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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1934
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Herschel’s eyes caught the flash of panic that swept across Boyd’s face.

Yasmine said, “After all, it was my birthday present. Remember what you said when you

gave it to me?”

Even though Herschel didn’t know exactly what had happened back then, Boyd’s

expression had given him a pretty good guess.

Boyd’s face went pale, his fingers twitching slightly at his sides. “Yasmine…”

“Boyd, I actually believe you love me. Otherwise, why do you think I would hold onto the

pain of our separation all these years without seeking revenge?”

It was clear to everyone. Yasmine had made her move. And Boyd, no doubt, was acutely


Yasmine always knew Boyd was sharp, his gaze usually filled with wisdom and calm. She

understood that he knew very well himself.

Just look at him now. Boyd showed no reaction. He knew, after all.

Anger began to coil within Herschel. If anyone dared claim to be the worst in the world,

they’d be second to her. She had a way of tormenting someone without even being

present, a talent unmatched.

“I love you.” Boyd’s head hung low as he stood opposite her, his eyes downcast and

unreadable, but his voice, hoarse and subdued, betrayed his turmoil, grief, and


Yasmine’s lips curled into a smile. “I know, and that’s why I think you remember every

promise you made to me, including the one about the birthday gift.”

After speaking, she glanced at him, murmured “Wait for me,” and climbed the stairs.

Boyd remained motionless. The moment Yasmine turned, he thought of fleeing. He

guessed what she was going to do upstairs. He didn’t want to face what was coming, but

she had asked him to wait.

Herschel could feel the restraint and anxiety emanating from Boyd, knowing he was

desperate to escape. Boyd’s emotions were on the verge of explosion; Herschel’s face

turned stern as he reached for Boyd’s arm.


He hesitated as his eyes fell on Boyd’s clenched fists, the veins on his forearms

protruding, muscles taut and trembling.

Herschel’s heart sank. He signaled to the two men beside him, who immediately took

action. One stood by Boyd’s side while the other opened a case he had been carrying.

The sound of the case unlocking made Boyd flinch. He turned to see the open case. The

restraint in his eyes finally quivered. He slowly looked up at Herschel, his body still, his

voice scraping harshly. “Get out.”

Herschel was taken aback by the extreme coldness in his demeanor. “Dad, what you need

right now is to stay calm, or Ms. Yasmine will…”

He was interrupted by a faint noise from the staircase.

Boyd’s face, already roiling with emotion, suddenly composed itself, although his

expression remained unnatural for a few seconds before he turned to look up the stairs.

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The hands that had been clenched now relaxed slightly.

When he saw Yasmine’s figure and the clear glass bottle in her hands, he couldn’t help but

step back.

The doctors behind him had prepared the injection, waiting silently for instruction.

Boyd’s gaze swept over Yasmine, his expression pained as he shook his head in near


Yasmine’s slender fingers traced the smooth glass, her mouth twisting into a wry smile as

she extended the glass bottle towards Boyd.

Boyd stepped back again. “No. Yasmine, can we not do this? I can’t.”

“So, you want to back out? Then what’s the point of this birthday gift?”

Boyd was at a loss.

Herschel, much like Boyd, had seen Yasmine’s unyielding nature and knew well enough

what the note at the bottom of the glass jar might say.

“Yasmine…” Boyd’s voice was grating, his Adam’s apple moving uncontrollably, “I can’t let

you go. If I let you go, would you come looking for me on your own?”

Her lips twitched with a plain and simple answer. “No.”

The answer was expected. Boyd’s mouth moved silently, forming words that never came.

Yasmine sighed and stepped closer to Boyd, who attempted to retreat, but she caught his

wrist and placed the glass jar into his hand. Yasmine felt Boyd’s hand, icy and trembling.

Boyd wanted to throw the glass away as if it were a hot potato, but Yasmine gently laid

her hand over his, pressing his fingers around the jar, and then looked up at him with a

light in her eyes. “Boyd, I have my pride. I never intended to leave us any way out of this.”

Her grip on his hand tightened, insisting he hold the glass.

Then, as Boyd finally saw a soft, sincere smile on Yasmine’s face, unlike her usual cold,

sarcastic, dismissive ones, he was dazzled. Her eyes were so tender, a rarity in his life.

Perhaps he had never seen her smile like that before.

Once, her laughter was bright and sunny, but now, she carried an air of grace that was

altogether different. Her smile, without a doubt, surpassed all the beauty in the world.

He stood, his expression dazed.

“Hold onto this. This is the promise you made to me all those years ago. There’s no

backing out now.”

Boyd was captivated by her current smile, but the harsh reality in front of him was

inescapable. Yasmine gripped his hand tighter.

Boyd’s face was a picture of pleading, his eyes reddening, his Adam’s apple bobbing with

a series of swallows. Despite his efforts to rein in his emotions, the more he tried to hide,

the more his pain seeped through, tugging at the heartstrings. Because no one knew just

how much a person could bear in silence.

Still, everyone in the room felt, that Boyd’s limit was surely above everyone else’s. His

attempt to hide his pain yet showing traces of it indicated an immeasurable burden he


Herschel, watching Boyd’s struggle, felt a lump in his throat and an ache in his heart.

Turning to Yasmine, the woman he had always respected, he now felt a mix of revulsion

and deep resentment. He understood she had her unforgivable stance and reasons, but

what he saw now was a woman punishing his father in the cruelest way imaginable. He

couldn’t be entirely fair and just.

