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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1955
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The moment Creighton laid eyes on Seth, fury bubbled up within him. It was clear as day

that Danielle was up to something.

Besides whether she knew if Cicely would bring classmates home today, causing any

misunderstanding with Seth, just the fact that she asked Seth to tutor her had always

been a sore point for Cicely.

Cicely had been biting her tongue for days now, not speaking a word of it, but her silence

didn’t mean it didn’t bother her. Tutoring was one thing, but at least they used to di it out

of sight, so Cicely didn’t have to fret over it. But now, Danielle had to go and bring Seth

straight into the lion’s den. If that wasn’t rubbing salt in the wound, Creighton didn’t know

what was.

“Hey Uncle Creighton,” Danielle greeted him as if nothing was amiss.

Even though Creighton was seething inside, he managed a gruff, “Hey,” without letting his

face betray too much of his displeasure.

“Mr. Creighton,” Seth greeted him in turn, his voice flat and expressionless, clearly just

going through the motions.d2

Creighton nodded, “Why don’t you stay for dinner? I’ll tell the kitchen to whip up

something extra.”

Surprisingly, Seth nodded in agreement.

Danielle didn’t know whether to be pleased or distressed. If she hadn’t told him about

Cicely getting late-night tutoring from Joel, or mentioned the possibility of Cicely bringing

Joel home for study sessions, would he have agreed to come back with her today?

“Seth, come on up to my room,” Danielle said, pulling herself back to the present.

There was a brief silence before Seth replied indifferently, “Go through what you’re

confident with first. I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”

Danielle opened her mouth to say something else, but Seth had already settled onto the


At Creighton’s age, he enjoyed a good cup of tea and the occasional chess game. The

living room’s coffee table boasted a fancy tea set, and Seth’s gaze lingered there for a


Creighton felt a twinge of satisfaction at Seth’s cautious move and caught Seth’s eye as

he pushed the freshly brewed tea that the maid had brought over. Creighton began to

heat the water himself, and the maid, sensing his intent to indulge in his tea ritual,

discreetly left the room.

Danielle, sensing the shift in the air, knew that nothing she said would change the

situation. With a bitten lip, she headed upstairs.

It was the first time Seth sat with Creighton like this, his eyes quietly following Creighton’s

movements, his face betraying no emotion. It wasn’t until Creighton set a cup of tea in

front of him that he murmured a thank you.

Creighton gave a small smile. “University life should be pretty relaxed, but I haven’t heard

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about you getting involved with the Diaz family business. Patty has been hoping you’d

take an interest.”

Creighton was well aware of Seth’s level of involvement, or lack thereof, in the company.

Seth nodded, “Not at the moment.”

“Hands-on experience is invaluable, no matter how much theory you learn. You should

start getting involved. Drop by the office more often, and if you have questions, come ask


Seth took a sip from the tea cup and nodded.

Creighton internally shook his head. With Seth’s cool and detached nature, his darling

Cicely might have a tough road ahead. Creighton normally didn’t meddle in the kids’

affairs, but when it came to his only daughter’s future, he couldn’t help but worry.

After a moment, Creighton said, “Cicely’s been a bit of a handful for you lately. We

might’ve spoiled her a bit too much. She’s innocent, and I’ve always made sure to shield

her from the messier circles, so she’s quite straightforward. Doesn’t have a scheming

bone in her body, but that can be worrying. She’s my only child, and when Danielle came

back, I was happy Cicely finally had some company. Never expected them to butt heads.”

Seth’s brow twitched. “You have something else to say, Mr. Creighton?”

Creighton nodded, “You’re aware, I’m sure, that Cicely is quite fond of you. I hope you’ll

look out for her. And if things work out between you two, that would be ideal. The whole of

P City knows I’ve never intended to force her into the family business.”

Creighton paused, then added with a smile, “I trust her character, but not so much her

business acumen.”

Seth’s frown deepened. “She’s young, and life is long and uncertain. She might like me

now, but that doesn’t mean she always will.”

Creighton shook his head, “You’re right, but perhaps you underestimate the impact of a

girl’s first love. It’s irreplaceable, even if someone better comes along. Do you really think

there’ll be another man who could pose a threat to you? I’ve never seen you as a man

lacking in confidence.”

Seth’s guarded expression faltered for a split second, then he spoke evenly, “I am not.”

Creighton nodded, satisfied. “The rest is up to you youngsters. I never force anyone.”

Creighton was merely stating his hopes for the future, leaving the next move up to them.

Seth nodded again. He took the second cup of tea Creighton offered and glanced at his

watch. Half an hour had passed. Seth’s eyes briefly fixed on the door, his lips pressed into

a thin line.

Creighton chuckled lightly. “It’s quite a coincidence, you know. If you’d come yesterday or

the day before, you might not have run into Cicely. Today, she’s got a friend over for a

study session. You should join them for dinner; she’d be thrilled.”

Seth’s brow darkened, “She’s home?”

