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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1928
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Boyd slid his fork back onto the table with a finality that made the nearby maid’s expression flicker with

surprise. Those words were harsh, showing no consideration at all.

Holding her breath, Yasmine watched as Boyd silently set down his fork, gave a nod, and slowly rose

from his seat.

“Go ahead and eat. Just remembered I need to call Herschel back.”

Yasmine sat with perfect posture, elegantly lifting a forkful of food to her mouth and chewing

thoughtfully without so much as glancing up.

The maid watched Boyd leave, and she couldn’t help but call out softly. Boyd turned back, locking eyes

with her. “Make sure she eats well.”

After finishing her meal, Yasmine rose and left the dining area, her demeanor as cool and detached as

if her heart were made of stone.d2

To drive someone away with such cutting remarks and show no remorse—could she really be that

heartless? It seemed this woman was indeed the sort to be aloof and indifferent.

Upstairs, Yasmine found a book, and, standing by the bedroom window, she began to read. Yet it took

her an age to turn the page.

Two hours later, after reading, freshening up, and promptly at half-past eight, Yasmine lay in bed and

picked up her book again.

This time, Boyd entered, a warm glass of milk in hand, and set it beside her with a low chuckle. “It’s a

bit hot. Give it five minutes.”

Yasmine said nothing.

Boyd disappeared into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, he emerged to find the milk glass empty

and Yasmine still engrossed in her book.

Ten minutes passed, and Yasmine set the book down, ready to sleep. Boyd lay beside her, her back to


Sharing the same bed had been the case all these years, ever since he had brought her to the B


Yasmine thought Boyd might just be the most shameless man she had ever met. Her legs were numb,

unable to walk or run, and she was even powerless to resist when he shamelessly crawled into her bed

each night. But with time, one could grow accustomed to anything—even shamelessness.

Night after night, year after year, his presence beside her had become a routine, to the point where his

absence felt like something was missing. Even after her leaving B Country and him behind, he still

managed to make his presence felt daily.

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Boyd watched her back, his gaze falling on the hair scattered on the pillow. He remembered her short

hair from years ago as if it were yesterday. Reaching out, he gently picked up a strand of her hair and

twirled it between his fingers. “What do you want to do tomorrow?”

Yasmine’s eyes drifted open, settling on the empty glass vase on the windowsill. “I want to visit Little

Sun and Little Moon.”

“Alright, I’ll take you.”

“Well, change of plan then.”

He let her hair fall gently back in place.

“I’ll just drop you off. I won’t come in. Do you want to have lunch there? I can pick you up before


“Chloe won’t miss one less mouth at dinner.”

Boyd paused, “Okay, I’ll come after dinner to pick you up.”

Yasmine didn’t reply, her gaze returning to the vase before she closed her eyes again.

The next morning, after breakfast, Boyd took Yasmine to Greenfield Village and left her at the entrance.

“I’ll be back to pick you up at seven.”

Yasmine didn’t respond to Boyd’s words.

At eight in the morning, the two little babies were particularly lively. The vast estate buzzed with activity,

the presence of the toddlers infusing it with joy and vitality.

Before Yasmine even entered, the playful sounds of Elizabeth with the babies and their giggles could

be heard. A rare smile finally graced Yasmine’s usually stoic face.

Upon seeing Yasmine enter, Elizabeth paused, then ran over with tears brimming in her eyes. “My

dear, I thought I’d never see you again in this lifetime.”

Yasmine lightly pushed her aside, “That sounds like a curse.”

“Never! You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

“Just one day apart, aren’t you being a bit dramatic?”

Elizabeth, spoiled and pampered, acted like a child despite her age.

After sanitizing her hands, Yasmine approached the stroller to inspect the two beautiful infants. It was

hard to imagine what kind of heartthrobs these little cherubs would grow into.

Her expression softened even more, her affection for her grandchildren surpassing even the love she

had felt for her daughter Chloe when she was born. Seeing them, she suddenly felt that nothing else

mattered as much.

Chloe, having tidied upstairs, came down and greeted Yasmine with a small smile. “Have you had

breakfast yet?”

She seemed not at all surprised by Yasmine’s presence, as if she was unaware of her mother being

taken away by Boyd the day before. But how could she not know?

