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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49~ Love language
“Don’t worry about them, they will be protected,” Graham promised on the phone. “A team is patrolling outside the Wentworth
mansion right now.”
Aaron had been planning a getaway with Tessa for a while. However, with the recent threat, he had to come up with strong
security measures so that they could go out and have a peace of
He sighed in relief and said, “Thanks, man. I owe you one. By the way, I gave your number to Tessa to give to Michelle. Don’t be
surprised if she calls you.”
There was a brief silence before Graham responded, “I know. She called me. But I didn’t answer. I didn’t know what to say.”
Aaron furrowed his eyebrows. He asked, “What’s wrong with you man? I think she likes you.”
“I can’t entertain her, man. You know how my job is. I can never be fully there in her life. because I’m always busy. I wouldn’t
want to impose a life of loneliness on her,” Graham. replied through the phone.
Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose. He felt bad for his friend and suggested, “You’re letting your fears get in the way of your
happiness. If you like the woman, go for her. Don’t be like me who realised Tessa was the love of my life after she left.”
“I don’t know, man. Anyway, I got to go. My team will protect your family so you and my sister -in-law should have fun this
weekend without any worries.”
“Don’t do anything that you might regret. If you want something, go for it. Consequences be da mned,” Aaron tried to convince
his friend.
When Graham cut the call, the space between Aaron’s eyebrows wrinkled. Graham had grown up with an almost absent father.
Being a man of high status in the military, his father was often away from home. So it was understandable that he would have
issues with committing to someone having seen his mother spend most days alone.
Aaron was thinking about how best he could help his friend when the limo he was in came to a stop.>
The chauffeur dropped the partition and announced, “Sir, we’ve arrived.”

Aaron was brought back to the present. A small smile curved on his lips as the thought of spending the weekend with Tessa
excited him. He replied, “Ok. Thank you, George. Now wait here. I’m going to get my Queen.”
George smiled and nodded. He was the one in charge of driving Aaron’s limousine. This was the first time Aaron was using the
limo to pick up a woman and he was happy for him. He responded, “Sure, Sir.”
At the same time, Tessa had gotten ready and was waiting for Aaron to pick her up. Elena and the kids had been taken to the
Wentworth mansion already.
Her heart was fluttering as she waited for Aaron, picturing what the date on a cruise ship
would be like.
She was wearing a champagne rose satin mermaid gown that outlined her curves. It was sleeveless with an open-back style and
a plunging neckline that exposed a bit of her cleavage. Her embellished heels were open ankle-strapped heels with diamonds on
the straps. She had styled her hair into a side twist that graduated into a neat low bun to expose the diamond earrings that Aaron
got for her.
Her whole look was a perfect fusion of sophistication, elegance and class.
When the doorbell rang, her heart did a flip, knowing Aaron was at the door. This wasn’t the first time she went out on a date with
him but she was nervous.
The butterflies in her stomach wouldn’t stop fluttering wildly.
Picking up her nude clutch purse, she walked to the door and opened it. Aaron was standing at the door with a bouquet of red
roses, looking dashing in a beige suit.
Tessa’s heart ski pped a beat. She gulped as she gave him a once-over. His hair was neatly slicked back, giving him a
nobleman’s vibe. He had a trimmed and neat beard that made him look manly.

‘Gosh, how can a man be so handsome?’ She thought silently.
At the same time, Aaron swept his gaze over Tessa’s body. His eyes darkened as he said in his deep velvety voice, “You look
ravishing, love.”

He leaned down and pecked her lips. “You’re gorgeous.”
Tessa’s heart thudded twice and her cheeks reddened. She glanced at Aaron and replied, “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
What she wanted to say was that he looked like a Greek g*d. So s***y and smouldering. However, she stopped herself and
blushed at her own thoughts.
She took the flowers from him and walked back into the house to put them in a vase. Her apartment was now full of flowers but
she wasn’t complaining. She loved them.
When she walked back to the door, Aaron took off his jacket and placed it around Tessa’s shoulders. He then gave her his arm
and said, “Let’s go.”
A few minutes later, Tessa’s eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when she saw the long white limousine waiting in the parking
The chauffeur got out to open the door but Aaron stopped him, saying, “It’s ok, George. I want to be the one to open the door for
my woman.”
He then led Tessa to the far end of the car and opened the door. Gesturing with his hand for her to enter, he offered, “After you,
Tessa blushed and her heart fluttered. She secretly felt giddy when Aaron called her by that pet
“Thank you,” she replied and got into the limo.
She was in awe as she took a seat on the leather plush seats. On the left side was a medium flat- screen smart TV, while the
right side had a service bar with cut crystal glasses and decanters. There was an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne in it.
The lighting inside the limo was dim, setting the mood for a romantic night. It had a power moonroof, exposing the night sky.
They could watch the stars through the transparent roof as they drove through the city.
Aaron sat beside Tessa and pressed on the driver-passenger intercom, ordering, “We can start off now.”

