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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 1149
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Chapter 1149

“No need. I want to see him and find out why he came for me,” Amelia


She requested that the nurse allow Ryan into the ward.

When Ryan entered, he appeared nothing like the confident and assertive man Amelia had known. His

appearance was worn, and his suit was wrinkled.

An uneasy look crossed Ryan’s face as he spoke. “Mr. and Mrs. York, I want you to know that Alicia’s

actions had nothing to do with the Golding family. I was completely unaware of her plans from start to

finish, and I had no part in them. It was all her own idea. Moreover, I had already broken up with her

before the attack took place. You can verify this.”

Amelia retorted, “I don’t understand why you’re telling us all this, Mr. Golding. If you’re concerned about

being implicated, it’s the police you should be speaking to, not us.”

Inwardly, Ryan held his own grievances. The reason he hadn’t been detained by the police was that he

had no involvement in the case.

Despite his innocence, the entire business world was aware of his connection with Alicia. Now that she

had been apprehended, albeit without much media attention, the Strico business community knew

about it.

In recent days, business associates had begun distancing themselves from him, convinced he’d suffer

like the Yustone family due to his perceived offense against Warren.

The mere thought of what had befallen Jasper and the Yustone family sent shivers down Ryan’s spine.

“My business is greatly affected because of Alicia,” Ryan pleaded, almost falling to his knees.

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“Everyone claims I’ve offended the York family, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to conduct

business. Please, Mr. York, Mrs. York, could you clarify this matter? I… I swear I’m innocent.”

Warren responded in a hoarse voice, “If you weren’t involved, the York family wouldn’t pursue you.”



Chapter 1149

Ryan pleaded, “But now, nobody dares to associate with the Golding family. Mr. York, can you please

help clarify this situation?”

Warren sneered, “Ryan, you overestimate yourself by asking my family to come to your aid.”

Ryan shivered as a chill ran down his spine, his hands and feet drenched in cold sweat. “M-Mr. York, I

swear, I’m entirely innocent! Alicia’s actions have harmed both you and me. We’re both victims in this.”

Amelia was concerned about Warren’s health, so she quickly told Ryan, “Mr. Golding, your business is

unrelated to the York family. How you explain it to your business associates is your own concern. My

husband is still recovering and needs rest. Please leave.”

Ryan’s face turned sour at Amelia’s words.

Amelia’s choice of words startled Warren as he caught the phrase “my husband,” which sparked a

moment of elation for him.

This was the first time she had referred to him like this in front of others.

Warren began to wonder if this was a sign that she was willing to accept him.

Ryan, however, wasn’t willing to leave just yet. After a brief pause, he made a tough decision and said,

“Mrs. York, before coming here, I v Alicia at the detention center. She expressed a desire to see you

and mentioned something of great importance. You may regret it if you go.”

These were Alicia’s instructions for Ryan to deliver.

He was initially hesitant because he didn’t want to appear connected to Alicia and entangled in this


However, he had no choice but to convey Alicia’s message.

Alicia had been confident when she asked him to do so, saying, “If you deliver this message to Amelia

and she visits me, I can prove my innocence. Once people see my acquittal, they won’t assume that

you have offended the York family. You can return to your normal life.”

Although Ryan had reservations about Alicia’s claims, she was guilty this time, and he couldn’t be

certain she would be released without charges.

“Mrs. York, y-you will meet Alicia, won’t you?” Ryan was hopeful that



Chapter 1149

Amelia would indeed meet with Alicia, as it would help his business recover once she was cleared.

Amelia replied sternly, “Mr. Golding, whether I meet her or not is none of your concern. Please leave


“But…” Ryan wanted to say more but was silenced by Warren’s icy gaze.

Pushing further could displease Warren and worsen the situation for the Golding family, so Ryan

reluctantly departed.

Warren reassured Amelia, “You don’t need to go to see Alicia. I’ll have our lawyer handle the case

completely. You should focus on our child and not concern yourself with this matter.”

Amelia nodded in agreement.

She had no desire to see Alicia, suspecting that her motives for the meeting were likely aimed at

securing her own release.

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Amelia wrestled with the thought of regretting her decision not to visit Alicia. What could be so crucial

for Alicia to want to meet with her?

Perhaps Alicia intended to exploit her assistance in prison as leverage, but the idea of seeing Alicia

again was unsettling.

Without Warren’s intervention, she would have been in a dire situation, and even her unborn child’s life

was at risk.

The police informed her that Jasper confessed it was Alicia who concocted the plan for two young men

to assault her, leading to the loss of her child. Jasper only wanted to take the credit for the kidnapping.

A chill ran through her when she heard the police’s investigation results.

Alicia had concealed such malicious intentions behind her friendly


Amelia suggested, “You should return to your ward and rest as the doctor advised.”

Warren rose from his chair, but instead of heading to his own ward, he extended his arms and

embraced Amelia.

Amelia tensed up and heard him say in a husky voice, “If you don’t want me to hold you like this, you

can push me away.

Amelia nibbled on her lip and placed her hands on his chest, but she



Chapter 1149

didn’t exert force to push him away.

She was well aware that beneath his dressing gown, his body was swathed

in bandages from the injuries he sustained while saving her.