Yasmine glanced at her and responded with a noncommittal “Hmm.” Wasn’t she curious about her

mother’s absence the night before? “My daughter doesn’t even care about me. I guess I’ll have to rely

on these two little ones in the future.”

Chloe chuckled helplessly.

“I think Boyd cares about you more than you know. Life and death seem so fanciful when you’re with


Yasmine pressed her lips together. Life and death? Hadn’t she already faced that in the past?

Chloe moved to the stroller, caressing the babies’ cheeks to check their temperature before adjusting

their clothes.

Little Sun, laying in his stroller, had kept his eyes on Chloe ever since she appeared. She felt her heart

melt and Herschelt down to pick him up, only to be stopped by Elizabeth. “Don’t be reckless. Didn’t you

hurt your elbow last night? Be careful.”

Yasmine frowned, “What happened?”

Still, Chloe picked up Little Sun. “It’s nothing, just hit my elbow on the dresser while getting up to feed

them at night. It hurt at first, but if I don’t think about it, I barely feel it. And besides, holding someone

this important, I wouldn’t let go, even if it hurt.”

Yasmine arched an eyebrow, sensing an undertone of deliberateness in Chloe’s words that grew more

apparent the more she listened. “It’s because you haven’t felt real pain yet. Wait until you’ve really

wrecked your arm, then we’ll see if you can still hold on tight.”

Without hesitation, Chloe responded, “I will. After going through such pain, there’s no reason to drown

in it forever, reliving how much it hurt. I deserve to be happier than anyone else, and get what I want.

There’s no need for a bunch of reasons. My own desire is enough.”

Some things defy logic, yet they exist.

With an impassive face, Yasmine took Little Moon into her arms and settled on the couch. “Your arm

won’t be crippled, and your speech, it’s meaningless without the pain.”

Chloe pursed her lips and then Herschelt down to plant a soft kiss on Little Sun’s face.

The subject was dropped. She might have made her stance too obvious today. After all, it was her

mother’s own affair. She had no right to dictate a direction to her.

Time flew, and despite the bustle of several people in the house, one could still feel the busyness.

Damon came home early every day, sometimes bringing a stack of documents from the office. With a

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wife and kids waiting at home, the hours at the office dragged on like years.

It was just past six when he arrived at Greenfield Village, and Boyd was already waiting at the gate.

Damon, putting down his briefcase, asked, “Not going in?”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join &

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Boyd’s face was a mask of indifference, “After dinner, remember to send the guests packing.”

Damon’s brow quirked, “You want me to kick out my wife’s mother in front of her?”

“Just be clever and subtle about it.”

The car rolled through the gates and came to a stop in front of the mansion. The sound of the car doors

opening and closing reached not just Yasmine and the others in the living room but also the two tots

who seemed to know something was up; they scurried over with their little legs and arms, full of glee.

Chloe watched them, her face a portrait of tenderness. She stood, watching the handsome figure

appear at the door with a brighter smile. As Damon was taking off his shoes, she walked over and was

pulled into his embrace, feeling a kiss on her forehead.

With a smile, Chloe helped him out of his jacket and hung it on the coat rack by the door. This was

always her job, no matter how busy she was. The staff knew their routine and never offered to help.

Everyone knew Damon doted on his lady, fearful of her getting bumped, bruised, or tired, but some

tasks were still hers alone. Their harmonious relationship was the envy of many.

As Chloe turned to help Damon with his tie, he leaned in and whispered, “Got to report something to

Mrs. Harper.”


“Just got a message to subtly nudge your mother out after dinner.”

Chloe paused, her long lashes casting a beautiful curve as her eyes moved from confusion to surprise

and then to a hint of amusement—all under Damon’s watchful gaze. With a playful smile, Chloe

loosened the tie and whispered back, “What’s your plan?”

Damon shook his head, “You are the smart one. I’ll follow your lead.”

Chloe pondered for a moment, “So you’re asking me to send my mom packing?”

Instantly, Damon’s expression turned serious, “I’ll check with the staff to make sure her room’s been

properly cleaned.”

His eagerness to have Yasmine stay was evident and amused Chloe to no end.

“What are you two whispering about? You’re together all day, every day, except when you’re working.

Don’t you ever tire of each other?” Yasmine always felt they were conspiring and talking about her

behind her back. Therefore, she didn’t hide her irritation. “Already bored with your twins just days into

fatherhood? Can’t even bear to glance their way?”