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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1950
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The lock screen flashed away, revealing Seth’s chat window, and she stared at it intently,

her hopeful yet anxious gaze gradually fading into disappointment.

On the screen, her last message hung unanswered from the night before. No reply from


Disappointment tugged at her heart, but a strand of relief was woven through it as well. It

was, after all, better than a blunt ‘no’.

Taking a deep breath, she sat up and made her way to the bathroom.

After freshening up, she descended the stairs to find Danielle and Creighton already at the

breakfast table, deep in conversation. Danielle’s expression chilled a degree when she saw

her, eyes dropping to her plate of eggs and bacon.

Cicely didn’t really care to pry into what Danielle was discussing with her father. Danielle’s

cold shoulder was one thing. What she couldn’t ignore was the way Creighton’s gaze

lingered on her.d2

Raising an eyebrow, Cicely took a seat and reached for a freshly-baked scone, then turned

to Creighton with a casual air, “What are you two chatting about?”

Creighton sighed inwardly, then offered a smile. “Danielle’s going to be joining you in

junior year next semester.”

Cicely had just taken a bite of her scone when she paused, her cool gaze shifting toward

Danielle, “Thinking of skipping a grade?”

Ignoring her, Danielle continued to eat.

Weighing the situation, Creighton interjected, “If she’s confident she can keep up with the

classes, skipping a grade is certainly an option.”

Cicely tossed her scone back onto her plate with a clatter, leaned back, and fixed Danielle

with a mockingly sweet smile. “I haven’t heard of you excelling in your class. What’s your

plan? Were you discussing hiring a tutor?”

Her last words were directed sharply at Creighton.

Creighton turned to Danielle, “Regardless of her grades, if she’s considering skipping a

grade, we might need to hire a tutor…”

“No need,” Danielle cut him off abruptly, “I’ve already found someone to tutor me.”

Cicely’s smile remained unchanged, though her hand under the table had balled into a

fist. She simply laughed, offering no response.

Danielle put down her utensils and stood up, addressing Creighton with a detached tone,

“I’m done with breakfast. I’m heading to school.”

Creighton grunted in acknowledgment, his eyes on Cicely.

Cicely picked up her utensils again and continued eating as if nothing had happened,

leaving Creighton unable to discern her thoughts.

Who would be tutoring Cicely?

After all, the incident had only happened yesterday. Other than Seth, he couldn’t think of

anyone else.

However, as he saw her off to her car, Creighton noticed no change in her demeanor.

Cicely’s car pulled up at the east gate of Summit Ridge University. The south gate led

directly to the high school section, while the east gate led to the university.

Seth always arrived at school twenty minutes early. Cicely’s car had hardly stopped for a

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minute when Seth’s figure appeared not far from the entrance.

She stepped out of the car amidst the morning rush, wearing a loose white tee

emblazoned with a vintage band logo, contrasting palazzo pants, and pristine white

sneakers. It was a simple ensemble, but it carried the vibrant youth of a student, with a

touch of feminine grace. Yet, her bearing was unmistakably proud and aloof, a clear ‘keep

out’ signal that only made her more intriguing to onlookers.

As she emerged from the car, nearly all eyes were drawn to her. Despite the numerous

young coeds who had painstakingly prepared themselves for university life, their efforts

paled beside Cicely’s effortless charm.

Cicely walked directly toward Seth and stopped in front of him. Looking up at him, she met

his gaze, then spoke first, cutting through the morning air.

“I’ve fallen behind on this semester’s classes. Tutor me over the break?” Her request was

straightforward, her smile genuine.

Seth studied her for a few seconds, his lean lips finally parting to say, “I’m busy.”

The smile in her eyes grew, “Isn’t college all about dating? What could you possibly be

busy with? If it’s studying, then we can study together. I won’t be pestering you with

questions all the time.”

Seth’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at her. “Why come to me today, all of a


Cicely’s smile widened as she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, the action

revealing more of her slender, pale arms. “Seth, I don’t play games, especially not with

someone I like. Do you really think I’d try some clumsy scheme on you? Don’t

underestimate me. I’m not into playing games, and I don’t have the patience for it.

Honestly, Seth, do you think I need to scheme to get what I want?”

Seth narrowed his eyes slightly. Yes, what did she want that the Ellis family couldn’t


“Seth, remember, I will never deceive you.”

Seth stared at her quietly, his lips parting slightly. “Never?”

Cicely nodded. “Never.”

A smirk flickered across Seth’s face, almost imperceptible yet unmistakably sardonic.

Cicely continued, unfazed by his expression, “Of course, if I wanted to deceive you, I

wouldn’t make it obvious.”

His smirk became more pronounced, “So you know I’m tutoring Danielle over the break,

and you’re here trying to get me to switch to tutoring you instead?”

Although she had suspected as much, hearing it from Seth’s own lips chilled her

expression. “What’s your play then?”

“What do you think? Jumping in halfway through the game isn’t exactly playing fair now, is


Cicely’s face finally betrayed her impatience. “Look, if Danielle wanted to skip a grade, my

dad could easily get her a tutor. I warned her to steer clear of you, but she just doubles

down instead. Now you’re painting me as the villain for ‘interfering’? You’re supposed to

be my guy, and keeping your distance from other women is the bare minimum, isn’t it?

Now, making me the villain is Danielle’s fault and your fault, but it shouldn’t be my fault. If

any one of you had a little self-awareness, I wouldn’t be standing here now.”

Everything was always someone else’s fault, never hers. She had a way of twisting things

to make herself the innocent victim.

