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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets

Chapter 61
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Chapter 61- A concert
“Please, I want to go to this live concert. I know you love this band. It’s your favourite. Look! They are giving out free CDs!”
Country music was one of Tessa’s favourites. There was a local band that sang covers of
famous country songs and she loved to attend every concert that they held every year.
Michelle had bought two tickets and came to pick her up. However, for some reason, Tessa wasn’t willing to go out that day.
“I just want to sleep today. The kids are with their father so I can use this time to rest, Tessa remarked as she sipped on a cup of
hot chocolate.
They were both seated in the living room on some couches. It was a Saturday and Tessa just wanted to be lazy, doing nothing.
Seeing that Tessa wasn’t willing to get up, a flash of panic flitted through Michelle’s eyes but it was gone the next second.
She got to her feet and approached Tessa, pulling at her hand. “Let’s go, please! I know you love Country music. You hardly
have time to have fun. Take this opportunity to enjoy yourself.”
Elena came out of the kitchen and added, “Your friend is right, Tessa. Go out. Have fun! You’re always working hard. Now that
Aaron is helping with the kids, you can have some time to yourself.”
After being convinced by both her friend and mother, Tessa finally agreed. She sighed and said, “Let me put on something
The concert was starting at 6:00 pm. When she was ready, she and Michelle left. They first went to a fancy restaurant and had
dinner. Michelle was treating Tessa to a meal.
Tessa glanced at her friend suspiciously and inquired, “Did you do something wrong? Why are you being extra nice today?”
Michelle chuckled awkwardly and responded, “I’m always nice.”
Tessa arched an eyebrow and Michelle cleared her throat, adding, “Ok. I’m starving and I have been craving this restaurant’s
signature lobster meal. I thought it would be good to eat something before we go to the concert.”
Tessa smiled and nodded. “Ok. We will split the bill-”

“No! I have a black card... don’t worry. The bill is catered for,” Michelle quickly exclaimed.
“You’re acting strange. What are you up to?” Tessa observed.
She leaned forward and gazed deeply into her friends’ eyes but the latter averted her gaze.
There’s definitely something...’ She said silently.
However, no matter how much she racked her brain, she couldn’t come up with any reason why Michelle was acting
“No, I’m not. Come on, let’s enjoy the food,” Michelle remarked.
Seeing that Michelle was dodging her questions, Tessa decided to drop it and just enjoy the outing. The two of them ordered
their food and devoured it.
When they left the restaurant, Michelle suggested, “I think we worked too hard this week. We still have time before the concert
reaches its peak. How about we go to a spa and have a massage?”
Tessa furrowed her eyebrows. “A massage? Is that necessary?”
“Of course! We work hard! Let’s pamper ourselves!” Michelle exclaimed.
Before Tessa could tell what was happening, she was dragged to a beauty spa. There, they got a spa treatment. It was a full
They got a full body wax, a facial and full body scrub, a massage, a pedicure and a manicure. Tessa sighed as she felt refreshed
and energised. She glanced at Michelle when someone was doing her makeup and said, “Ok. Spill it. What are you and Aaron
up to? Is he taking me on another date?”
She understood why her friend would want a girl’s day out. But how did the spa lady know that she usually did a Brazilian wax

down there? Could it be that Aaron had planned this and he was preparing to eat her out later that night?
Tessa blushed at her own thoughts.
Michelle’s eyes grew to the size of saucers when she heard Tessa’s question. She shook her head and replied, “This has nothing
to do with Aaron. Can’t I just pamper my best friend? Stop overthinking.”

Tessa was finally convinced and stopped being suspicious. She questioned herself when the stylists suddenly gave her a nice
dress to wear.
It was a sequin little black dress and it was off the shoulder. Just something simple for a night outing. She then wore heeled
open-toe boots. Her dark silky hair was let down in curly waves and she had put on a sexy red lip and smokey eye makeup.
This time, she just obediently went along with what her friend had planned, not wanting to ruin her day.
Michelle, on the other hand, was in a leather bodycon dress with stiletto heels. It had a sweetheart neckline with spaghetti straps.
Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled into a slick high ponytail.
Finally, they went to the stadium where the concert was being held. From the cheers that
could be heard from afar and the assorted lights illuminating the dark sky, Tessa could tell that the place was packed and very
“Are we going to find our seats? It looks like it’s full,” Tessa asked as they got down from the
Michelle smirked and said, “Don’t worry. We are VVIPs.”
When they reached the entrance, a guard went up to them and offered to lead them to their seats. The stadium was full and
there was a huge stage in front where the band was singing
live music.
When they got to their seats, Tessa gasped when she saw her mother seated next to Edmund Wentworth, Aaron’s father.
Her eyes widened and she questioned, “What are you doing here?”
Elena smiled and answered, “We came to watch the concert too.”
Tessa narrowed her eyes in suspicion but she didn’t have time to figure anything out as the band began to play one of her
favorite songs.

