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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1947
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Joel: [What’s up?]

Cicely: [Hey, Mr. Straight-A President, all done with your homework?]

Joel: [Yup.]

Peter: [That’s a first. It’s not often to see Joel reply so quickly to a message. The beauty

treatment sure is different.]

Sam: [True that. Usually, you need to @ him to get a response.]

Max: [Only now we realize that our noble Mr. Joel isn’t just swimming in a sea of books.]d2

These boys were perennially active in the class, and everyone could tell they were teasing

Joel. While Cicely was involved, they carefully avoided mentioning her by name. No one

wanted to cross the Ellis family’s famous little princess. The consequences could be dire,

though they weren’t quite sure what that would entail.

Somehow, the idea that Cicely was not to be trifled with had inexplicably taken root in

everyone’s minds. No one wanted to step on that landmine.

Knowing that Joel had finished his homework, Cicely messaged him privately. She snapped

photos of the blank problems with her phone and sent them over. [I can’t figure these out

at all. Can you show me your answers?]

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Joel: [If I just show you the answers, will you understand? Do you want me to explain them

to you in detail?]

Cicely: [No need, I’ll see if I can work it out on my own.]

Joel: [Alright then.]

Soon after, Cicely received Joel’s solutions, but each one was accompanied by a detailed

explanation of the steps.

Following along, Cicely actually got it. [A genius, no doubt. You actually make it look so


Joel: [If you have any questions in the future, just ask me directly.]

Cicely responded with a simple [okay] and then went silent. The classic hit-and-run: use

him and lose him. She played it to perfection.

Joel didn’t seem to mind. He pocketed his phone and glanced at the group in front of him

before gathering his stuff and standing up to leave.

As he passed by Seth’s seat, Seth, who had been engrossed in his book, suddenly looked

up at him. The unexpected and piercing gaze made Joel instinctively look away.

Seth’s gaze didn’t linger long, but Joel felt as if he’d been sized up completely. Confused

but realizing Seth had no intention of speaking to him, Joel moved on.

Seth’s eyes, which had been on the book, slowly shifted to the window, where the evening

sky was bathed in a warm glow.

Danielle glanced at him, tempted to strike up a conversation, but only her lips moved.

Kane watched her for a moment, raised an eyebrow, then looked back at Seth with a pout

and clicked his tongue.

Sensing Kane’s gaze, Danielle snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him. The

emotions in Kane’s eyes made her feel a bit flustered. She stood up, said she needed to

go to the restroom, and quickly walked away with a blush on her face.

Watching her disappear, Kane tossed his book on the table, visibly annoyed. “What’s with

these girls these days, huh? What’s so great about you? They say you’re handsome, but

are we chopped liver? Why are they all falling for you?”

Seth frowned and gave him a cold look.

Kane’s eyes danced with mischief as he leaned in closer, “Hey, bro, between Danielle and

Cicely, who do you fancy more?”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated

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Seth’s frown deepened as he closed his book and leaned back, his voice icy. “What are

you getting at?”

“If you were picking a girlfriend, who’d you prefer?” Knowing Seth wouldn’t answer, Kane

pushed further. “Both are pretty, but Cicely’s been pampered by the Ellis family since

birth. Her personality is… unique. Is she your type?”

Seth’s gaze darkened slightly, “Don’t you think talking about girls behind their backs is


“Come on, who’s a saint all the time? If a guy doesn’t talk about girls in private, he’s

either a monk or a eunuch. Stop dodging the question, what about Cicely?”

“No thoughts.”

“So, you like Danielle’s type?” Kane drew his own conclusion and chuckled, “Since you’re

not interested in Cicely, I might give it a shot.”

At that, Seth’s eyes narrowed, his voice colder, “Try what?”

“Chasing Cicely, of course. Besides her tricky personality, she’s got a lot going for her.”

“She’s underage.”

Kane waved it off nonchalantly, “You think I’m that bad? Just building a rapport, man. You

gotta catch a girl’s first love – those early feelings, they remember for life. If we end up

together, wouldn’t it be wonderful?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!