“I’m not dumb enough to try and fool you if that’s what you think. But remember, I’ve told

you before – I’m not your guy. I’m not interested in playing high school sweetheart with a


Seth circled around Cicely with a dismissive air. “I already agreed to tutor Danielle, and I

don’t back out of my commitments for no good reason. Since you’re struggling to keep up,

maybe you should consider getting yourself a tutor instead of worrying about Danielle.”

Cicely turned to face him, her beautiful face tilted up to meet his gaze. “So, you want me

to step aside for Danielle? Let the guy I like spend his vacation with another woman with

dubious intentions?”

Seth’s brow furrowed. For reasons he couldn’t quite articulate, he felt cornered by her. He

didn’t want to admit it, but it felt like a threat. And the unfamiliar emotion was irritating


“Don’t be so presumptuous as to define everything with your own biased thoughts.”

“Oh?” Cicely raised an eyebrow. “Is it presumptuous of me to like you, or to say Danielle’s

intentions aren’t pure?”

Seth’s expression darkened. It wasn’t either. They had nothing to do with the feeling of

being threatened.

“Think what you want.” With those cold words, Seth strode through the school gates.

Those around Cicely looked puzzled, too far away to have heard their conversation, but

Seth’s dark mood and the way he left a girl standing there sparked both disapproval and


Cicely stood still for a moment, then turned to leave. Everyone expected her to be

heartbroken, maybe even cry, but she did none of that. Her demeanor was calm, devoid of

joy, anger, sorrow, or distress. Her poise and confidence were unshaken, and she serenely

slipped into her chauffeured Mercedes as the driver held the door open for her.

It wasn’t until her car had driven off that the crowd’s curiosity faded, and they headed into

the school building.

“Who was that girl? She’s absolutely stunning.”

“Isn’t she? And that figure? Who can compete?”

“Shallow. It’s not just about looks and body. Look at her ride – a Mercedes S-Class with a

private driver, and that air of untouchable grace. She’s got to be some high-class heiress.”

“You’re one to talk, ogling her like the rest of us.”

“Hey, who doesn’t appreciate beauty?”

A few guys chuckled and headed towards the main building, while Seth watched them go,

his mood growing darker.

Cicely arrived at school ten minutes later than usual due to the detour but it didn’t matter

much. She was just the last to hand in her assignment.

Joel, who was collecting the homework, noticed the stormy look on her face as Cicely

plunked her heavy backpack on the desk with a loud thud and handed him her work. He

took it, giving her an extra glance – it was rare to see Cicely out of sorts.

“If there’s anything you don’t understand, feel free to ask me,” Joel said, after a moment

of hesitation.

“Thanks,” she replied without emotion, then suddenly looked up at him with a question.

“Don’t you get tired of studying so hard every day? Even if you went to a mediocre

college, you’d still inherit the Davis family fortune, right?”

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Joel was taken aback by her direct question, pausing a moment before responding, “I can’t

let people say the heir to the Davis conglomerate is incompetent. And while it doesn’t

matter which college, getting into a top one saves me from critics. Besides…”

Cicely nodded, expecting that to be his sole and most convincing reason, but Joel had

more to say. She looked at him expectantly.

His ears reddened slightly. “I want to be worthy of the person I’ll like in the future, to not

be a burden, to be able to support her or provide a sense of security.”

Again, Cicely nodded. Her eyes fluttered, and she straightened up with a slight smile.

“With your status as the Davis heir, plenty of women would throw themselves at you.”

“The one I like won’t care about just that,” Joel said quickly, a trace of urgency in his


Cicely was startled by his sudden intensity.

Realizing his tone, Joel quickly added in a softer voice, “Would you like any of those people

who have pursued you?”

Cicely raised an eyebrow in response.

“Right, those flashy types would never catch the eye of someone like you. I can’t wait to

meet your future girlfriend and tell her how dedicated you are. She’ll be so touched.”

Joel pursed his lips, and his eyes dimmed slightly. “I should get these assignments to the


“Sure, thanks for your help.”

Cicely seemed in a much better mood, but as Joel turned to leave, she called out again,

“Oh, and Joel, I want to get good grades this time. I might need to bother you these next

few days.”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates…

Joel paused, then smiled. “It’s no trouble at all. If you need help, just ask.”

Cicely smiled back. “Thank you, then.”

To be worthy of the one you like, to not be a burden, and perhaps even to be of help, she

might as well give it a try.

Better to get a good grade on her own than rely on Seth. It would show she was capable,

after all. Otherwise, relying on Seth, even if she got a good grade, it would be taken for

granted in his eyes. He might even have pointed out mistakes and mocked her for them.

However, as soon as she thought about Seth tutoring Danielle during the holidays, Cicely’s

expression instantly darkened again.

When the final bell rang, Cicely hit up her dad, Creighton, with a text, saying she’d be

home late because she was hitting the books with friends. With exams around the corner,

it was nothing but the truth.

But Creighton? He wasn’t buying it. Since when was his little girl suddenly Miss Study Hall?

The only time she’d ever shown interest in hitting the books was when she was scheming

to skip a grade, and everyone knew it was just to close the gap between her and Seth. It

gave her the perfect excuse to be around him under the guise of “needing tutoring.”

Now, after learning about Seth’s new gig as Danielle’s personal tutor in the morning,

Cicely was suddenly morphing into a star student by the afternoon? Was she trying to

prove a point?

Creighton couldn’t help but wonder: Was this a disaster in the making or could it actually

be a good thing?

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!