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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85- New chapter
“Daddy, can my friends come over to play?” Reagan asked his father after looking around the playroom.
Earlier when they got to the new mansion, Aaron took his family for a tour around the house. The mansion was built in a quiet
neighbourhood. The yards were large and very spacious, it would take a good thirty minutes to find a neighbour.
Just from the entrance, one could appreciate the lush greenery. The trees were preserved and there was green grass almost
everywhere apart from the paved parts. Unlike the Wentworth’s mansion, this mansion was more modern with a flat roof and
mostly glass walls covering the entire building.
He showed them the living room and the dining room. The furniture was there but they were yet to be arranged because Aaron
wanted Tessa to arrange them according to her taste. The furniture was similar to the ones she had in her old apartment. Aaron
had them custom-made with high-quality material.
There was a lavish staircase leading to the second and third floors. The second floor had eight bedrooms, there were four more
bedrooms on the first floor for their butler and
housekeepers. An elevator which the kids could use to go to the third floor was installed just next to the sweeping staircase.
The third floor had entertainment rooms. There was a cinema where they could watch movies. on a big screen with luxurious
leather chairs. A gaming room was opposite the cinema. In there, you could see that the theme of the room was set according to
a gamer’s preference.
There was dim lighting with LED backlights that made the monitor system on the desk look. appealing. A screen for console
gaming was mounted on the wall and in the corner was a mini fridge that would be used to stock up snacks and drinks. The
shelves behind the desk and swivel chair had small figurines of Batman, transformers, Spiderman and other superhero action
Reagan was excited about that room but Aaron told him he could only play games for thirty. minutes. The third floor also had an
indoor pool, a library and lastly, a playroom.
This was where they spent most of their time because the kids were excited and began to play.
Aaron smiled at Reagan as he played with some Legos. He responded to his question, “of course, you can. You can also play
with your sisters.”

Reagan wrinkled his nose and refused, “No thanks. Willa always plays with dolls and Nia is into painting and doing her own
boring things. I want to play with a boy.”
“Ok... you can bring your friends over,” Aaron agreed. “How many friends do you
“I have two friends. Jeremy and Alan. Jeremy always made fun of me because he thought I
didn’t have a daddy. Now that we are living together, I want to show him that I have a Daddy. Let’s see who will make fun of who
Aaron frowned and walked towards his son. He got down on his haunches and said, “Reagan, teasing and making fun of others
is not ok. No matter how much you have, or how high you go, never look down on others. That’s wrong and it can hurt people.”
“But they always made fun of me and my sisters. Why can’t I do that to them too?” Reagan asked and stuck his bottom lip out,
forming a cute pout.
“Those who were making fun of you were wrong. Bullying others means you have low self- esteem and you want to feel good
about yourself by putting others down. It is not right because it hurts the other person... tell me, son, how did you feel when your

friend teased or bullied you?” Aaron asked gently.
Reagan lowered his eyes and replied in a low voice. “I... I felt bad.”
“Exactly... that means, if you act like your friends and bully someone, you would be hurting that person. Always be kind, you may
never know what someone is going through. Bad words can terribly hurt someone and their life might be destroyed forever. You
have no reason to tease others... you go to school to learn and not to compete with others. Forgive those who hurt you in the
past. There’s a lot of peace that comes from forgiveness... always remember that, son.”
Reagan nodded and smiled at his father, “Ok, Daddy. I’ll forgive them and tell my friends that it’s bad to tease and make fun of
“Good,” Aaron said, ruffling Reagan’s hair.
Tessa sighed in contentment as she watched her husband give their son a life lesson. She thought he looked so handsome
when he was doing his duties as a father..

The kids looked up to him and loved him so much. She looked around the playroom and commented, “This is very nice, babe.
How thoughtful of you... I’m not going to complain that the house is very big because we both know you’re a big spender. I love
the playroom more.”
The playroom was big and it was blue, pink and purple themed.
It featured indoor play equipment like the purple slide that was at the far end in the corner. There was a wall that had big
colourful stars and a crescent moon, giving off galaxy vibes. A big doll house was on the left and a small tent that had a small
mat inside was on the right for the kids who loved to read story books to sit there and read quietly. A small shelf of children’s
books was next to the tent.
Aaron stood up straight and glanced at Tessa as he replied, “I just wanted what was best for us as a family. The kids will grow
and have their own rooms and we might have more kids so I added extra bedrooms for that purpose.”
Heat crept up Tessa’s face at his words. She said sheepishly, “I only agreed to one more.
Where’s the ‘more kids’ coming from?”
Aaron smirked and responded, “You never know... Anything is possible and we need to be prepared. Otherwise, if that were to
happen and I only built a house with five bedrooms, we would have to build another mansion to accommodate our big family.”
Tessa rolled her eyes and giggled, “Yeah... but just one more and we are done.”
They left the playroom and went outside towards the backyard where there was a pool. There was a small bar with barstools and
round tables, facing the pool.
“This will be the adults’ entertainment area. The indoor pool is for privacy.... But this one is more open to visitors,” Aaron said as
he showed Tessa around.
The kids had remained in the playroom and were being watched by Josh and Andrew, their bodyguards.
A bartender was standing behind the bar already. He glanced at Tessa and greeted her, “Hello, Mrs Wentworth. Would you like a
Tessa shook her head and answered, “No thanks. I’m ok.”

