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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1914
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Later, she thought she heard Johnson’s manic laughter ringing through the air.

“Ha-ha-ha, that little bitch and her family, always a bunch of vipers.”

“How can you abandon the woman carrying your baby in her belly? You chose that girl, rejecting your

own woman, even willing to abandon your baby. I truly feel sorry for her. Hahaha.”

What happened next, she didn’t know. Her hand rested on her belly, her only thought being that her

baby must be safe.

Before she lost consciousness, chaos surrounded her. She was swept into someone’s arms, a voice

calling her name that was familiar, the scent in those arms, too, was familiar.

It used to be comforting, even slightly addictive, making her feel safe. Now, she suddenly felt sick.d2


Her eyelids fluttered, but the tears spilled out anyway.

Boyd was in turmoil. He didn’t want to believe Johnson’s words. He couldn’t bear to.

But Yasmine’s tears threw him into a panic. He had never seen Yasmine cry. Not as children, nor when

they met again as adults. He never even thought of Yasmine as someone capable of tears.

Tears and Yasmine just didn’t seem to mix.

When Yasmine opened her eyes again, the brightness overwhelmed her. It took a while for her to

adjust, to finally make out the pristine white ceiling above her, her gaze tinged with confusion.

She lay still, staring up, and after a long moment, her eyes flashed with clarity.

Something occurred to her, her eyelashes quivered, and as she attempted to rise, a sharp pain in her

chest made her gasp for air.

“Yasmine! You’re awake?!”

A familiar voice sounded, and she realized her hand was being held, a gentle pressure on her shoulder.

She turned to the man leaning over her. His eyes were sunken, his face pale as if he were the one who

had been through a grave illness, drained and haggard.

Yasmine tried to pull her hand back, noticing she didn’t have the strength to fight him. “Water,” she

managed to say.

Boyd quickly brought a glass to her lips. She didn’t know how long she had been out, only that she was

parched, and the glass was soon empty.

By the time Boyd offered a second glass, she wasn’t as desperate. After a few sips, she stopped

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Boyd set the glass aside, gently brushing her hair behind her ear, his voice tender, “Lie back. I’ll get the


Yasmine remained silent.

Boyd lingered for a few seconds before leaving the room. Soon, a team of doctors stood by her bed,

examining her. From their demeanor, it seemed she wasn’t in grave danger, but needed rest and


Boyd’s tense expression eased slightly.

As the doctors were about to leave, Yasmine stopped them. “Wait.”

Her voice was so faint she feared being ignored, but she caught the hem of the doctor’s coat. The

doctor turned back, smiling, “Is there anything else that’s bothering you?”

“My baby,” she whispered, “is it okay?”

Her voice was extremely soft, but it caused everyone in the entire ward to freeze, their expressions

stiffening in that moment. They all looked up at Boyd. The doctor paused, then looked at Boyd too.

Yasmine’s grip tightened, “I’m the one asking the questions. Why are you all looking at him?”

The doctor sighed, “You were shot in the chest and stabbed in the lower back. Both wounds were close

to vital organs, but you were lucky. Saving you was nothing short of a miracle. However, the heavy

blood loss and your weakened condition… the baby couldn’t be saved.”

After he spoke, silence filled the room.

Yasmine blinked slowly, then offered a weak smile, “My injuries were to my chest and back. They didn’t

harm my belly.”

The doctor shook his head, “Miss, there are many reasons a baby can be lost, including emotional

distress or physical weakness.”

Her face paled, a painful lump formed in her throat, and then she let go of the doctor’s coat.

She had guessed the outcome from everyone’s reactions the moment she asked her question. She just

didn’t want to believe it.

She never considered herself a good person, but she hadn’t wronged others. She lived openly, without

guilt, not deserving of retribution.

She never asked for much, never sought favors from any deity.

After more than two decades of having no desires, why was her one hope so cruelly shattered?

