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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42 The runaway bride
“Tessa? I’m waiting for your answer,” Aaron said
A few minutes had passed since Tessa saw the words outside but she was yet to say anything. He was waiting with bated breath
for her to say something; when she kept quiet, he couldn’t help but remind her.
Tessa broke out of her daze and dragged in a sharp breath. She turned to face Aaron and said, ” When you cast me aside five
years ago, I felt like my world was crashing down on me. I had loved you with my all but you didn’t. You took me for granted,
Aaron. I was the only one putting effort into the relationship. It felt like I was in the relationship alone. Your heart was out of
reach. You were emotionally unavailable. I was in love with you but that love was too painful. I don’t want to go through that
Aaron’s stomach twisted at her words. He swallowed painfully as he once again regretted his actions. He knew it wouldn’t be
easy for Tessa to forget about the past but he thought they were making progress. He admitted that back then, he took Tessa for
granted thinking she would always be there.
When he was supposed to love and cherish her, he ended up hurting her instead. In the end, she left. Unfortunately, that was
when he realised how much she meant to him. It is said that you never know the worth of what you have until you lose it.
Aaron had learnt the hard way. He lost Tessa For years, he searched for her and when he couldn’t/ find her, the hole in his heart
became bigger. He felt lost and life had no meaning. Knowing what it feels like to lose Tessa, Aaron never wanted to make the
same mistakes again.
He was about to plead with Tessa when she spoke again.
“Do you promise not to hurt me again?” She asked, looking at him with watery eyes.
Aaron’s heart raced and he grabbed Tessa’s shoulders. Gazing into her eyes, he said excitedly, “I will never hurt you again,
Tessa, I promise. I’ll treat you like the Queen you are. I’ll put you first in everything and I’ll love you with all my heart and soul.”
Tessa smiled. She searched for something in Aaron’s eyes and when she saw that he was being sincere, she nodded and said,
“I would like to try.”
Hearing her words, Aaron’s heart soared. He was over the moon and his jaws almost hurt from smiling too widely.

He cupped Tessa’s face and leaned down to kiss her but she placed her index finger on his lips. and pushed him back gently.
“I’m not done. I would like to try but no kissing for now. Let’s try to date without any form of intimacy. I don’t want sex to cloud my
judgement again,” she proposed.
At her words, Aaron furrowed his eyebrows. He asked, “Do you still not trust me?”
Tessa shook her head and replied, “It’s not that I don’t trust you but I want us to take things slow. I’m scared of falling in love
again so it’s not something I want to go all in at once. Let’s gradually
fall for each other, ok?”
Chapter 42-The runaway bride
Aaron sighed. He had been waiting for a long time for Tessa to agree to be with him again. Now that she had agreed, there were
a lot of things he wanted to do with her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her like there was no tomorrow. He wanted to
make love to her and claim her-
mind, body and soul.
However, he was willing to wait if that was what she wanted. What mattered was that she had agreed to be his woman again.
He tucked the stray hair that had fallen in front of Tessa’s face behind her ear and smiled at her before replying, “I’m ok with
taking things slow. And thank you for giving me a chance, Cupcake. But... How about hugs? Can I at least hug you? I miss
having you in my arms.”

Tessa’s face flushed and she responded, “A hug is ok-”
Before she could finish her sentence, Aaron had pulled her against his chest and cupped the back
of her head.
He stroked her hair and said, “You have made me the happiest man on earth by accepting to be my woman. I know I have a long
way to go to make you my wife. But I hope it will be soon. I can’t wait to have you and our three children living under one roof.
I’m already building a villa for us.”
Tessa didn’t respond but she relaxed in Aaron’s arms. She noticed how she felt at home and how his scent was so soothing. Her
mind was reeling with thoughts about her decision..

Did she make the right choice? She was still afraid of the possibility of getting hurt but for herself
and the children, she was willing to take the risk.
She let go of her fear and raised her arms to reciprocate the embrace. A smile crossed her lips as they held each other like
tomorrow will never come.
‘I hope I don’t regret this,’ she murmured in her mind.
When they pulled away from each other. They turned to watch the view of the city again. All the lights were back on and Tessa
glanced at Aaron, asking, “How did you get the lights to turn off and
med those words?” only switch on a few which
Aaron chuckled and responded, “We had asked for permission from the people occupying those buildings. The electricity
trolled the whole thing and of course, everyone was
compensated for the inconvenience caused.”
Tessa was touched once again. Her heart thudded twice and butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
She smiled and snaked her arms around Aaron’s waist before resting her head on his chest. She
said, “Thank you for this, Aaron. It was very sweet of you.”
“Anything for you, my love,” Aaron declared and a thought suddenly occurred to him, “The kids’ birthday is this Saturday, right?”
“Yes, it is,” Tessa confirmed.
“We can have a party for them. My friends would like to meet them. And I would like to officially introduce them as my children
and heirs of the Wentworth group.
Days later.
Chap 42-The runaway bride

