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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93- Milkshake
Aaron Wentworth was on his way to his office after having lunch with his pregnant wife when he received a text from Tony.
Tony: [Celia and I are in Mafia trouble. Send help.]
He furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his fist as anger flared through him. He had been prepared for when Celia’s ex-husband
would come back for her but he didn’t expect him to cause trouble.
After sending Graham a message, he instructed Enock, “Drive to the imperial cafe. Marco has come to cause trouble. Let’s go
and deal with him.”
“Yes, Sir!” Enock replied and made a sharp U-turn.
When they got there, they found Tony being beaten black and blue while Celia cried and begged them to stop.
Anger flared through Aaron immediately. He rushed into the cafe without hesitating. How dare these men harm his people?
Luckily, Graham’s men arrived at the same time as him and followed behind him.
“What the hell are you doing in my territory?” Aaron thundered, the air around him turning frosty.
He glanced at the state his friend was in and his chest burned with fury.
“Marco, what gave you the right to hurt my friend? I didn’t even settle scores with you for hurting my sister...” Aaron continued in
a low and dangerous voice.
Marco laughed and said, “Settle scores with me? You can’t do anything to me-”
“Well, I can’t. But they can,” Aaron replied with a smirk.
Suddenly the place was surrounded by the federal police that had been trying to find evidence of Marco’s criminal activities.
Marco’s eyes widened as he looked around. He could hear the sound of helicopters in the air and his heart dropped into the pits
of his stomach.
He glanced at Aaron with fear and asked, “What did you

Chuckling darkly, Aaron presented, “When my sister returned, I began to investigate you and gather evidence about every crime
you’ve committed. Murder, drug trafficking, firearms trafficking, sex trade... So many crimes that my sister was unaware of.”
As he listed Marco’s crimes, Celia’s face became as white as a ghost. She couldn’t believe her
She knew her Ex-husband did some illegal stuff but she didn’t think it was as bad as murder and drug trafficking. It felt like she
had been living with a stranger for seven years.
At that moment, hatred brewed in her heart. Her marriage was a total sham.
The person she thought she knew was not what he portrayed himself to be.
Everything about him was a lie.
Once again, she realized how leaving had saved her the trouble and further heartbreak.
She moved close to Tony and cradled him. Her heart ached at the sight of his battered body.
Meanwhile, Marco was looking for a way to escape. He might have been a don but no one was above the law if evidence of their
crimes were exposed.
He glanced at Aaron and suggested, “Let’s make a deal. Call the cops and tell them it was a false alarm. I’ll promise to never
bother Celia again unless she comes back to me on her own.”
“Marco... That’s what you should have done before you came here to torture the people close to me. Indeed, you’re going back
to your country. But you will go back in style with cuffs around your wrists,” Aaron hissed.
He didn’t want to negotiate with Marco. If Aaron wasn’t a family man, he would have taken. matters into his own hands and dealt
with him. However, he could only use the law to deal with Marco for what he had done.
“You don’t want to make an enemy out of me, Aaron. I won’t be in prison for long-”

Marco was about to threaten Aaron, however, Aaron wasn’t the type to easily get intimidated. He narrowed his eyes and
interrupted, “We already became enemies the day you hurt my sister. I had warned you before. Unfortunately, I don’t give second
With that, the feds stormed into the place and arrested Marco and his minions.

Tony was immediately rushed to the hospital while Celia sat with him in the ambulance.
She kept crying and asking the paramedics if he was ok.
“Please hurry!” She pleaded. “He’s lost consciousness!”
Her heart was pounding so hard she felt like it would burst out of her chest. Looking at Tony’s state and how he had bravely
stood up for her, a complex emotion stirred within her.
Soon, the ambulance arrived at the hospital and Victor came out to attend to his friend.
Aaron suppressed the news of how the Ashford city prominent lawyer was almost beaten to death by a Mafia mob. He didn’t
want his friend and sister to be talked about in the media.
Hours later, Tony was placed in a ward where he would stay for a few days for his wounds to heal.
Luckily, his legs were intact. Aaron had arrived at the last moment when the mob was about to break his legs.
Celia was sitting by his bedside, taking care of him. She refused to leave his side. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes
were brimmed with tears.
“I’m fine. You don’t have to stay with me here all day,” Tony remarked, not wanting to make her feel guilty.
When Celia glanced at him with watery eyes, he added, “You don’t have to feel guilty for me either. I did what I was supposed to
do as a man. I’ll never let anything happen to you, Cee.’
The space between Celia’s eyebrows tightened. A pang of guilt shot through her. Tony got hurt. because of her. How could he
risk his life like that?
She looked into Tony’s eyes and asked him seriously, “Do you like me?”
“Yes,” Tony answered outright, flooring Celia altogether.