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For an hour or so. The band played different songs and the audience sang along. Tessa especially ended up shading a few tears
because the songs were very sentimental.
Suddenly, the leader of the band said, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Actually, this concert was organised by a great
businessman. A man who’s madly in love and wants to sweep his woman off her feet. Don’t be surprised by what happens
next... the man in question has something to say to his woman. Miss Tessa Hilton, are you here? Aaron Wentworth says he
loves you to the moon and back.”
The spotlight landed on Tessa, exposing her position to the crowd and making her the centre of attention. Her heart skipped a
beat as she stared blankly at the stage, not sure if she heard. the man right.
When the crowd cheered, Tessa’s face flushed. She glanced at Michelle and Elena, asking, What’s going on?”
“Just watch,” Michelle told her friend excitedly.
Tessa glanced at the stage and her breath hitched when she saw three little kids walking to the front of the stage.
A song started playing and the kids started dancing while looking at her. When she heard the song, Tessa’s eyes blurred with
The three children were none other than her triplets, Reagan, Nia and Willa. They were in blue denim dungarees with white
shirts beneath and white sneakers, looking adorable.
They did a simple step dance but it was well-coordinated and followed the rhythm of the song. It was a song done by Bruno
Mars, called, ‘Marry You.’
-“It’s a beautiful night, we’re looking for something dumb to do

Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby, I think I wanna marry you.”-
The crowd went crazy and took videos of the three adorable triplets who were dancing for their mother. For the next part of the
song, three handsome men in blue ripped dungarees and white shirts walked out and each stood behind the toddlers, joining the
dance routine. These men were none other than Tony, Graham and Victor, Aaron’s close friends.

“Well, I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go
No one will know, oh, come on girl
Who cares if we’re trashed, got a pocket full of cash we can blow
Shots of patron and it’s on, girl.’
The crowd went crazy when they saw three good-looking men doing cute dances with the kids. At the same time, the tears in
Tessa’s eyes finally rolled down her cheeks. Her heart swelled as she watched the kids, realising this was why Aaron had asked
for them to spend their holiday with him.
They were shaking their bodies, doing a one-two-step dance and making heart signs at Tessa with huge smiles on their faces.
The huge black curtains behind the group that was dancing suddenly slid open and Aaron stepped out. He was in the same
dungaree that the others were wearing. It was a simple outfit, yet it made him look like the hottest man on earth. When people
recognised him, loud cheers. resonated around the stadium.
Aaron stepped in with a dance to the next part of the song. He glanced at Tessa while singing along to the song,
~”Don’t say no, no, no, no, no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And we’ll go, go, go, go, go
If you’re ready, like I’m ready.”~
Tessa gasped when a screen suddenly emerged from behind the group. Led words appeared on the screen and everyone was
able to see them.
(You are the love of my life. I’ll love you for as long as I live. Will you do me the honours of being my best friend and life partner?
Marry me, Tessa.]

Tessa’s heart skipped a beat as she read the words. The butterflies in her stomach went wild. She blinked back her tears as her
heart raced erratically.
The ground on which she stood suddenly moved. She panicked but she realised there was something underneath. It raised her a
bit and drove her to the stage while the song continued to play.
-“Cause it’s a beautiful night, we’re looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you.”-
When she got on the stage, Aaron got down on his knees and opened the box that he took out of his pocket, revealing the
diamond ring that Tessa had seen in his safe the last time.
Aaron glanced up at Tessa and said, “Thank you for giving me another chance. In the past five years, I felt like a fool for pushing
you away and hurting you. My heart was broken, knowing I hurt you. I can’t even imagine how much pain you went through
because of me. Nevertheless, you still forgave me and loved me. You gave birth to our lovely triplets and made me a father. I
love Reagan, Nia and Willa with all my heart. They are a product of our love and I want us to give them a home. I love you, with
all my heart, my soul and my body. I want to spend the rest of my life with you... have more babies with you and grow old with
you. Tessa, please give me the opportunity to spend the rest of my life giving you my all.”
Tessa’s breath quivered. She whipped around and stared at her mother who nodded at her with a smile. Her eyes fell on her
children. They were smiling from ear to ear as if they had just received the world’s greatest gift.
Reagan smiled and exclaimed, “Mommy, say yes!”
The crowd cheered and began to urge her on.
“Say yes!”
“Say yes!”
The crowd’s cheering encouraged Aaron. He met Tessa’s eyes and repeated, “Tessa Hilton, will you be my wife?”