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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 1422
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Chapter 1422 There was an awkward silence. Calvin’s grip on Hanna's chin was loosened.

Hanna thought, “Does he think | am...” She didn’t dare to open her eyes to see how he reacted to what she just said.

After a while, Hanna heard Calvin's voice. “So, you're hiding frombecause you know you want to be closer to me?” But his voice was not as cold as usual and a little bit hoarse.

Hanna said, “Yes.” Calvin asked, “Why?” Hanna felt speechless. She thought, “Why? Of course, it’s because..... | love you. | love you so... so | want to be more intimate with you. | start to think about those things the moment | see you half-naked. As you got closer to me, | blushed and my heartbeat got faster. I... | don’t want to behave like this but sometimes | can’t control myself.” Hanna took a deep breath and said, “How about you stay a bit away from me? I'm going back to the bedroom and calm down. | will stop thinking about those things.” Calvin said, “So, you mean you will feel nothing forafter down?!” Hanna quickly denied it. “Of course not!” Calvin said, “Well, then | don’t mind it.” you calm Hanna was stunned. She suddenly opened her eyes and saw Calvin's pretty face.

Hanna asked in a low voice, “You don’t mind?!” “Why should | mind it?” Calvin asked calmly, “You said it was because you loved me. Since we are boyfriend and girlfriend now, why should | mind Y it?” Hanna bit her lips. She looked at Calvin's face and found that he didn’t look disgusted at all.

Hanna said awkwardly, “That's good. But I'd better go back to the

Chapter 1422 bedroom if you don’t mind. Otherwise, | will probably do something really bad to you.” After all, the person she loved was wandering in front of her in a loosely fastened bathrobe. She really doubted if could control herself.

Calvin said, “I won't mind it even if you really can’t control yourself.” Hanna widened her eyes. She needed more tto fathom his words. She asked, “What did you just say?” Calvin found her widened round big eyes very cute. He replied, “If you really want to do something bad to me, go ahead, whether it’s kissing or touching. I'll be fine with it.” Hanna was stunned. Calvin's words were like a fierce shock wave, making her mind go blank.

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After a while, Hanna cback to her senses. “You would like that?!” Calvin said, “Yes.” He thought, “Because it’s you.” Hanna took a few deep breaths and asked in a trembling voice, “Do you love me, even just a little bit?” Calvin blinked rapidly.

The word “love” was too heavy for Calvin. He thought he had given almost all his love to a woman named Rosalie.

After Rosalie, Calvin seemed to lose the ability to love anyone again.

Calvin said, “Hanna, | don’t know if | love you, even just a little bit. Because | never knew how it felt like when you a little bit loved someone. | never loved someone just a little bit.” His love for Rosalie was never just a little bit and only grew stronger and stronger over the years.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Hanna's eyes. She thought, “What was | thinking about? How could a man like him fall in love with another woman so easily?” But what Calvin said next shocked Hanna.

Calvin said in an elegant voice, “But | think | have a crush on you.” Hanna said in disbelief, “Really?” Calvin said slowly, “If you don’t, | think | won't let you kissor touch

Chapter 1422 me.” If it was another woman who said those kinds of words, Calvin would probably feel disgusted.

But it was Hanna. Calvin only felt interested and her words even gave him an impulse to satisfy her wish.

Calvin had never felt like this before.

Hanna felt her heart beating wildly fast. What Calvin just said was delightful. She asked, “Do you mean it?” Hanna's big eyes were full of excitement and expectation but also carefulness as if she was a bit afraid to hear the answer.

In an instant, Calvin felt a bit sad for her. She reminded him of who he used to be.

Calvin was always careful and nervous when he was with Rosalie but never received the kind of response that he desired from her.

Because Jonathan was the one Hanna loved.

Calvin leaned over to Hanna and kissed her lips. “Do you believenow?” Hanna's eyes widened and her whole body went stiff. She was not prepared for his kiss at all. The touch and the temperature of his lips were so alluring.

The moment Calvin's lips were pulled back from hers, Hanna started to miss how they felt.

Calvin asked seeing that Hanna stared at him in a daze, “Do you still not believe me?” Hanna said, “I... | believe you but... but... can you kissagain?” The feeling just now was so unreal and she almost thought she was dreaming.

Calvin smiled at Hanna and bent over again to kiss her lips gently. “Is it enough?”

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Hanna blushed and licked her lips.

“Can |... Can | kiss you back?She didn’t want it to end so quickly. She warited more and she wanted that alluring feeling to stay a bit longer.

Calvin froze and slowly said with his sexy lips, “Sure.” Chapter 1422 After Calvin that, Hanna put her hands around his neck and carefully kissed his lips.

This kiss was different from the previous one. It was their first kiss after he fell in love with her . Hanna worldered whether he would finally love her as tpassed by. Hanna said in a low voice, “Calvin, please love more.” Calvin said, “Okay. I'll try to love you more.” It was a promise.

And Calvin wanted to love her more himself! He thought he would be happier if the person he loved was Hanna.

They just planned to spend a few hours in this hotel at first. Their original plan was to go back to the city after their clothes were washed and dried. Unexpectedly, Hanna and Calvin spent that night at the hotel.