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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1925
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Yasmine stood her ground, not showing any intention of backing down. Her words froze Boyd’s

advancing hand in mid-air.

“You really…”

“Yes, really. I didn’t need to make a spectacle and invite the press or the Summers clan just to put on a

show for you.”

Boyd’s lips paled, “Are you trying to get back at me?”

Yasmine quirked an eyebrow and glanced at Derek, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. “A little bit of

payback? Sure, perhaps. Choosing to tie the knot right now, it’s hard to say it has nothing to do with


Boyd’s gaze was filled with sorrow, “To throw away your happiness for revenge, you wouldn’t do


Yasmine nodded thoughtfully, “Sacrifice my happiness? Is it that the Summers’ reputation in P City isn’t

stellar, or is Nick not up to par? Hardly. I’m too busy being over the moon to worry about that. Anything

else you want to add, Mr. Boyd? I don’t think there’s much left for us to discuss.”

Boyd looked at her and said, “We are not complete strangers, no matter how cold you act, you can’t

deny what we’ve been to each other.”

Yasmine raised an eyebrow, chuckled and said, “True, pretending to be strangers would be a bit much.”

She paused, then continued with a sardonic smile, “How’s Serana doing? I heard about the miscarriage

on the news. Karma, isn’t it? But the rumor mill has it that it was your drunken misdeeds that caused it,

not sparing a thought for her. Any truth to that gossip?”

Boyd’s expression froze, and he found himself speechless.

Yasmine’s gaze didn’t waver, and she didn’t miss the turmoil on his face. A faint frown crossed her

forehead, followed by a mocking smile.

Sometimes, it seemed like fate had it all planned out. Her and Boyd, perhaps they were just never

meant to be.

Forced together for so long, only to pass by each other in the end. She had known this all along.

When Derek glanced at Yasmine, he asked, “He lost control after having a few drinks? With Serana?

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Yasmine narrowed her eyes at him, “Curious about everything? Would you like me to share the details

of my night with Nick? Maybe that would satisfy your curiosity?”

Derek frowned and after calling her shameless, he took a puzzled Aliza inside.

Aliza was confused, “What did she mean by that? Didn’t she say nothing happened between her and


“It’s obvious what she’s thinking, isn’t it? She wants to get rid of Boyd. And don’t you repeat this to

anyone. I don’t think the Summers know the whole truth about their son and Yasmine. If they did, she

wouldn’t last long in that family.”

Aliza nodded vigorously, sealing her lips. “Of course, I won’t say a word.”

Derek’s expression grew somber. If Yasmine hadn’t asked him to handle the hotel’s surveillance, he

would never have been so certain nothing happened between her and Nick.

And all that business with Boyd and Yasmine entering a room together, and then her encounter with

Serana in the hallway, he had seen everything. So if there was any truth to Boyd’s misconduct, it

involved Yasmine, not Serana.

Serana did enter Boyd’s room later, but Boyd was sleeping at the time, and even if he wasn’t, he would

never have done anything to her in a clear state of mind.

Yasmine must know something, and whatever she told Serana in the hallway must have planted some

idea in her head.

Yasmine’s gaze swept over Boyd’s bruised face, her voice detached, “Why the silence? You show up

looking like this, just to see me. It must be more than a simple visit.”

Boyd was silent for a long moment, knowing full well he had no right to say anything. “Do you really

plan to marry Nick?”

“It’s not a plan, it’s done. The Summers family may hold some sway in P City, and Nick is quite

handsome, to my taste. But let me be clear, part of the reason for this decision is indeed you, though I

won’t elaborate. It’s done on my part, and I’d rather you keep out of my life now, otherwise this

marriage won’t mean much. Then again, instead of seeking absolution from me, perhaps you should

turn your attention to Serana, who lost the baby she risked her heart condition to keep.”

She laughed softly, “I’ve always said not to entangle with two women at once. Now you’ve got guilt on

both sides. Still think we’re not alike?”

“That night, was it you and I?”

“With me? Are you suggesting I not only slept with Nick that night but with you too? To be with two men

in one night, I wonder how that would look if word got out.”


Yasmine’s words were breezy yet they seemed to prod at Boyd’s raw nerve, earning her a sharp

rebuke in his deep voice.

“I don’t recall being with you,” she quipped, her tone light. “So, you’re probably trying to say that you

got wasted and mistook Serana for me. Sounds like a man of deep passion, but in the end, it’s the

actions that count. You can deal with me having been with other men, but I can’t stomach you rolling in

the hay with another woman for that reason. I believe I’ve repeated what I wanted to say so many times

that even the dullest person would get it by now. So, Mr. Boyd, take care of yourself.”

Yasmine straightened up, fixed her gaze on Boyd for a few more seconds, then smiled, “That’s that.”

As she went inside and shut the door behind her without a moment’s hesitation, Boyd remained

standing for a long while. He truly didn’t know why he had rushed over here so recklessly. Was it just to

get a straight answer, or did he want something more?

He didn’t want Yasmine marrying someone else, but at this moment, she couldn’t possibly marry him

either. And then there was Serana, waiting for him.

He longed for Yasmine, yet he couldn’t just abandon Serana. Not before, and certainly not now.

The door before him, could it be that it would remain closed for the rest of his life?

After a long moment, he finally turned and staggered away.

Yasmine stood by the bedroom window, her expression blank as she watched his retreating figure.

Slowly, her hand curled, her fingertips brushing against her lips, and though she appeared unchanged,

her fist clenched tightly over her chest, trembling from the force.


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This time, it was a farewell for life.

The next day, Yasmine moved into the Summers family estate and began co-managing Pulse

Entertainment with Carolina.

Carolina was a force to be reckoned with, someone everyone tried to avoid if possible, both in personal

and professional spheres. Her word was law, and nobody dared to challenge her. But Yasmine’s arrival

seemed to disregard Carolina’s temperament entirely.

To the company, it looked like she had Carolina under pressure, and since her arrival at Pulse

Entertainment, every project she touched showed significant success.

Carolina was left without much to criticize. Her demeanor, though, was a mix of resentment and

reliance when it came to Yasmine. Carolina despised the streak of defiance Yasmine carried.

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Marrying such a smart and beautiful woman, Nick was understandably overjoyed, but over the past

month, they hadn’t even shared a bed, let alone fulfill the duties of a married couple.

Touching her? Only in his dreams.

Yasmine had all sorts of reasons to disagree, leaving Nick visibly frustrated yet compliant. Over time,

Yasmine began to feel a tinge of guilt, as though she was taking advantage of him.

Living together, she could see that Nick’s shortcomings had reasons. Carolina, with her grip on power,

offered no praise for a job well done, yet was quick to criticize Nick for any mistake, no matter how

small. No passion could survive under such conditions.

Yasmine had considered helping Nick change, but some habits were too deeply ingrained and

unrealistic to alter overnight. However, she could see Nick was well-meaning, and even though she

often avoided contact with him, he was generally decent to her. She wondered if he was naturally

easygoing, or if her own formidable presence left him with no other choice.

Yasmine had a soft spot for the carrot rather than the stick approach, and with Nick’s demeanor, she

pondered how to accept him.

But that thought remained just a thought. After a half-month of mental preparation, Yasmine visited the

hospital feeling unwell. She was nine weeks pregnant.

The news was completely unexpected, unprepared for, and especially complicated considering her role

at Pulse Entertainment and as the new lady of the Summers family. Before she could even leave the

hospital, the media had already broadcast the news of her pregnancy.