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Her eyes rounded at him and her heart skipped a beat. She gasped, asking, “Why?”
Tony arched an eyebrow. Despite having bruises on his face, his brown eyes still gleamed as he talked to Celia.
“Should there be a reason to like someone?”
Celia’s heart was beating so fast, she could hear it in her ears. She stuttered, “I... I’m older than you. I’m thirty-five and you’re
“I’m a divorcee...”
“I can’t have kids.”
Tony sighed at those words. He lifted his hand and grimaced at the pain. Regardless, he still reached for Celia’s head and
brushed her hair lovingly.
He said, “Loving someone has nothing to do with all the things you’ve mentioned. Your age? I love older women. Being
divorced? Everyone has a past. I have an EX or three too. About not being able to have children... How did you know that? Did
you go to the hospital? What if your Ex was the one with a problem? His whores could have lied... 1
What I’m trying to say is that... All those things won’t stop me from loving you, Celia. I want you to be mine.”
At his words, Celia felt butterflies in her stomach. Her cheeks flushed pink and she averted her
Tony grabbed her chin with his thumb and index finger and tilted her head to face him. He asked, “What do you say? Do you
want to be mine?”
Celia thought about it for a few seconds. She had been hurt but she wasn’t the type to give up on love just because one
relationship didn’t work out.
To be honest, she thought Tony was a great guy. He was young and handsome. He was also funny and he was a protector. She
loved how he stood up for her and stayed despite being in the presence of a Mafia don.

She wanted to try out things with him.
Looking at him, her face flushed as she replied, “I want to.”
On the other side, Tessa was in her office when she suddenly had a craving.
She tried by all means to curb it but she couldn’t concentrate on her work.
Ultimately, she took her phone and called Aaron.
“Hey, babe. I have a craving!”
On the other side of the phone, Aaron perked up his ears. He knew that when he received such.

a call from his wife, he had to pay attention and get her whatever she wanted.
“Tell me what you want, love,” he answered quickly, already getting to his feet and grabbing his car keys.
Tessa smiled and rubbed her stomach. She said, “I want milkshake.”
“I’ll be there in twenty minutes,” Aaron declared on the phone.
Knowing her favourite milkshake place, Aaron quickly drove there and got her an Oreo-
flavoured milkshake.
He rushed to her office and breathed in relief when he saw her waiting patiently.
“I’m here, love. Here’s your milkshake,” he announced.
To his surprise, Tessa stood up from her seat and pointed at it, saying, “Sit here.”
“What? Babe-”
Aaron felt confused. He didn’t know why his wife wanted him to sit on her swivel chair but he knew better than to argue with a
pregnant woman.
He sat down and placed the milkshake on the desk..

Tessa proceeded to close the curtains in her office and locked the door.
Aaron arched his eyebrows at this. ‘Did I just get a booty call from my wife?’
The thought excited him and the bulge in his pants began to harden.
Tessa approached him and went down on her knees. She then unbuckled his belt and released his manhood.
While stroking it, she remarked, “I was craving your milkshake.”
Aaron hissed and his rod became harder and bigger in her hands. He spread his legs to accommodate his wife between them.
“Oh yeah!” He groaned, cupping the back of her neck.
Tessa rested her palms on Aaron’s thighs and took his length into her mouth. She began to bob her head up and down, making
slurping sounds as she tasted him.
“Ah, fuck!” Aaron moaned as he guided Tessa by adding pressure to the back of her neck and aiding her movements.
Sizzling pleasure rushed through him. He revelled in the way it felt to have Tessa’s lips. wrapped around his shaft. Her mouth
was warm and moist, causing her strokes to be slippery.
Tessa moaned, loving the way her husband tasted. She swirled her tongue around his mushroom tip before sucking on it, hard.
She raised her eyes and watched him fall apart as she pleasured him. Her core tingled and developed a pulse when she saw
how she was driving him crazy.
Being in the third trimester, she had also reached her horny phase. While working on her designs, she missed her man and
wanted to taste his manhood. Now that she had tasted him, she wanted her nether regions to taste him too.
Seeing that he was about to come, she released his rod with a pop and got to her feet. She winked at Aaron and whipped
around before lifting her dress.
Aaron groaned when he saw her bare asscheeks. He licked his lips and remarked, “You didn’t wear any panties?”
She shook her head as she sat on Aaron’s lap, saying, “No. It’s uncomfortable to put them on with my big bump.”

Positioning herself well with her back facing him, she began to sit on Aaron’s shaft. He entered her slowly but surely. They both
moaned at the feel of Aaron’s rod sinking into Tessa’s tight core.
“Fuck, I love you,” Aaron grunted when Tessa took him all in until the hilt.
Tessa didn’t waste time. She immediately began to bounce on Aaron’s shaft. They had made the walls soundproof during the
renovations so they made noise as much as they wanted.
Tessa picked up her pace as tingles seared through her... she was feeling it in her soul. It felt so
good that she felt like flying to the moon. Pleasure washed over her. She cried out as she bounced on Aaron repeatedly.
“Oh, Aaron! Your dick feels so good!” She moaned hornily. “Touch my breasts, please.”
Aaron reached his hands forward and grabbed Tessa’s sensitive breasts. She rolled her eyes to the back of her head and
bounced even faster as if she wanted to embed Aaron’s shaft into her
As Aaron kneaded her breasts and squeezed her nipples, she shuddered, screaming his name. A million electrical currents
coursed through her.
Soon, she began to tremble as wave after wave of an earth-shattering orgasm ripped through her. Aaron soon followed and shot
his ‘milkshake’ into her.
As they came down from their high, Tessa suggested, “I’m not going to get up. While we are still connected, I want you to bend
me over the desk and fuck me from behind. I’m still craving
At her words, Aaron felt himself grow harder while still inside her. He groaned and said, ” Tessa, I think I want to impregnate you
every year.”