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The day for the triplets’ birthday had finally come. At the imperial hotel which was under the Wentworth group, the hall was lively
with activity.
Aaron had gone all out and invited the press so that they could get the news from the source and not report lies that they got
from gossip media platforms. He had hired the best event planners to decorate the place and instructed the hotel’s chef to make
the food delicious and display it elegantly.
The hall was decorated with a blue, pink and purple theme. Three-tier character cakes were placed at a round table next to the
high table. Reagan requested a paw patrol character cake, Nia requested a frozen character cake with Elsa as the main
character and Willa requested a Princess
Sofia character cake.
Aaron had also asked the employees who had children to come with them to the party so that the children could have fun and
also play in the temporal playground that he had made in the hotel’s garden.
The family was waiting in the lounge for the party to start. The two girls were dressed adorably in blue and pink princess dresses
and Reagan was in a little black suit that matched his father’s. Tessa was in a simple but elegant blue dress. It was one shoulder
with a sheer long sleeve and a right thigh-high slit. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun and she had put on light make-up.

Reagan was getting impatient, he glanced at his parents and asked, “Mommy, what time is the party starting?”
“It will start soon. We are waiting for your godmother and your uncles,” Tessa replied.
The triplets’ eyes lit up. “Our
“They are Daddy’s friends.”
uncles are
coming? Who are they?”
Just then, the door to the lounge opened and Michelle entered the room. She immediately said in a singsong voice, “Woohoo!
I’m just on time!”
She rushed to the kids and began to lift them before pecking their chubby cheeks. “Oh, my god! I missed you so much! You even
forgot about me after meeting your Daddy!”

When she carried Reagan and kissed him, the little boy’s face flushed. He wiped his cheek and protested, “I’m a grown-up now,
godmother. I don’t need kisses!”
Michelle chuckled and brushed his hair since she knew he hated it messy. After she was done giving the kids attention, that was
when she turned her attention to the adults. She glanced at them and said, “Oh, hi there. I forgot you were in the room since the
children took all my attention
Tessa rolled her eyes and replied, “Stop being dramatic. You look good by the way, did you invite
Michelle was in a mermaid sequin dress. It had a sweetheart neckline and she let her strawberry
blonde hair fall down to her shoulders.
“No I didn’t. I was hoping your baby Daddy would introduce me to his friends. Where are they by the way?” Michelle inquired,
looking around the lounge.
Aaron shook his head and said, “I’m hoping one of them can handle you. They shall be here soon.”
Chapter 42- The runaway bride
Michelle placed her hands on her waist and glared at Aaron. She questioned, “What do you mean, Mr Wentworth? Are you
saying I need someone to tame me?”
Aaron shrugged, “Your words, not mine.”
Tessa noticed that Michelle was about to respond so she intervened. “Would you like a drink?”
Michelle rolled her eyes but she maintained her glare on Aaron. Stepping closer to him, she lowered her voice and warned him,
“Just because Tessa forgave you and decided to give you a chance doesn’t mean I did. You hurt my girl. I’m still watching you to
see if you will do right by her this time. If you hurt her again...”
She trailed and made a cutting gesture across her throat with her thumb. And then she pointed two fingers at her eyes and
pointed at Aaron, saying, “I’ve got my eyes on you. Break my girl’s heart again and you will have me to answer to!”

Tessa was worried that Aaron would get angry but he surprised her by laughing. He then glanced at Tessa and said, “I’m glad
you have such a good friend.” He raised his head and looked at Michelle before promising, “Don’t worry. I’ll worship the ground
Tessa walks on from now on.”
Suddenly, there was a commotion at the door and three good-looking men entered the lounge.
They were all in black suits with neatly styled hair except for one who had a buzz cut.
Michelle’s eyes widened as her eyes fell on the man with a buzz cut. She trailed her eyes up and down his huge frame to check
if she was dreaming but when she confirmed that he was real, she gasped and clamped her hand over her mouth.
Tessa noticed her strange reaction. She furrowed her eyebrows and asked, “Michelle what’s wrong?”
However, Michelle just shook her head and ran out of the lounge, leaving everyone dumbfounded.
Aaron glanced at the man who was none other than Graham Thompson, the military general. He arched an eyebrow and
inquired, “What’s up, G? You two know each other?”
Tony smirked and added, “The poor woman looked like she had seen a ghost. I’m a hundred per cent sure you know each other.”
Graham shoved his hands into his pockets to stop himself from taking out a cigarette to smoke his stress away. His jaw clenched
as he replied through gritted teeth, “Yeah... she’s my runaway”