“Have you no heart?” Herschel couldn’t hold back.

Yasmine finally glanced at him, withdrawing her hand, and addressed Boyd, “How are you

holding up? If you can, come with me to Greenfield Village.”

Boyd’s eyes flickered.

“I’ve kept this from you for over twenty years, and you’ve pretended not to know for just

as long. Now, there’s no need for secrets anymore. Chloe is your daughter, and that’s a

fact no one can deny.”

The moment Yasmine spoke, Boyd was motionless, but the next second, he stiffened, a

turbulent wave crashing through the depths of his eyes.

Surprise, hope, hesitation, anguish… a tumult of emotions mingled, throwing him into


He wanted to meet his daughter as a father but feared this was Yasmine’s final farewell.

He was torn, caught in a contradictory loop, uncertain of what to do.

Yasmine was already heading towards the door. Boyd carefully placed the glass bottle on

the coffee table and quickly followed her. He couldn’t leave Yasmine behind, so he chose

to accompany her.

Herschel, concerned, signaled to the two doctors. They hurriedly followed.

Boyd, reaching the outside, ordered them to “scram.”

Yasmine, standing by the car, glanced at the bewildered doctors and calmly asked, “Are

you sure you won’t get into any trouble without them?”

“I won’t.”

She looked at him a moment longer, and just as Boyd thought he should bring the two

along, Yasmine spoke again. “As long as you’re sure.”

Boyd didn’t bring them. He was going to Greenfield Village to meet Chloe, and having two

doctors tagging along would have been absurd.

Herschel, still worried, followed with the two professionals in tow.

Greenfield Village was bustling with joy and a particularly cheerful atmosphere.

The car finally stopped in front of a grand villa, and Boyd sat inside for a long time without

moving. Yasmine looked over at him and stepped out of the car.Books Chapters Are Daily

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Boyd hesitated before finally opening the door and getting out. Facing the closed gates, he

was closer to this place than ever before.

He had once longed for it from afar, but now that he was here, he felt fear. He wondered

how Chloe would react to the truth. Perhaps she would feel that her mother had been

wronged, or even hate and refuse to forgive him.

Before he could ponder further, the butler opened the door, greeted Yasmine, and then

cast a questioning look at Boyd. Boyd had no choice but to follow.

Inside, Chloe and Elizabeth were in the living room, playing with Little Sun and Little Moon.

Although the twins had their own nursery, they seemed to prefer staying in the living

room. The babies appeared to recognize different faces and react differently to each

person. Chloe found it quite astonishing.

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Seeing Boyd follow her mother in, Chloe’s eyes flashed with surprise. The towering man

seemed oddly ill at ease.

Yasmine reminded Boyd to wash his hands and sanitize.

After they returned, Elizabeth cheerfully invited everyone to sit down and asked the butler

to prepare some refreshments.

Yasmine walked straight to the baby cribs and lifted Little Sun into her arms.

Chloe smiled, “You always pick up Little Sun first when you come. Little Moon might get


“You should ask your husband why he’s so obviously biased.”

Chloe laughed helplessly, “He says a daughter should be pampered and spoiled, but a son

doesn’t need it.”

Yasmine ‘hmmphed’ and turned to Elizabeth, “It seems your son didn’t suffer enough

when he was little.”

Elizabeth disagreed, “Damon had a tough and pitiful childhood.”

“He should’ve had it tougher,” Yasmine retorted.

Elizabeth pouted, feeling a bit wronged.

Chloe’s gaze, however, returned to Boyd. “Boyd, please, take a seat.”

Yasmine gently rocked the baby in her arms and said flatly, “He’s your father, your

biological father.”

Elizabeth gasped, covering her mouth as she began to cough.

Chloe’s face too flashed with surprise, but it soon returned to normal. In fact, her surprise

lacked the intensity one might expect—more like a calm acceptance. If anything, the initial

shock was more about Yasmine revealing this without warning.

Boyd clasped his hands together, looked up, and met Chloe’s gaze. He seemed even more

uncomfortable. “I…”

Chloe gave a small smile with an air of indifference. She Herschelt down to scoop up Little

Moon, casting a casual glance at Yasmine as she spoke in a tone that was as light as a

feather brushing against the surface of a pond.

“From the sound of it, you seem like you’re telling a bad joke.”

Yasmine’s eyes flickered toward her. “Did I use to bombard you with bad jokes?”

After a moment’s thought, Chloe shook her head, “No, not really.”

An “are you kidding me?” look flashed across Yasmine’s face.

Raising an eyebrow, Chloe continued, “My own story is quite pitiful. Nearly three decades

of life, and suddenly an estranged biological father pops into the picture. Is my life too

colorful, or does yours take the cake?” As she spoke, she gently caressed Little Moon, who

nestled contently in her arms.

Yasmine scoffed, “Ask yourself that question twenty years after I’m gone.”

Boyd showed a flicker of a reaction, but by then, Chloe had already approached him, tilting

Little Moon in his direction. Her voice soft and soothing, she said, “Little Moon, take a look.

This is your grandpa.”

With her back to them, Yasmine cradled Little Sun, pausing for a moment. Her fingers

lightly stroked Little Sun’s soft cheek, her face breaking into a tender smile.

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