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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1886
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Boyd glanced at Serana, looked away, and followed Yasmine.

“What are you following me for?” Yasmine threw a fleeting glance at him, her

emotions barely flickering.

“Can’t we spend a little more time together since we rarely see each other?”

Yasmine let out a chuckle. “I’m in the middle of something pretty important, and

frankly, I don’t think you’re the kind of company I’m looking to keep right now.”

“So I didn’t ask your permission.”

Yasmine came to a halt. “You’ve become quite bold in the two months we

haven’t seen each other.”d2

Enter title…

“What can I say? You’re a tough nut to crack, and it doesn’t leave me with many


Yasmine took a deep breath. “Look, Boyd, we used to be pretty tight, and I get

that a rare meeting warrants more time together, but I’m really tied up with

something crucial right now – and it’s a private matter.”

Her words couldn’t be more tactful.

“So, you and Ava have private matters that outsiders shouldn’t know about?”

The undertone of his question was clear: Are you and Ava hiding something

from everyone else?

As if she wasn’t entitled to her own secrets.

“Do you have a problem with that?”

Boyd watched her for a moment before speaking slowly, “I just think it’s a shame

that our relationship has become so strained over someone else.”

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Yasmine raised an eyebrow and glanced at Serana, who was still standing

there, and snorted. “You’re actually asking me to let go of my grudge against

Serana, aren’t you?”

Boyd frowned. “Why do you have to bring her into this?”

“It’s my business to dislike her, and what happens between us is our business.

You’re the one dragging her into it, not me. On one hand, she’s a thorn in my

side, and on the other, you expect me to be kind to her no matter what.”

“Boyd, I’m just here to take care of some affairs, not to stir any trouble or

threaten Serana. So quit trying to sell me on her like a door-to-door salesman.

So what you’re saying is, whether our friendship survives hinges on whether I

accept Serana?”

Boyd listened quietly until she finished venting. “Is it really that pleasant to hate

someone? You’re usually so clear-headed. Instead of holding onto hatred, why

not let go and feel better?”

“I am a bit irritated, sure. But it’s just for the moment. After a good night’s sleep,

I’ll forget all about it. It’s not like I’ll be around all the time to make myself


With that, Yasmine turned and strode away, but Boyd’s voice followed her.

“Have you really never thought about why you hate Serana?”

“Do I need a reason to dislike someone?”

“Yes, you do.”

Boyd blocked her path, looking at her intently. “The day you left, Serana said,

maybe you dislike her because of me. Because I was your only friend from the

start, and her arrival has divided my attention.”

Yasmine clenched her fists in her pockets, her expression still indifferent.

“Whatever she says is fine, as long as you’re happy.”

“If I’m wrong, then give me a reason.”

Yasmine took a deep breath, her impatience evident.

“I didn’t come here to be forced to give you a reason. It’s whatever you guys

want to think. Honestly, you and Serana are really annoying with all this drama.”

After pushing past Boyd, she left the orphanage.

In the director’s office.

Bryson’s expression was stern. “About Yasmine’s file, I want to confirm again.

There’s really no trace left, right?”

The director nodded. “It’s all gone from here.”

“And the children…” Bryson rubbed his temples, sighing with frustration.

The director quickly reassured him. “I’ll keep a close eye on them. They won’t

have any contact with outsiders for a while. Kids tend to forget, especially about

days that held no special significance to them.”

Bryson exhaled deeply and stood up. “Thanks for your help. I never thought that

my selfish desire to celebrate her birthday would lead to this. If someone starts

asking questions, our lady might be in real danger. I’m being upfront with you,

and I hope you…”

“I will, Mr. Winston, don’t worry. I’ve looked after Yasmine for over three years.

Of course, I want her to be safe. How could I do anything to harm her?”

Bryson nodded. “Thank you. And no one has come by asking about her lately,

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The director shook his head. “No one asking about her, but Serana…” Realizing

he’d said too much, the director paused.

“Is this child the one who leaked our lady’s birthday?”

“She didn’t mean any harm. Kids don’t think that far ahead.”

“I’m not about to attribute malice to a nine-year-old. I just don’t want anyone

tracing things back to Yasmine through her.”

“I’ll be vigilant on that front.”

Bryson nodded gravely.


Boyd had his limits, and Yasmine’s icy jabs did sting, but being called annoying,

that was a first. How much patience did he have left?

He was trying to salvage a friendship that she could dismiss so casually. She

used to be tactful, but now, even that was gone. Angered, he didn’t chase after


Serana watched him return with a troubled look, knowing they hadn’t reconciled.

As he approached, she walked up to him. “Boyd, is Yasmine still mad?”

“I’m done with her. Not many can stand her foul temper.”

With that, he walked off.

Serana bit her lip, looking towards the school gates. She set down her watering

can by the flowerbed and ran after Yasmine.

Ava lived halfway up the hillside in a privately built house.

As Yasmine headed in the opposite direction, Serana’s voice called out from