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She then glanced at Aaron and remarked, “Is having a bartender necessary? He might spend his days doing nothing because
we don’t drink every day. Such a job can be boring.”
“Don’t worry. He will be here when required but he will work on other jobs around the house. His name is Steve Jacobs. He will
be our butler,” Aaron responded.
He then helped Tessa into a golf cart and drove her around the vast land. There was a horse ranch, just like at the Wentworth’s
mansion. A huge garden was on the other side where they could see some staff picking fresh vegetables.

Tessa felt like she was in a fantasy world. The house had everything. She gave Aaron a side glance and mentioned, “I guess we
won’t be going out with all this entertainment.”
“Oh no... we will go on dates, love. All this was to make the house a little more convenient because it’s an hour away from town.
But I will always take you out on dates... we shall go on vacations, just the two of us, sometimes with the kids. Our lives will be
He then draped his arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek, saying, “Thank you beginning this new chapter with me.
You won’t regret it, I promise.”
An hour later, the family of five was in the living room of their mansion, arranging the
Aaron was doing the heavy kind of work like lifting the couches after Tessa told him where she wanted them... the triplets mostly
placed a centrepiece on the coffee table... or handed their father some tools that he needed to set up the TV on the wall.
This small activity brought the family together and helped them bond more. The kids were happy to be able to help in setting up
the house and it gave them a sense of belonging.
“Where should I put our family portrait?” Aaron asked as he held the portrait they had taken. as a family during the wedding.
“Put it on the door!” Willa suggested, giggling.
“It will fall every time someone opens the door, silly,” Reagan said. He looked around the living room and pointed at the wall on
the right, “Put it there, Daddy. I think it will look nice. And each time we sit on the couch, we can see it.”

Aaron glanced at his other daughter who was quietly observing everyone. He asked, “What about
you, Nia? What do you think?”
Nia glanced at the spot Reagan had chosen and nodded, “You can put it there, Daddy.”
“Yes, and when people come, the first thing they will see is our family picture. I’m so happy we are living together now!” Reagan
jumped happily.
Aaron and Tessa shared a look before smiling. Aaron asked her, “Will you help me put this up?”
Tessa nodded and when they finally mounted the portrait, a sigh of contentment left their lips. In the picture, they were all smiling
brightly. The kid’s smiles were so wide, Tessa wound up shedding a few tears.
“This is beautiful,” She remarked.
“Yes, we are a beautiful family!” Willa chirped and the adults smiled.
Two hours later, they were done with most of the work and were taking a breather, having ice cream on the patio.
Reagan glanced at his father and said, “Daddy, now that you’ve fulfilled your promise and we are now living together, I want you
to do one more thing for us.”
Aaron was seated on a patio chair at the entrance of the mansion. He looked at his son and arched an eyebrow, asking, “What is
it that you want son?”
“I want you to come to our sports day at school. There’s a Mommy’s and Daddy’s race but we always came last at our former
school because there was no one to compete on the Daddy’s race.”
Aaron froze for a second. He dragged in a sharp breath and blinked back a few tears, thinking about how much his absence had
impacted the kids’ lives. He promised, “I’ll come for your sports day... tell me, is there anything else you want us to do as a
family? I’ll gladly do it.”
“Let’s go camping!” Nia said.
“Let’s go to watch the Hockey game. I hear my friends go to watch the Hockey games with their Daddys. I want to know how it
feels,” Reagan added.

Aaron was attentively taking note of the children’s requests. However, it was Willa’s response that made his eyes water and
reminded him that he had a lot of things to make up for.
“Let’s spend Christmas together. I want Daddy to buy us many presents and take us to see Santa Claus!”