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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1908
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What was going on here? Was she pregnant too? And by the same guy?

Man, what a mess.

Yasmine went through the entire examination process with a calm demeanor, showing no expression


The nurse accompanying her couldn’t utter any superfluous chatter, feeling even a smile might upset

some delicate balance.

For other pregnant women, going for prenatal check-ups was usually more sweet than nervous. After

all, they were carrying new life—an embodiment of love and a beacon of hope for the future. So many

profound reasons to be elated.

Sure, there were exceptions, but Yasmine’s level of detachment was unprecedented in the nurse’s


Post-examination, Yasmine collected her report and headed into the doctor’s office. The physician

reviewed her test results and gave her a rundown of her current condition—all normal, with some

advice for the early stages of pregnancy.

Yet, the doctor’s words seemed to echo in an empty room, meeting no response from Yasmine. Noting

her silence, the doctor prodded, “Is something wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”

Yasmine lifted her gaze, offering the doctor a brief glance before eyeing the papers in his hand. After a

few seconds, she asked, “When’s the best time for a termination?”

The doctor blinked in confusion. “Uh?”

This was a stark contrast to her recent elation upon finding out about the pregnancy.

“The optimal time is between 6 to 7 weeks, though you could proceed now. Are you sure…”

Yasmine’s lips were pressed into a thin line, her thumb absently stroking her belly. After a while, she

stood up, took those reports, and with a calm demeanor, uttered a ‘thank you.’ Following that, she

walked out of the office.

The waiting room was still crowded with curious eyes that followed her exit.

Ignoring their interest, she turned her back on the maternity ward. Where Boyd had whisked Serana off

to was none of her concern.

She descended to the underground parking lot, drove off, and soon found herself at a diner, where she

quietly sipped her cereal before heading home.

Bryson and Derek had gone to the office, and Aliza was probably at the grocery store.

After changing clothes, Yasmine slumped on the couch and flipped on the TV, her gaze flatly skimming

across the entertainment news.

Aliza returned from the grocery store to find her lounging at home. “Skipping school today?” she asked

with a smile.

Yasmine straightened up, replying with a noncommittal hum.

“I got loads of fruit. Hang tight, I’ll fix you up some.”

“Thanks, Aliza,” Yasmine said, switching the channel.

After preparing a fruit bowl, Aliza asked, “What do you fancy for lunch?”

Nibbling on fruit, Yasmine recalled a little eatery she had noticed on her drive home. “Ever had Pho?”

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Aliza shook her head. She was still adapting to local food since arriving from Y Country, and such a

niche dish hadn’t crossed her path.

Yasmine nodded. “Let’s try that for lunch. I’ll look up a recipe online.”

Aliza wouldn’t object.

The recipe was straightforward, and they enjoyed Pho with a couple of simple side dishes by noon.

Aliza took one bite and immediately coughed from the spiciness, rushing to pour herself a glass of ice


While Aliza’s reaction was somewhat amusing, Yasmine’s face grew imperceptibly colder. She

continued eating, her appetite numb.

Previously, she’d shunned such spicy, intense flavors. Now, they were oddly appealing. She

understood why but despised the change.

She was Yasmine, and no one else. She had no intention of changing for anyone, especially Boyd. Yet,

because of him, she now craved what she once would have ignored. She loathed the feeling of being

utterly dominated by circumstance.

Like having an Achilles heel, one threat against it could make her waver or even force her to surrender

things she held dear.

She hated it.

After Aliza recovered from the spice shock, she decided against another bite and asked, “Since when

do you go for this kind of food? Weren’t you always into milder flavors?”

“Just got curious. Saw a crowd at a small shop today, and figured it must be good.”

“No, no, I really can’t take this kind of food. Do you still want to eat?”

Yasmine nodded, “Yes. It would be best if I could get tired of it in the shortest time possible.”

Aliza, still unable to grasp Yasmine’s logic but respecting her persistence, silently disposed of her

barely-touched bowl of Pho.

Later, as Yasmine was jolted awake by her ringing phone, her furrowed brow betrayed her irritation.

With a grumpy “Who’s this?” she answered the call.

There was a pause before Boyd’s voice came through. “Yasmine?”

Her eyes, still heavy with sleep, flickered briefly before focusing, the drowsiness quickly replaced by a

cold demeanor. “What do you want?”

Boyd, standing at the end of a hospital corridor, pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are you home?”

Yasmine sat up, a sarcastic laugh escaping her. “What, should I bring Serana a fruit basket and help

you take care of her?”

He pressed his hand harder against his forehead. “When did you leave?”

“I went home, not abducted,” Yasmine retorted, her voice laced with sarcasm. “If I had been kidnapped,

I’d probably be dead by now, right?”

Boyd’s grip on his brow tightened, a shadow crossing his face. “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Yasmine chuckled, a tinge of sarcasm in her laughter. “Of course it’s nonsense. Even if I were actually

kidnapped, I wouldn’t reach out to you. Besides, you’re probably too busy to care about me anyway.”

Her tone didn’t allow for any further conversation on the matter, especially not over the phone.

“I’m coming over,” he declared.

