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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 1421
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Chapter 1421 Though it was just slight physical contact, Hanna felt her heart beating wildly and the skin all over her body burning.

Hanna hurriedly pushed Calvin away and ran into one of the bedrooms. “Well, I'm going to the bedroom and get srest!” Calvin frowned slightly and turned to the closed door of the bedroom. He seemed to be pondering something serious.

Hanna leaned her back against the door and panted. The slightest touch on Calvin's finger seemed to make her itch to push him over on the bed.

Hanna thought, ‘Why? Is it because | saw him half-naked just now? Is it because I love him more now? | love him so | want more?!” Hanna slowly moved her hands near her heart and took a deep breath.

Hanna's rapid heartbeat seemed to be telling her how much she loved him! Hanna stayed in the bedroom for a long tbecause she didn’t know how to face Calvin.

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After a long time, Hanna heard a knock on the door.

Hanna jumped up from the sofa like a frightened little bird. She stared at the door, wondering if she should open i) Calvin's voice cfrom outside the door. “Hanna, | called room service for dinner. Cout and have sfood with me.” Hanna hesitated for a moment and said, “You... Don’t wait for me. I'll cout later.” Calvin asked, “What's wrong? Are you not feeling all right?” Hanna stuttered, “No but just a little.” Calvin said, “I'm coming in.” Hanna was bewildered. But before she could cup with an excuse, the door was opened and Calvin walked in.

Hanna watched Calvin, who was tall and wearing a white bathrobe, walk to her.

09:270 Chapter 1421 Calvin's hair was already dry. But it was not brushed back as it usually was. His bangs were right above his forehead, making him look much younger.

The belt of the bathrobe was loosely fastened, adding a touch of laziness and leisure. His chest and beautiful collarbone could easily make people imagine things.

Hanna subconsciously stepped back but she forgot that there was a sofa behind her. She fell back on the sofa in embarrassment.

Calvin raised his hand and touched Hanna's forehead, “Your face is so red. Are you catching a cold?” Instantly, Calvin's cold palm touched Hanna's hot forehead. Hanna stiffened. Calvin frowned, “It seems to be a little bit too hot. I will ask for a thermometer.” “No, thanks. | am not having a fever!” Hanna looked away from Calvin to stop his hand from touching her. “I'm just a little hot. Didn't you say that dinner was sent here? | want to have dinner now.” Hanna hurriedly walked past Calvin and ran out of the bedroom to the dining room.

Calvin looked at Hanna's back and his mood darkened slightly.

Calvin ordered a lot of food for dinner, including six dishes and one soup.

This hotel was the best one around the Great Valley. The chefs were quite good. It had a lot of positive reviews online. However, no matter how delicious the food was, Hanna only found it tasteless.

She kept eating and didn’t dare to look at Calvin, afraid that he would know what she was thinking about.

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Hanna thought, ‘I wonder what he will feel like if he knows that | want to push him over and be more intimate with him.

Will he think I am horny? Oh, God! | will never allow that to happen!” Even though Hanna was looking down, she could feel that his eyes were focused on her.

After finishing dinner, she got up in a hurry and said, “I'm full. I'm going 2/4 09:971 Chapter 1431 to have a rest!” After that, she turned around to run back to the bedroom.

But after she took a few steps, Calvin got up and directly stopped her. “Are you avoiding me?” “Huh?” Hanna was shocked, blushing, and said in a panic, “No... I'm not.” Hanna was obviously lying and Calvin was not convinced at all.

Calvin asked in confusion, “I think you are avoiding me. Why are you doing this? Did | do something that you don’t like?” Hanna quickly answered, “No! No! You didn’t do anything wrong!” Calvin approached Hanna and asked, staring at her with his dark eyes, “Then why are you hiding from me?” Hanna felt overwhelmed by the way he looked at her.

Hanna lowered her head to avoid eye contact with Calvin. “I... | am not.” She still insisted on it.
