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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52 Arrive at Army

“But she is responsible for some of the work, and even if I ask someone else, she’ll have to hand over the work at

hand!” Julian did not give in because of Christian’s words. He still insisted on his own opinion.

“Could it be that a company stopped operating because of the resignation of a secretary?” Christian looked at Julian

and asked mockingly.

“She is not an outsider. Isn’t she my Sister-in-law? She only went to help for a few days. She can go to the army

anytime.” Julian did not compromise and looked at Christian, refuting him.

“Just because she is not an outsider, she should avoid arousing suspicion!” Christian said coldly.

Julian’s mouth twitched when he heard Christian’s words. He wanted to refute again but was interrupted by Ethan.

“Enough! You can find someone to arrange Sarah’s work yourself! Christian, Sarah, you have to leave early

tomorrow morning. It’s not early anymore. Go back and sleep!”

Sarah did not want to stay here for a second. Hearing Ethan’s words, she immediately stood up and greeted

everyone good night. Then she pushed Christian to their bedroom.

Julian immediately stood up gloomily and went upstairs angrily.

After two of them entered the bedroom, Sarah closed the door and pushed him to the bedside. She turned around

and wanted to go to wash up, but before she could leave, her hand was grabbed by Christian.

She turned around and looked at him. She was still not used to being too intimate with him like this.

“What’s wrong?”

Christian looked at her indifferently and then let go of her hand. “It’s nothing. Go wash up!”

Sarah looked at him and smiled. Then she lifted her foot and went to the bathroom.

When Christian went to the bathroom that night, he had Sarah call Uncle Garcia over to help. When Sarah laid

down on the bed, she took the phone by the bed and looked at it. There were more than ten text messages on it.

She opened it and looked. They were all sent by Julian.

She hesitated for a moment but still opened to take a look. Almost all of the text messages had the same meaning.

He just didn’t want her to leave. Sarah sighed lightly and deleted all the messages. Then, she turned off the phone

and closed her eyes.

Even though Julian did not want Sarah to leave, after breakfast the next day, Sarah still sat in the green off-road

vehicle with Christian and went to army with him. When the car drove onto the highway, Christian took her hand

and held it in his palm.

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His big hand was warm. Although he had been holding her hand like this from time to time these few days, her

heart still jumped nervously when she had such a close contact with him. She pulled it back and his hand tightened

even more. She turned her head to look and saw that he had already slowly closed his eyes.

“There’s still a few hours to go. If you’re tired, then go to sleep.” Christian said slowly which his eyes closed.

“Ok.” She could not take her hand back, so she could only let him hold her hand. There were too many things

hidden in her heart, so Sarah did not have the mood to sleep at all. She turned her face and looked at the scenery

that flashed past the window. Her thoughts slowly drifted along with the speeding wheels.

The car drove on the road for an entire morning. At noon, the car stopped in front of Christian’s building. Sarah had

never been to such a solemn place in the military since she was young. Seeing the green military camp in front of

her and many soldiers in military uniforms, she could not help but feel curious and excited.

Because Christian’s leg was injured, the soldiers knew that it was inconvenient for him to move. They had already

adjusted the floor for him half a year ago. Even the place where he got off the car had been paved with cement

roads that were convenient for wheelchair entry and exit.

Christian got off the car. He let Sarah push him to the house on the first floor. The house had two rooms and three

living rooms. It was more than enough for two people to live in.

Sarah turned around and found that there was actually a small courtyard beside the living room. The surroundings

were blocked by green plants. Occasionally, one or two small flowers poked their heads out from the green plants.

It made people’s eyes lit up when they saw it.

Because the two of them hadn’t had lunch yet, Jayson first ran to the canteen to get some food. He placed it on the

dining table and left. Sarah sat down at the dining table and looked at the food in front of her. She thought of

everything she had just seen and felt that she was really in the military camp. She couldn’t help but looked at

Christian and smiled.

“Why do I feel like even the air is fresher than the air in my home town?” Once she entered the military camp, she

found that her mood also relaxed.

“Of course! This place is completely different from the outside world!” Seeing that she was in a better mood, his

mood also improved a lot.

“Then can I eat now?” Sarah was really hungry. Looking at the delicious food in front of her, she could not help

swallowing her saliva.

Listening to her, Christian smiled faintly and nodded. “This place will be your home from now on. No one will stop

you from doing anything. Eat.”

Sarah smiled at him and picked up her chopsticks to eat lunch. When she saw about to finish eating, Christian

looked at her and said, “You must be tired from the car today. After lunch, you go to the bedroom to sleep first. I’ll

go to the office.”

“Okay. Okay.” Sarah immediately nodded.

