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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

However, by the look of Jonathan holding the woman carefully, anyone could tell she was very important to him.

Some people who knew Jonathan’s true identity were secretly surprised to see such a scene.

After all, he was a powerful big shot in Strico. They didn’t expect someone like him to show up early in the morning

in such a place and go to such lengths for a woman.

No matter who the woman was, she would stir up a storm in Strico.

“Find out who is involved in this matter. Don’t miss any of them,” Jonathan ordered.

“Yes,” one of Jonathan’s subordinates answered.

Kenneth and Laura looked at Chris, who was crying out in pain. Then, they looked at the police officers in the yard

and were on the verge of tears.

Kenneth and Laura glared at Daniel and Edward angrily. “Who the hell is the woman you brought to us?”

Daniel and Edward’s faces were also pale at the moment. They exchanged helpless glances and thought, “Rosalie is

just a helpless woman released from prison less than half a year ago. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have targeted her.”

However, they only realized a big shot was backing Rosalie up now. They broke out in a cold sweat when they

thought of what they had said at the New Year’s Eve dinner back then and when they drugged her.

“Why didn’t Rosalie tell us she knew a big shot? We wouldn’t have done such a thing if she had told us!” they


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Rosalie’s situation seemed to be getting worse.

Jonathan locked her in his arms, and his face darkened.

“Da mn it. Her situation would be terrible if I came one step late, or she didn’t call me today,” he thought.

“Mr. Youngblood, we got something. A type of drug was secretly sold at a local pub. I have asked someone to find

out its composition,” Carlos reported the latest news to Jonathan.

“Who gave her the drug?” Jonathan asked coldly.

“It was her relatives. We haven’t figured out who yet because they’re accusing each other,” Carlos said.

Jonathan’s gaze became colder. “I wonder how shocked she would be after knowing her relatives have betrayed

her,” he thought.

He heard her calling his name beside his ear. “Jon… Jon…”.

Tm here.” Jonathan’s cold gaze suddenly became gentle. He lowered his head and softly comforted her. “I’m here.

Rosie. Don’t worry or be afraid. You’ll be fine soon…”

However, she didn’t seem to listen to him at all.

He raised his hand to brush her hair, which was soaked with sweat, away, but she suddenly bit his finger.

“Mr. Youngblood!” Carlos screamed right away when he saw that.

“It’s okay,” Jonathan said calmly as if he felt no pain. “How much longer until we reach the hospital?”

“Around 15 minutes,” Carlos stated.

“With Ms. Leighton in such a state, we shouldn’t go to an ordinary small hospital. We have to go to a big hospital in

the city,” he thought.

Carlos finally got the drug composition when the ear arrived at the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, he contacted the doctors, who were all specialists.

If one saw the doctors at the scene, one would be surprised. It usually meant something serious had happened

when they all gathered in such a short period.

However, at this moment, the doctors were looking at the drug composition and giving Rosalie, dressed in cheap

clothes, emergency treatment.

“It’s nothing serious. We’ll give her a sedative to let her sweat more to detox the drug in her body through

perspiration. She’ll be fine then. As long as the drug was not taken in large doses for a long time, it would not affect

her body. We’ll also prescribe some medicine for the next three days to accelerate her metabolism,” one of the

doctors specializing in pharmacology stated.

“Please hurry and give her the sedative, Jonathan said,

The doctor quickly injected a dose of sedative into Rosalie’s body, and she suddenly calmed down as if she had

fallen asleep.

Seeing this, Jonathan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“But there’s no clinical data on this drug, so we don’t know whether the amount of sedative is enough. If she

continues to show her previous symptoms later on, I’m afraid she needs another dose of sedative,” said the doctor.

After the doctor left the ward, Jonathan ordered Carlos, “Go outside and guard the door.”

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“What about you, Mr. Youngblood?”

Tll stay here,” Jonathan said.

Carlos glanced at Rosalie, who was unconscious. Then, he looked at Jonathan and said, “Why don’t I stay here? You

suddenly. left earlier. I’m afraid Mr. Leonard Youngblood…”

“I’m afraid Grandpa will send someone to investigate. There’s no need to hide from him. He’ll find out about Rosie

sooner or later anyway. You may leave. I’ll stay with her,” Jonathan said.

Hearing this, Carlos said nothing and left the ward.

Only Rosalie and Jonathan were in the large VIP ward at that moment.

He walked to the bedside, lowered his head, and looked at the woman on the bed. “Rosie…” he murmured in a low

voice, raised his hand, and gently brushed her warm cheeks. Tll seek justice for what you went through today and

make whoever hurt you pay ten or a hundred times the price, okay?”

However, Rosalie, who was unconscious, couldn’t answer his question.

Jonathan sat quietly beside the bed and looked at her as if he could only rest assured with her within his sight. He

couldn’t trust anyone else.

After a while, she, who was asleep, suddenly mumbled.

Jonathan frowned and leaned over, trying to wipe off the sweat on her forehead.

However, when he inched closer. her eyes suddenly opened, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Her cheeks were still flushed, and her dark eyes seemed hazy like a thin fabric covered them, but they were
