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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1937
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Chloe, carrying two lunch boxes, arrived at the office. Even in her snug down jacket, her

figure remained unbulky.

Her long hair, not meticulously styled, fell messily over her shoulders, slightly veiling her

cheeks, accentuating the delicate beauty of her small face. It was her tall, slender frame

and the aura she exuded that made it impossible to dismiss her as just another high-

society wife.

Navigating through the bustling halls of Harper Group, she was greeted mostly with

respectful “Ms. Summers” from the employees, to which Chloe responded with a soft,

genial smile.

However, some would call her “Mrs. Harper,” and there were those who’d catch

themselves and add a “Mrs. Harper” following “Ms. Summers.”

Truth be told, Chloe, engaged with her own enterprise, Starlight International, rarely

visited Harper Group.

The title “Ms. Summers” was commonplace to her ears, but being addressed as “Mrs.

Harper” was still something she was getting used to.d2

Lunchtime had the office buzzing with activity, some stepping out for a walk and others

milling about for a chat.

She had chosen an inconvenient time to visit. Finally, upon reaching the sanctuary of the

elevator, she allowed herself a small sigh of relief.

Damon, waiting for Chloe to bring his lunch, was busy handling documents in his office.

Despite the central heating warming the office, he donned a sharp, dark suit, sitting

upright with a hint of austerity in his eyes, his distinguished demeanor deterring anyone

from approaching without good reason. Even the high-ranking executives preferred to

avoid standing before him unless absolutely necessary.

Many thought this reserved man was destined for a solitary life, unable to picture him with

a partner. No one imagined that not only would he have a woman by his side, but one who

could match his presence without faltering.

What a power couple—handsome and assertive man, beautiful and strong woman.

Despite the surprise and gossip surrounding their union, there was speculation about how

such strong personalities managed their private life together. Some even joked that their

intimate moments must involve a fight or a negotiation for dominance.

In reality, Chloe couldn’t help but acknowledge the inevitable physical disparities between

men and women. Whether it was about assertiveness or something else, the distinction

was clear.

The sound of the office door announced her arrival, and Damon’s usually stoic expression

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softened at the sight of her. He set his pen down, closed the document, and his gaze

locked onto Chloe as she entered.

At first glance, there was Damon in that well-dressed suit, exuding an appearance of

refined elegance, a modest gentleman with an air of profound dignity. Her heart stirred

slightly at the sight. This man, blessed with natural allure and authority, always stood out.

No matter how much time she spent looking at him, he was irresistibly charming—a man

whose every feature was aesthetically perfect.

Concealing her emotions, Chloe walked over to the small round table by the floor-to-ceiling

window and placed the lunch boxes down, then began shrugging off her down jacket,

turning to see Damon approaching.

“Hungry?” she asked.

“A little.” Damon replied, taking her jacket and draping it over the nearby sofa.

Beneath her coat, Chloe wore a knit striped V-neck dress, a blend of sophistication and

homely warmth. Damon’s gaze lingered on her attire, his dark eyes betraying a flash of


Chloe, concerned about the food getting cold and Damon’s hunger, opened the lunch

boxes. Suddenly, she was enveloped in an embrace from behind, his hand reaching

around her waist and gently pulling her hands away from the food. “The food will get cold

if we open it now.” Damon’s voice, deep and soothing, brushed her ear.

Feeling her heart race and her cheeks flush, Chloe protested, “We should eat quickly

before it does. Let go. Stop fussing.”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay

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“Mrs. Harper,” he continued with a hint of playfulness, “Yasmine said it’s fine for you to be

out this afternoon.”

Chloe bit her lip, “That may be true, but let’s eat now.”

She felt his chuckle against her earlobe, then the warmth of his lips. Her body tensed, and

a blush crept over her face.

Damon’s hand traveled from her flat stomach up to her chest, the soft knit of her dress

brushing against her skin. With her head lowered, she caught a glimpse of the intimate

contact and felt a tremble in her fingertips, her blush deepening.

“So, eat first, then what?” his voice teased her ear.

Chloe’s embarrassment was palpable. “Damon, enough. The food will really get cold.”

He inhaled the faint scent at her neck, “I don’t have the strength to eat.”

Chloe, exasperated, blurted out, “Then I’ll feed you.”