She had stood at Johnson’s son’s grave, vowing to give her child everything. What others had, or didn’t

have, she would provide without regret, ensuring her child’s happiness outshone Johnson’s.

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original content on drama.com. She had pitied Johnson and his son, but now, what right did she

have to pity anyone?

Johnson’s son had tasted cotton candy and jelly beans, while her child didn’t even know the taste of

water. She had no right to pity anyone.

The pain was intense, like a vice around her heart, making breathing feel life-threatening.

So how was she reduced to a state worse than others?

Her throat was tight, her eyes dry, but she managed a faint smile.”Okay, thank you.”

The doctor lingered on her expression, witnessing the regret and pain, before leaving with his team.

Yasmine slowly closed her eyes, listening to the last person close the door behind them.

The room was quiet again, the air circulating more freely. Boyd walked slowly to the bedside, his gaze

lingering on her still form, her eyes closed, her pallor a stark contrast to the sterile white of the hospital

sheets. His heart clenched at the sight of her calmness—a tranquility that seemed so out of place.

She was right there before him, yet it felt as if an insurmountable chasm had opened up between them,

as vast as the distance between heaven and earth.

The silence in the room stretched on, with Boyd’s heart in turmoil, until the weight of it all became too

much to bear. He reached out, his voice barely above a whisper, “Yasmine.”

Her eyelashes fluttered, and slowly, Yasmine opened her eyes to a blank stare at the ceiling. “Where’s

Serana?” she asked, her tone detached.

Boyd hesitated, searching her expression for some sign of emotion, but her face remained an

unreadable mask. “She’s… she’s fine,” he managed to say.

Finally, Serana’s lips curved in a faint, almost imperceptible smile. “I have a few questions for you,


He was silent for a long moment, struggling with himself before he managed to speak. “Go ahead.”

“Did you decide to shoot me in the moment I raised my hand against Serana, or had you made your

choice long before that?”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books


Boyd fell into silence again.

Yasmine wasn’t in a hurry. She wasn’t worried he would lie. The question she posed left no room for

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evasion, and the truth was clear.

So, where was their way out now?

“In that moment, Serana was at gunpoint. If… if you’d been hurt, Logan wouldn’t necessarily have

taken her life, too.”

Yasmine finally turned to look at him, her voice cool. “Logan didn’t hate Serana, but Johnson didn’t hate

me that much either. When you shot at Serana, Johnson might not have killed me.”

She let out a wry laugh, “In the end, it was about saving Serana first. I’m clear on that. So my question

isn’t about who you love more, me or Serana.”

Her question was about whether Boyd had decided to sacrifice her to prevent Serana from being

harmed early on, or if it was only after Yasmine had shown a murderous intent towards Serana.

The threat to Serana in the former scenario was the two kidnappers. In the latter, it was Yasmine


After a few seconds of heavy silence, Boyd spoke with sorrow in his voice, “I… I didn’t know you were


Yasmine tried to summon that light, mocking smile she was known for, but found she couldn’t.

“So…” she blinked back the sting of tears, “Your answer is the latter, then. Because Serana was

pregnant, you had already chosen it would be me, not that I harbored ill will towards her so you shot

me. Or perhaps, because you had already made your choice, seeing me go after Serana only hastened

your decision to pull the trigger.”

Boyd simply said, “I never wanted any of you to die.”

“I know.” Yasmine nodded, “But you couldn’t even bear to see Serana get hurt, could you?”

Boyd closed his eyes in resignation, “Yasmine, in that situation, I had to…”

“Serana has a heart condition and was pregnant, with a gun to her head that could go off at any

moment. And me? I just had a knife at my back. Yet in the end, Serana, with all her vulnerabilities,

walked away unscathed, while I, with only a knife to my back, got stabbed, shot, and lost my baby.”

Boyd’s eyes trembled with pain, “I’m sorry…”

Yasmine finally managed a smile, tinged with her signature sarcasm.

“What a pity, Boyd. You’ll never hear me say ‘it’s okay’ ever again.”