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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117

Looking at the video on her phone and Rosalie’s kneeling constantly. Yvette smiled unconsciously. “It’s hard to stop

those who are looking for their death.”

“Yeah. This background actress seems to have offended Loretta. That’s why Loretta pulls a trick on her. Everyone in

the production team knows that Loretta can’t be offended…” Colleen said and then found that she had said

something she should.


Suddenly, Colleen’s face turned pale. She said to Yvette, ‘Ms. Hamilton, I’m sorry. I was wrong. Loretta is Mr.

Gunner’s girlfriend. That’s why she bullies others by exploiting his power. When Mr. Gunner dumps her, let alone

being a supporting actress, she won’t even be qualified to be an under-five actress.”

Yvette said indifferently, “That’s enough. I know about it without you telling me.”

Since Loretta joined the team, she would mock and ridicule Yvette or even at loggerheads with the latter every

time they


Yvette knew that Loretta was putting on airs in front of her to regain the latter’s dignity from the previous incident.

Yvette did not take Loretta seriously. Loretta was just from a common family but she was lucky enough to get

Calvin’s attention. However, everyone in the upper-class coterie knew that the span of being his girlfriend had

always been short. Yvette wondered how many months were left before Calvin dumped Loretta.

The more arrogant Loretta was now, the more miserable she would become later.

“The person I’m talking about is not the background actress,” Yvette said with great interest.

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Colleen was stunned as she wondered, “Not the background actress? Could it be that the person Ms. Hamilton

mentioned was Loretta? However, Loretta just pulled a trick on the background actress. What kind of background

could she have that would make Loretta suffer a loss? Moreover, Loretta is supported by Calvin.”

Nevertheless, Yvette did not plan to explain. She watched the video captured by Colleen again.

For Yvette, such a video was really pleasing to the eyes.

After all, she did not like both Rosalie and Loretta. Now that they met each other in such a way, it became an

interesting show for her.

Yvette wondered, “How would Jonathan deal with Loretta by then? Perhaps, he will make Loretta suffer a huge loss

even before Calvin breaks up with her Thinking of that, Yvette felt more pleasant yet with a sense of fear.

After all, Jonathan never played by the rules.

Even though he used to be Melanie’s fiancé, Yvette still could not help being scared of that man.

She thought, “That man is unpredictable. He could treat them well in the first second and then make them suffer


the next.”

Jonathan was powerful and capable. He could easily change the fate of others. Even prominent families like the

Hamilton family did not dare to offend him.

Yvette wondered, “I’m curious how much longer Jonathan would be fond of Rosalie.”

Thinking of that, Yvette stood up and said, “Let’s go out and have a look. It’s a pity if I don’t get to watch such a

scene with my own eyes.”

She walked out of the lounge as she spoke.

Upon seeing that. Colleen hurriedly followed her.

It was slightly cold in early April. The background actors could keep themselves warm as they could wear extra

clothes underneath their costumes. However, the background actresses could only wear bottom clothes under their

servant’s costumes for the sake of a perfect scene. Samuel did not allow them to wear extra clothes to prevent

them from looking bloated.

Therefore, all the background actresses were trembling with cold. They put on their jackets when they could rest

and watch

at the side.

Only Rosalie was wearing a costume and demonstrating the scene of kneeling and bowing repeatedly.

As for Loretta, she had been wearing a down jacket on her costume from the beginning, since they were only

rehearsing the


“I wonder if they have paid attention to it. Can you demonstrate again but with slower movements? So that others

can see it clearly, Loretta said to Rosalie again without letting the latter stop.

Rosalie glanced at her coldly and answered indifferently, “Okay.” After that, she knelt down again.

At that moment, other people could sense that Loretta was deliberately making things difficult for Rosalie.”

Loretta just wanted to see Rosalie’s suffering expression to ven

her anger. However, the latter did not meet her wishes.

Thinking of that, Loretta suddenly loosened her hand, and the hand warmer in her hand fell straight to the ground.

A knocking sound and a painful mulled groan from Rosalie could be heard.

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It could be seen that the copper hand warmer knocked on Rosalie’s left hand, who was kneeling on the ground. If

she shifted her position slightly, it would hit her head.

Rosalie straightened up and felt a sharp pain

in her left hand. When she looked at Loretta, there was a flash of complacency

in the latter’s eyes. It was clear that she was doing it intentionally.

The next second, Loretta’s expression turned into that of worry and apology. Then, she bent down and pretended to

try to help Rosalie up. Tm sorry, really sorry. 1-

Before she could finish her words, a figure rushed over and directly helped Rosalie up. “How is it? Is your hand


Rosalie looked up and found that it was Calvin who held Rosalie up.

Upon seeing the sudden appearance of Calvin, Loretta was stunned. She thought. “W-When did he arrive?

Especially at this moment, I can’t believe he’s still holding Rosalie.

Based on Loretta’s understanding of Calvin these days, she knew that he was definitely not the kind of man with

any sympathy. Even if someone wanted to jump off a building in front of him, he might not bother to help them, let

alone help a person whose hand had been hit.

As Calvin spoke, he touched Rosalie’s injured left hand.

It was just a touch of his fingers, and she could not help but gasp in pain. She frowned subconsciously and let out a

suppressed cry of pain from her mouth.

Calvin’s expression was cold. The next moment, he had already picked Rosalie up and ordered the people following

him as he said, “Go and call the doctor of the film crew into the lounge”

“Calvin!” Loretta shouted and could not understand the situation in front of her.

She wondered. “I’m your girlfriend. Why did he hold Rosalie up instead?”

Calvin just glanced at Loretta coldly. Then, he hurriedly walked toward the lounge with Rosalie in his arms.