Before she knew it, she was swept off her feet. Her lips met his in a fleeting kiss, followed

by his triumphant chuckle, “Then Mrs. Harper, I am in your capable hands.”

Chloe, quick to catch on to his intentions, felt a mix of annoyance and affection. “You…”

Her protest was cut off as he placed her on the office sofa.

Clutching at his suit lapels, flushed and breathless, she whispered, “This is an office.”

“And the alternative is?” he teased.

Chloe was speechless.

Damon released her hands, tossed his suit jacket aside, and it landed over her coat. As

Chloe attempted to escape, Damon pulled her back. His expression suddenly shifted, his

voice carrying a tinge of vulnerability.

Chloe had been giving her twins all her attention lately, and Damon couldn’t help but feel

a tad neglected. He was their dad, sure, but Chloe was also his wife. It seemed like forever

since they had some real quality time together.

“Chloe, you know I love those kids to bits,” he began, watching her eyes soften with a

flicker of emotion, “but you’ve got to save some love for me too. It’s like you’ve lent

yourself to them, not given yourself away. I miss us.”

Chloe bit her lip, her voice a gentle murmur, “I never said we couldnt… Can’t we just have

meal first?”

Damon chuckled and slowly stood up, sliding the cable-knit dress she was wearing over

her head.

“Nope,” he replied, succinct as a shrug.

They finally had a rare moment without the kids causing a ruckus, and Damon seized the

opportunity. It seemed he had a backlog of grievances to air, leaving Chloe without even

the energy to eat.

He fetched a blanket to wrap her up all cozy and snug. Chloe slouched lazily in the corner

of the couch, watching as he laid out the food from the takeout boxes on the coffee table

and sat down.

Dressed to the nines, he was the picture of elegance—hard to believe he was the same

guy who had just been all fire and brimstone.

Chloe, still a bit hoarse and lazy in her accusation, teased, “Everyone thinks you’re this

paragon of virtue, a real gentleman. You’re such a fraud.”

He handed her a plate of food and leaned back, lazily playing with his own meal. “Come

on, call me ‘hubby.'”

She looked at him, his handsome face causing her mind to replay their earlier passion.

His current gentlemanly demeanor was so irresistible.

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They finished their lunch in a turn-taking manner and by two in the afternoon, Chloe was

cradling a thermos he had given her, sipping water. Well-fed and watered, she was ready

for a nap.

Everything that needed to be done had been done, or so she thought, until Damon carried

her to the bedroom for a ‘quick shower before sleep,’ which ended as the sun set.

Boyd was shameless, relentless, and it was his most effective weapon. Knowing that

Yasmine cared deeply about her reputation, Boyd used it against her, leaving her red-

faced and flustered.

Yasmine never showed him a pleasant face, but Boyd clearly wasn’t deterred by her cold

demeanor, his shameless demands escalating to new heights.

Yasmine spent her days wanting to throttle Boyd at least a hundred times.

“Boyd, I warn you, if you keep acting shamelessly, believe me, I’ll slip a note into the

bottle to make you disappear for a good while.”

Pushing away the man who had been sticking to her, Yasmine blushed deep red, with a

tinge of irritation. Her usually impeccable hair was now disheveled, her shawl crumpled on

the bed.

Boyd sighed at her matured, more alluring face, “Yasmine, it’s evening. You want to make

baby food for Elio and Luna, right? How about you practice your cooking skills on me


She frowned, “Speak English.”

“I’ll be your guinea pig. You cook dinner?”

Yasmine raised an eyebrow, tilting her head at him, “A guinea pig? So you’re saying my

cooking might kill you?”

“Let’s say a hamster then.”

After pondering for a moment, Yasmine walked to the closet to change into a fresh set of

clothes. She glanced at Boyd with a cold voice, “What do you want to eat?”

Boyd stood up, surprised, “I can order?”

Yasmine glanced at him coldly, “You think I can’t cook it?”

“Yasmine, you’re so capable, anything is possible. Then I want beef stew.”

Yasmine raised an eyebrow, her face carrying a touch of detached confidence. “Wait for


Boyd followed her into the kitchen.

She gave him a cold look. He knew that look—it was her way of telling him to get out. But

Boyd was starting to regret it.

“Yasmine, just be careful not to hurt yourself, okay?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!