Not long after lunch, Jayson came. He greeted Sara and pushed Christian out of the house. Sarah tidied up the

kitchen and walked around the rooms. She found that apart from a bedroom, there was also a study room in the

house. The door of another room was locked.

She did not know what good stuff Christian had actually locked the door. But Sarah did not think too much about it.

She felt that she was indeed a little tired, so she went into the bedroom to lie down and take an afternoon nap.

Maybe she was really too tired. Sarah slept until five o’ clock in the afternoon before she woke up. When she

opened her eyes, she heard the sound of the living room outside. Someone was talking. She immediately sat up

from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face. After tidying up her cloths, she left the bedroom.

In the living room, besides Christian, there were also a few male soldiers and a female soldier. They were sitting on

the sofa and chatting. Sarah recognized one of them at a glance. He was Paul, who was hosting their wedding.

When they saw Sarah walked out of the room, all of them stood up with a swoosh. They looked at Sarah and

shouted enthusiastically, “Sister-in-law, hello!”

So many people greeted her at the same time. Moreover, looking at their age, none of them were younger than

her. Sarah was a little nervous for a moment. She looked at everyone with a red face and nodded. “Hello.”

Paul had already met Sarah once. He looked at the other comrades and waved his hand. “I have attended their

wedding before. No matter what, I am familiar with sister-in-law. Starting from you, introduce yourself to sister-in-

law. Those who did not perform well will stand guard at the door tonight!”

Sarah heard what he said and could not help but laugh.

As soon as Paul finished speaking, a soldier sitting beside him immediately saluted Sarah. “Hello, sister-in-law! Have

you seen Bright Sword before?”

Sarah nodded her head. She had some impression of that television series and did not know what he wanted to say.

“Then it will be easy. Sister-in-law, isn’t the main character up there called Jordan? I am Easton, his younger


As soon as he finished speaking, everyone started laughing. Sarah was also amused by his humor.

Once Easton sat down, another soldier also stood at attention and saluted Sarah. “Greetings, Sister-in-law! I am


Everyone burst into laughter again.

Once Peter sat down, the female soldier beside him stood up and gave her a military salute. She then introduced

herself with a smile.

“Hello, my name is Greta. I am different from them. I am Regimental Commander Cooper’s comrade and also his

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Sarah immediately nodded gratefully when she heard that she was Christian’s doctor. “Hello!”

Paul immediately protested when he heard Greta’s introduction. “Greta, why are you different? We came to see the

bride today, not to see Regimental Commander’s leg injury.”

“Yes, yes, yes! You have to call her sister-in-law too!” Peter also joined in the jeering.

Sarah immediately smiled and helped her out of the predicament. “No need for you. Quickly sit down.”

Greta was a little embarrassed from being said, but she still did not shout anything and saw back in her seat.

Another soldier beside her stood up and after saluting to Sarah, he introduced her. “Hello sister-in-law. My name is


Sarah immediately smiled and nodded. “Hello!”

After they all introduced themselves, Christian looked at her and said slowly, “Come and take a seat.”

Sarah immediately walked over and quietly sat beside him.

“Sister-in-law, apart from Greta, we are all brought by Regimental Commander. We are used to joking around.

When we heard that Regimental Commander brought sister-in-law back today, we were so happy that we all

wanted to come and take a look. There are still some who have not come yet.” Paul was the first to speak with a


“Yeah, I heard sister-in-law is a beauty. We all came to take a look. Now that we have a look, we finally know that

our, regimental commander, is really blessed!”

Peter immediately took over the conversation and the men all laughed heartily. Only Greta, who was sitting on the

sofa, kept smiling faintly.

When Christian, who had been silent all this time, heard their words, a faint smile also appeared on his lips.

Sarah heard that these people were so humorous ad thought about Christian’s character. She did not believe that

these people were his comrades and subordinates, but their humor and straightforward personality infected her.

The previously uneasy feelings were all swept away.

Seeing that there was nothing on the coffee table, she stood up and took out all the candies and delicious food that

she had brought from the Cooper Family to entertain them.

Peter reached out and grabbed a piece of candy and stuffed it into his mouth. While eating, he looked at Christian

and complained. “Sister-in-law is still the best. Regimental Commander, you are too petty. We have been here for

so long, but you did not even give us a piece of candy!”

Easton also took a piece and ate it. His cheeks puffed up. “That’s right. Sister-in-law, you don’t know? Our

Regimental Commander is the least angry. We previously said that we would hold a welcoming ceremony for you,

but he said that he was afraid of scaring you. Actually, he was reluctantly to take out these good things for us to

eat. Regimental Commander, you just want to leave these things for sister-in-law to eat alone?”