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“Noted, Sir,” George responded on the intercom and soon, the limousine began to move.
“Would you like a glass of champagne?” Aaron asked Tessa.
When she nodded, he grabbed two glasses and poured them each a drink. He then gave her the glass and raised his to hers,
saying, “Here’s to us and our children. Let’s forget about everything tonight and have fun.”
Tessa clinked Aaron’s glass and remarked, “Cheers.”
There was soft music playing in the background, creating a romantic ambience. Aaron would often glance at Tessa and tell her
stories about some buildings in the City that she didn’t know.
They passed the theme park that was under the Wentworth group and then he said, “Do you know that the theme park was the
first business my parents ventured into?”
Tessa shook her head and replied, “No.”
“They wanted to have a very big family. So they built this park so that their kids could have fun. Unfortunately, I was the only child
and Mom died young. Still, this park remains my father’s favourite. It may have changed because I modernised it but it still has
the old swings. and slides from when I was young.”
Aaron sighed and took a sip from his glass, adding, “Let’s bring the kids later. I want us to spend quality time as a family. I don’t
want to lose out in their growth and development any more than I already have.”
Tessa nodded. She reached for his hand and squeezed it, saying, “Let’s do that.”
When the car stopped moving, Tessa could see that they were on a helipad. There was a helicopter waiting for them a few
meters away.
Aaron was about to step out when Tessa stopped him and presented, “Wait. I want to video call the children. Just to make sure

they are ok.”
She took out her phone from her clutch purse and made a video call to Reagan’s tablet.
“Hi Mommy,” Reagan responded. He then saw his father and smiled widely, “Hi, Daddy!”.

“Hello, son!” Aaron happily waved at his son through the phone.
“Hi, baby. Call your sisters, I want to see all of you,” Tessa said.
After a few seconds, three little faces were showing on the screen.
“Hi, babies. Are you ok? I miss you. Mommy and Daddy will be back soon. I want you to be good. Don’t trouble your
grandparents, ok?” Tessa uttered.
“Ok, Mommy,” Reagan answered and then he asked, “Can we have ice cream?”
Aaron was about to agree but Tessa firmly shook her head and responded, “No, Reagan. It’s cold. You can’t have ice cream. Ask
grandma to make you a hot drink instead.”
Aaron’s heart dropped to his stomach. He realised how it was cold that day and he felt guilty for wanting to agree to the
children’s request when it could be harmful to them.
“Where are you going, Mommy?” Willa asked.
Tessa replied, “I’m going on a date with.
your father.”
“Can I come to? I also want to go on a date with Daddy.”
Aaron chuckled, he said, “I will take us all on a date when we return, ok?”
“Ok, Daddy.”
When the call ended, Tessa could tell that Aaron was feeling bad for almost saying yes to the kids earlier. She grabbed his arm
and squeezed it before consoling him, “Hey, don’t beat yourself up. This is the first time you’re being a father. You’re doing
Aaron smiled at Tessa, appreciating her words. He squeezed her hand back and remarked, ” Thanks, Tessa. I’ve just realised
that there’s a lot that I need to learn. But with you by my side, I believe I can be the best father in the world.”
He then opened the door and stuck his hand out to Tessa. She took it with a smile crossing her lips.

They got on the helicopter and spent two hours in the air. When it was time to land, Aaron took a blindfold and covered Tessa’s
eyes with it.
She giggled as he tied it behind her head, saying, “Is this necessary?”
“Yes. It’s a surprise,” Aaron responded.
Her heart raced in anticipation. Soon, they landed and Aaron led her out of the helicopter which disembarked as soon as they
stepped down from it.
The first thing Tessa felt was a gust of wind hitting her skin. She took a whiff of the smell of the ocean and smiled. “Can I open
my eyes now?”
“Not yet,” Aaron whispered in her ears. She was ticklish and ended up giggling.
A few minutes later, he finally removed the blindfold from her eyes and said, “Now you can look. This is a gift for giving birth to
three children for me. Thank you, Tessa. For being an amazing woman and mother. I admire your strength and dedication.
Raising kids as a single mother is not easy, but for five years, you managed perfectly. I appreciate you for that. Do you like your
Tessa’s eyes were almost popping out of their sockets and her mouth had dropped to the floor. A gasp left her lips as she stared
at the large luxurious hotel cruise ship they were on. It had the name, ‘Tessa’s cruise resort’ in large neon letters.
The ship had colourful lights that illuminated the ocean. She could make out a bar, a pool area and suites for guests. It was very
large and there were other parts she could not see just yet.
‘Wait a minute... did he just give me a cruise ship as a gift?’
Her heart ski pped a beat and then went into overdrive, pounding so hard it became deafening.
“A-Aaron... what’s this? Why did you get me this? I told you I already forgave you. No need to get me expensive gifts,” Tessa
“This is my love language. Spending on you, serving you, spending quality time with you, assuring you of my love and not
forgetting...” Aaron trailed, sliding his hand around her waist and whispered in his deep raspy voice, “Craving you.”