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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82- Vows
“Graham Thompson, do you take Michelle Adams to be your one and only lawfully wedded wife forever and ever?” The marriage
officiant at the courthouse asked Graham.
Graham’s eyes wandered around the hall. He looked at his father and Gerald nodded at him with a warm encouraging smile on
his face.
The bride’s father, however, gave Graham a warning look. Richard reached for the inside of his jacket and slightly took out the
pistol he had hidden in there. He didn’t expose it completely but it was enough to show Graham what would happen if he bolted
from the wedding.
Beads of sweat appeared on Graham’s forehead. When Michelle said her father was strict, het didn’t believe it until now. The
man was scary...
Graham returned his gaze to his bride and smiled apologetically at her. He didn’t want to have a rushed wedding but Richard
didn’t want to take any chances. He wanted them married the next day.
Looking into Michelle’s grey eyes, Graham’s eyes watered with tears. She looked beautiful in at simple white classy knee-length
dress. It was off-shoulder and cinched at the waist, showing off her trim figure, before flowing into a fuller skirt. There was a disc
fascinator on the right side of her head with a small net covering a small part of her face and her hair was pulled back. in a low
bun. She looked like a noblewoman from an aristocratic movie.
On her feet, she wore t-strap stiletto heels with gems embellishing the top of the straps. Her all-white outfit made her look
incredible. The wedding was short notice but she managed to pull off the perfect civil wedding bridal look.
Graham was in his military ceremonial suit. He wore a black jacket with a white dress shirt underneath, dark blue slacks and a
gold strip. He was oozing sophistication and the couple was emitting royal family vibes.
“I do,” Graham declared as a small smile crossed his lips.
The officiant then asked the bride, “Michelle Adams, do you take Graham Thompson to be your one and only lawfully wedded
husband forever and ever?”
Michelle’s heart was racing as she agreed, “I do.”

The officiant proceeded to ask the couple to repeat after him one at a time. He began with the groom. While holding Michelle’s
hand, Graham made his vows to her in the presence of their family and friends.
“Michelle Adams, I promise before these witnesses to love and care for you for all the days of our lives. I accept you for who you
are... with all your imperfections and your strengths, even as I offer myself with my imperfections and strengths. I promise to
support you and be there for you in every aspect of your life. I choose you, Michelle, as the one I want to spend the rest
of my life with,” Graham pledged.
Teary-eyed, Michelle said her vows while looking into Graham’s hazel eyes. After that, it was time to exchange the rings that
were bought the previous night.
The officiant took the rings from Tony and gave one to Graham, saying, “Please place the ring on Michelle’s finger and say the
following words....”
Graham held Michelle’s hand and caressed it gently. He glanced into her eyes and repeated after the officiant while carefully
sliding the ring onto her finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”
Michelle slid the ring on Graham’s finger and repeated the words he said. They stared at each. other and a strong passion
burned in their eyes.
“By the authority vested in me by the state, I now pronounce you husband and wife!” The officiant announced and a round of
applause erupted in the air. He then glanced at the groom. and said, “You may now kiss the bride.”
This was the moment Graham had been waiting for. To tell the world that Michelle was his wife by kissing her in front of everyone

He stepped closer to her and held her face in his hands. Leaning over, he pressed his lips on hers and they kissed so
Just like that, they were married! It felt so surreal... Michelle loved it even though it was
simple. What mattered was that they had vowed to love each other for eternity!
The crowd cheered as the couple locked their lips. It wasn’t a big wedding but it was nice and. simple since their family and
friends were around to witness their union. When the couple drew apart, they signed the certificate and were congratulated by
their friends and family.

Those in attendance were Celia, the triplets, Tony, Victor and their parents. Since Aaron and Tessa were on their honeymoon,
they would only receive pictures of the event.
Richard had a big grin on his face as he approached Graham. He gave him a handshake and said, “Welcome to the family and
I’m glad you did the right thing. Not that you had a choice.”
Graham chuckled. He looked at the old man and replied, “I was going to do the right thing even before you ordered me to, Uncle.
Don’t worry, I will never mistreat Michelle.”
Richard nodded and asked, “What are your plans for the future? Are you taking my daughter to the military base?”
“No. She will remain here for a while. There’s something that I need to do. I don’t want to be
away from her for too long,” Graham said.
“Ok. Go do what you need to do. If you need any help, just let me know. Now that you’re my son-in-law, the doors of the
company are wide open. Just in case you want to change careers and become a businessman-”
“Our family has a generation of military officers. Graham can’t become a businessman and
break the tradition,” Gerald’s gruff volce suddenly came, Interrupting Richard’s words.
Richard rolled his eyes. He looked at Gerald and questioned, “Did Graham tell you he wanted to continue your family tradition of
joining the military service? Was that his dream? I own a multi-billion dollar company but I let Michelle do whatever she wants.”
Gerald’s eyebrows furrowed. He gazed at his son and inquired, “Is he right, son? You don’t want to be in the military service?
Why did you work so hard and rise in the ranks then?” He scoffed and said, “All Thompsons should join the military service. Our
duty is to serve the country. If you’re thinking of Richard’s offer then I won’t consider you as my son anymore.”
Graham didn’t say anything for a few seconds. He sighed and replied to his father, “Joining the military was my choice, Dad. You
wouldn’t have forced me if I didn’t want to Just like you won’t be able to dictate my decisions now. I will do what I want to do.
Please, don’t interfere,”
With those words, he whipped around and went to get his bride who was chatting with the women. They only had one night for
their honeymoon since he had to leave for the military base to put his plan in motion.