Creighton nodded, “Yes, suddenly got studious. She’s upstairs with a classmate right now.”

Seth’s gaze lifted slowly, meeting Creighton’s without a ripple of change. Creighton

couldn’t help but marvel at the kid’s temperament, which was as cool and deep as an

Autumn lake. He wondered how his daughter would cope with such a personality.

Lifting his teacup, Creighton took a sip of the strong brew, his gaze fixating on Seth

through the steam rising from the dark liquid. Setting down the mug, his voice, deep and

smooth, broke the silence, “I heard you had a bit of a scuffle with some classmates at

school the other day, even came to blows. I know you’re not one to start trouble, so I’m

curious, what sparked it?”

Seth’s pupils tightened slightly. Though Creighton’s tone was inquisitive, Seth could detect

a shrewdness in his manner, a sense of being seen through. It was an unsettling feeling,

unprovoked but certain.

With a slight frown, he replied, “At our age, most of us have our impulsive moments. A

conflict, verbal or physical, is sometimes inevitable.”

Creighton watched him for a moment, a meaningful smile playing on his lips. “Is that so?”

Seth didn’t reply again.

Minutes later, Danielle descended the stairs, carrying her workbook. With Creighton

showing no intention of leaving and Seth not moving aside, Danielle had no choice but to

sit by Seth and ask for help with her remaining problems.

Seth didn’t like to repeat himself; if he could make someone understand an issue the first

time, there was no second chance—except for Cicely. It wasn’t that he wasn’t clear

enough. It was just that Cicely always had the nerve to play dumb in front of him. She’d

insist she didn’t understand, and he’d have no choice but to explain it again.

“Got it?” he asked after going through the problem once more.

Danielle nodded.

Clearly, Cicely was the only one bold enough to pull such stunts.

After scribbling the solution in her workbook, Danielle exhaled softly. “The exams are the

day after tomorrow. I think I’ll do well this time, thanks to you, Seth. I appreciate your help

these past few days.”


Danielle clutched her workbook, “I’ll go upstairs and organize my homework.” She didn’t

expect a response from Seth and turned to ascend the staircase.

At that moment, the housekeeper came to inform Creighton that dinner was ready.

Creighton nodded, “Go check on Cicely and Joel, see how their studies are coming along.

They can come down for dinner if they’re about finished.”


The housekeeper climbed the stairs and knocked on the study door. “Miss, dinner is

prepared, and your father is inquiring about your progress.”

Cicely was struggling with a problem. Joel had explained it several times, but she was still

stuck. Hearing the knock, she responded irritably, “Not great!”

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The housekeeper was taken aback and left without another word. Returning downstairs,

she addressed Creighton with some difficulty, “Sir, she may need a little more time.”

Creighton was puzzled; after all, Joel was a guest, and Cicely should be mindful of that—

unless something had upset her. “Do you know what’s bothering her?”

The housekeeper shook her head, glancing at Seth before whispering, “She didn’t open

the door.”

Seth’s sharp eyes narrowed slightly, a cold veneer setting over his indifferent face.

Creighton didn’t want Seth to misunderstand anything about Cicely, and he never

believed his daughter would be involved with other boys romantically.

Presumably, the housekeeper hadn’t had the chance to mention Seth’s presence.

After a moment’s reflection, he turned to Seth with a smile, “When she gets like this, few

dare to approach her. I can’t be bothered to go upstairs myself, so would you mind calling

her down?”

Seth nodded and rose to his feet.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated

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The housekeeper quickly interjected, “Mr. Diaz, the young miss and her guest are…”

“Manuel, get the table ready. We don’t want to keep the miss waiting.”

Manuel seemed to catch that Creighton had deliberately cut her off, and while not

understanding why, she tactfully retreated.

Seth ascended the stairs, encountering Danielle on her way down. “Seth? What brings you


“Where’s Cicely’s room?” Seth asked, his tone detached. He never felt it inappropriate to

directly inquire about Cicely in Danielle’s presence.

Danielle hesitated, then reluctantly pointed towards the room at the end of the opposite


Seth turned and strode toward the indicated door.

Unsure of the situation, Danielle followed after a moment’s thought. Within a few steps,

she remembered that Cicely was with Joel today. Even she, who disliked Cicely, trusted her

inexplicably, based on years of accumulated understanding. She hated this insight.

She hadn’t entertained any untoward thoughts; just the idea of Cicely with another man

was enough.

Seth stood before Cicely’s bedroom door, his icy gaze fixed on the closed barrier, lips

pressed into a razor-thin line. After a pause, he raised his hand, hesitated, then knocked

with increasing force and duration.

Danielle drew a deep breath but didn’t exhale, her focus sharp as she listened for any


Three seconds, four, five… Still, no answer came.

Seth’s eyes narrowed further. He knocked again, once, twice, each strike harder and

longer than the last.

Confused, Danielle stepped forward and twisted the doorknob, flinging open Cicely’s

bedroom door.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!