensils, the atmosphere irrevocably awkward.

In the study, Cicely laid out the problem before Seth.

“This one. And I’ve got a feeling it’ll be on the test the day after tomorrow.”

Seth didn’t speak, simply picked up a pen and began to outline the solution on a blank

sheet of paper. His method was meticulous, his few words cold and detached.

Cicely nodded enthusiastically. Joel watched from the side, impressed by how much

clearer Seth’s explanation was compared to his own attempts. He couldn’t help but give

Seth an extra glance. Only three years older than him, Seth exuded a composed and

exclusive aura. Dressed in a simple shirt and slacks, his aloof concentration now was a

testament to his refined detachment.

Indeed, Joel felt outmatched. A man like Seth was likely every woman’s dream.

Seth’s defined fingers gripped the pen, effortlessly leaving elegant script on the paper.

Male rivalry often boiled down to this – an obsession with the minutest of details.

Joel felt a twinge of inferiority and regret.

Cicely’s face looked even more radiant under the lamplight, her natural beauty enhanced

by the soft glow. Perhaps it was Seth’s presence that made her seem even brighter than


In the past few days, Joel had thought he would be one of the few to truly understand her,

but now he realized how far he still had to go. He might never witness the full spectrum of

her transformation from a girl’s innocence to a young woman’s shy confusion, and

eventually to a woman’s maturity and allure. Such were the dreams and aspirations of


Cicely was focused on Seth, not noticing Joel’s lingering gaze, but to Seth, Joel was an

irritating presence he couldn’t ignore.

In the reflection of the dark computer screen beside the desk, Seth saw Joel’s gaze clearly.

He made a final stroke on the paper, leaving a deep mark.

“Got it?” Seth paused, looking up at Cicely.

She nodded, “Yeah.”

Joel’s attention was broken, and as he met Seth’s icy stare, a flush of discomfort crossed

his face.

Seth rose, his tall frame commanding the space. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving.”

Cicely pouted slightly, clearly not happy about the evening ending, but it was getting late,

not an ideal time to ask someone to stay.

Seth moved away from the desk but then turned to Joel. “So, are you planning on

spending the night here?”

Joel glanced at the time and began packing his books, “I should head out too.”

Seth didn’t move, his gaze steady and cool as Joel finished packing. “Take care, Cicely.

Have a good night.”

Cicely nodded and said, “Thanks for your help these past few days. Oh, and you forgot

your pen.”

She retrieved a black fountain pen wedged in her textbook and held it out to Joel.

Joey had intended to take the pen back, but the weight of a high schooler’s backpack was

simply not conducive to an easy journey. “No worries, keep it,” he said.

Cicely could tell the bag was a burden for him, and after all, it was just a pen, a trifle not

worth much in her eyes. So she placed it back on the desk without further comment.

Seth’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Joey hoisted his backpack and walked past them, and only when he had moved ahead did

Seth turn to follow him out of the room.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay

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Naturally, Cicely walked alongside Seth. “You won’t be tutoring Danielle tomorrow, will



“And what about the holidays? How long do you plan to spend getting her caught up on

junior and senior year material?”

Seth’s tone was even: “You took a whole vacation to do it.”

“So what? I’m already trying my best.”

Seth’s thin lips curled into a faint smile. “So are you implying she’s smarter than you?”

“Her? Smarter?” Cicely scoffed. “Do you really think someone with a sharp mind would

have caused such a scene tonight?”

Seth’s brow furrowed slightly. “Don’t you think you went a bit too far with all this?”

Cicely slowed her pace, and they both stopped at the top of the staircase. “Me? Too far?”

She slowly curved her lips into a sly smile. “Now that you mention it, I’m quite curious.

Despite my constant invitations, you’ve always declined to come over. So today, did you

really come just to tutor her?”

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