“Go ahead and try.” Yasmine’s voice, now tinged with a sardonic tone, was both cold and firm. “If you

want to hear me say it’s over, then come. If not, don’t even think about showing up right now. Hearing

your voice is already too much for me.”

“Yasmine, you have to let me explain about today.”

“Are you out of your mind? I’ve told you I don’t want to talk. Can’t you understand that?”

Boyd fell silent. In his life, Yasmine was the only woman who ever spoke to him with such candor.

“I also believe you don’t really have the time to explain things properly right now. Stuck between two

women must be exhausting, so I won’t make it harder for you. Just focus on taking care of her. But

Boyd, let me tell you, if you do come uninvited, the moment I see you, that’s when I’ll cut you out of my

life for good.”

Without giving Boyd a chance to respond, she hung up.

Yasmine’s temper was certainly violent.

Boyd rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on as he stood by the window, eyes closed.

“Mr. Boyd.”

The voice of his assistant snapped him back to reality. He slowly opened his eyes and turned around

after a brief pause. “What is it?”

“Johnson’s been released.”

Boyd’s expression darkened immediately, and his knitted brows revealed his troubled thoughts.

The assistant looked troubled, “We’ve tried everything, but we just couldn’t keep it under wraps this


Boyd’s temples throbbed as he rubbed his forehead, eventually saying, “Arrange for more people to

watch over the hospital.”

The assistant nodded solemnly, “Understood.”

After a moment of silence, the assistant spoke again, “The department heads are all waiting for you to

convene a meeting about the new project development. You’ve delayed it for several days now.”

In recent days, Boyd was indeed a bit tired, but he still went to Serana’s ward to check on her. Seeing

her sound asleep, he instructed his assistant to keep a close watch on her before leaving the hospital.

Not long after Boyd left, Serana woke up, relieved to find herself in the familiar hospital room. She sat

up slowly, her hand instinctively resting on her belly. The thought of what she might be facing caused

her grip to tighten, and her lip trembled as silent tears began to flow.

If Yasmine hadn’t pushed her to this point, she would never have gone this far. She had to keep this

baby; there was no going back now. From the beginning, she knew there was no turning back.

Curling up on the bed, she sobbed quietly to herself.

Hearing the sound, Boyd’s assistant entered the room, his brow furrowed at the sight of the distraught

Serana. “Ms. Serana, you’re awake. Is there anything wrong?” he asked.

Serana shook her head, her voice a whisper, “Where’s Boyd?”

“He’s at the office for a meeting. It’s important, and he’s already postponed it three days for you. If he

doesn’t show up today, other executives might get displeased.”

The thought that Boyd had delayed critical meetings for her brought her both joy and guilt. He still

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cared for her just as he always had. She never intended to stay by his side as his partner, but as long

as he didn’t abandon her, it was enough.

Wiping her tears, she asked the assistant, “My phone is dead. Could I use yours?”

He didn’t refuse and took out his phone, but then hesitated when she said, “I need to call Yasmine. I

have something to tell her.”

At the mention of Yasmine, the assistant reflexively pulled the phone back, and Serana looked at him


The assistant explained, “Ms. Yasmine has a bit of a temper, and it seems there’s a misunderstanding

between her and Mr. Boyd. Just now during their call, Ms. Yasmine seemed to have chewed Mr. Boyd


The notion of Boyd being reprimanded was almost inconceivable to both Serana and the assistant, but

it was Yasmine, so somehow it made sense and was easily accepted.

Serana retracted her hand, deciding not to provoke Yasmine further. “Maybe it’s better to wait a couple

of days until she cools down.”

The assistant nodded, and after a moment of silence, Serana asked, “Did Yasmine really come to the

hospital to see me today? How did she know exactly when my check-up was and manage to catch us

there?”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates…

The assistant was puzzled by her question, “Could be a coincidence. She must have gotten some

specific information.”

Serana considered this with a mix of belief and skepticism. She got out of bed, “I feel cooped up. I need

some air.”

The assistant opened his mouth but didn’t speak, following her silently. When Serana stepped out and

saw two people still waiting at the door, she couldn’t help but furrow her brow.

She asked the assistant, “Why are there so many people arranged?”

The assistant was evasive, “It’s because Mr. Boyd cares about you.”

Serana thought for a moment, “Is he worried that I might upset Yasmine if I go to see her, so he

assigned people to keep an eye on me?”

The assistant chuckled, “Of course not. Even Mr. Boyd wouldn’t dare to bother Ms. Yasmine right now.

Would you?”

Serana pursed her lips and pressed, “What happened?”

The assistant’s smile at this point had a hint of stiffness. Serana sensed his unusual reaction, stopped

in her tracks, turned to look at him, and asked, “What’s really going on?”

The assistant looked uneasy.

“If you won’t tell me, I’ll just go straight to the office and ask Boyd,” she said, making a move to leave.

But the assistant stepped in front of her, blocking her path.


Serana looked at him expectantly.

“Johnson’s been released from prison.”

Color drained from Serana’s face, leaving her ghostly pale. Her body trembled uncontrollably.

“Johnson…” she whispered.

The assistant steadied her with a gentle hand. “You don’t need to be afraid. Maybe after all these years

behind bars, his grudge has faded. Besides, you’ve got Mr. Boyd. He won’t let anything happen to you.”