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He had booked the most luxurious suite at the imperial hotel where he had lunch with his wife. As they sat opposite each other in
the dining area of the suite, Graham looked at Michelle and remarked, “We are not having a fancy honeymoon or going on a trip,
are you ok with that?”
Michelle nodded and answered, “Yes. I love this... Everything is fine as long as I’m with you. I’m sad that you will be leaving
tomorrow though but it just makes me love you more today. Let’s love each other like we will never see other again tonight.”
Graham wanted to tell her about his plans but he held back. He didn’t want to give her hope. before anything was confirmed.
What he was about to do wasn’t easy. Most people even got into trouble for it if they tried.
Regardless, Graham would do and risk anything just to be with his wife and give her the love. and undivided attention she
A few minutes later, they were done eating. Graham held out his hand to Michelle and helped. her out of her seat. He then led
her to the huge kingsized bed that was in the center of the suite.
He stared at her and proposed, “On most of our encounters, we’ve had mindblowing but impulsive sex. Today, I want to claim
you as mine... I want to make love to you, knowing you’re my wife and mine forever.”
He pulled her close and ran his fingers along her back, whispering, “Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

Michelle blushed and responded with a question, “Why don’t you do what you’ve always wanted to do to me?”
She licked her lips sensually and Graham felt himself grow hard in his pants. He scooped her
up and threw her on the bed gently.
Climbing on top of her, he crashed his lips on hers and kissed her deeply. When she bit his lip, he groaned and his shaft
throbbed in his pants. As he kissed her lips, his hand trailed to her thighs and went up until he found her crotch.
When he massaged it through the fabric of her panties, he felt how damp it already was. He hissed and remarked, “Oh fuck... I
can’t wait to bury myself inside of you, sweet pea.”
Michelle couldn’t speak as she was already sighing erotically. She slid her hand down and tried to rub her clit but Graham
grabbed her hand and held her arms above her head. He looked into her eyes and declared, “I’m the only one pleasuring you
today... just sit back and enjoy the ride.

He peppered kisses along her neck and when he reached her chest, he buried his face in
between the valley of her breasts. Looking up he remarked, “I want to come in the middle of
Making his way down, he placed open-mouthed kisses on Michelle’s skin. When he reached. her stomach, Michelle noticed how
gentle his kiss was. It was as if he was saying hi to their
baby. She felt giddy and smiled from ear to ear.
Graham took off his belt and tied Michelle’s wrists with it gently. “You’re so naughty. I have to
make sure you behave as I eat your pussy.”
Excitement crept into Michelle and she felt herself getting wet. She watched as Graham took off her dress. He then gave her a
little strip show as he took off his suit.
When his massive cock was freed from his pants, she gulped and said, “Oh my... I missed your sausage. It’s huge!”
Graham smirked and spread her legs. “I’ll give it to you if you will be a good girl. You can’t
come unless I tell you to.”
Michelle curled her toes in anticipation and cried out the moment Graham buried his face in her core. He ate her out with fervour
at the word go, not giving Michelle a chance to breathe.
She shuddered as wave after wave of pleasure violently ripped through her as Graham slid his tongue up and down her clit. He
would insert his tongue into her core and then rub her clit with his thumb before sliding his tongue out, giving her a hard stroke
across her slit and sucking on her clit, hard.
“Oh, Graham! I’m coming!”
“No... not yet. I’ll tell you when to come,” Graham commanded in his raspy voice..

Michelle’s toes curled and she rolled her eyes to the back of her head as she tried her best to hold out. The pleasure was too
much, she could feel it in every fiber of her being.
“Ah, Graham! Please... 1-”
Graham inserted his finger into her core and began to finger her, his tongue swirling around her clit. When he felt like she was
near, he said, “Come for me, baby...”
Michelle arched her back off the bed and trembled just as she squirted her juices all over Graham’s face. He released a deep
chuckle and rasped, “Good girl.”
“Argh!” Michelle released more juices at his sexy voice. He continued to pump his fingers into her, prolonging her orgasm.
Graham’s face was wetter than the pacific ocean. It was as if it was raining orgasms in that room. He smirked and happily lapped
up her juices and said huskily while he continued to finger her, hard and fast. “That’s my good girl.”
“OH, MY GOD!! Graham! Ah!” Michelle screamed at the top of her voice as the sweet sensation reached her soul. She released
more juices as they splashed on Graham like a waterfall.
Only then did he slow down his thrusts. He glanced into her eyes and said, “You’re being such a good girl for me... I love it.”
Michelle’s walls clenched around Graham’s finger. Her heart was racing and she felt herself slipping out of consciousness. Her
voice was sultry as she said, “That was so good... Can I have your sausage now?”
Graham excitedly positioned himself between her legs. He was about to insert himself inside her core when he looked up and
found Michelle’s eyes closed. She had fallen asleep!