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The Bound Between Us

Chatper 387
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Chapter 387

Layna was a spitfire, stubborn and unyielding, even to the point of twisting right from wrong. Despite her young

age, her actions were telling of the kind of person she would grow up to be.

If Layna continued down this path, she was bound to become an unruly and unreasonable woman, with skewed


Anastasia was at her wit’s end. “Layna, I can’t believe you’re thinking this way…”

Salma attempted to pacify the situation. “Alright, alright, she’s just a kid. She’s new here, perhaps she’s just not

used to it. All kids are possessive, and we just need to guide her slowly.”

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Anastasia was at a loss with Layna; she was just too stubborn. Taking a deep breath, Anastasia said to Salma,

“Mom, can you watch over Pattie for a bit? Layna, come to my room with me.” She needed to correct Layna’s bad

habits and give her proper guidance.

Layna felt exceptionally overjoyed and followed Anastasia to her room after receiving Anastasia’s attention.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Anastasia patiently began, “Layna, all these years, I have not fulfilled my

responsibilities towards you, and for that, I am deeply sorry. I brought you back here because I want to make up for

my shortcomings and to guide you to a better future.”

Layna didn’t understand these words and just stood there quietly.

Anastasia spoke gently, “If you want a Barbie doll, you can tell me or ask your sister. Taking something that belongs

to someone else without asking is impolite, and it’s also stealing. I hope you understand the importance of honesty,

kindness, and respect. Do you understand?”

“Duncan never taught me any of that.” Layna pouted. “Mom, my sister has her own room, and I don’t. She has

loads of pretty clothes and toys, and I don’t. Do you not love me? Do you only love my sister and brother?”

Anastasia explained, “You’ve just arrived, and we only have so many rooms. We didn’t have time to prepare one for

you. But we’re moving tomorrow, and you’ll have your own room then. You’ll have the clothes and toys you want. I

treat you and your sister equally. Even if you don’t like your sister, you can’t bully her. Can you try to be friends with

her? Can you promise me that?”

Layna didn’t really like her sister, but she didn’t want to upset her mom either. “Alright,” Layna agreed reluctantly.

Anastasia felt relieved. After talking with Layna, Anastasia called Pattie into the room. “Pattie, your sister just

arrived. You must be patient and understanding, okay? No fighting. I hope you two can become good friends.”

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Pattie nodded obediently. “Okay.”

Anastasia felt she had done her part in guiding the two girls and hoped there wouldn’t be any major problems.

However, she was unaware that Layna continued to pick on Pattie behind closed doors.

Layna called Pattie into the playroom while Anastasia was resting and Salma was doing laundry. She threatened

Pattie to hand over all her toys and pretty clothes or else she would beat her up. Remembering her mother’s words

about becoming friends with her sister, Pattie agreed and handed over her toys and clothes.

“Layna, I have lots of toys. Let’s play together.” Pattie was generous and shared all her toys.

Layna was envious of all the beautiful toys. “Did Mom buy all these for you?”

“Some were bought by Mom, some by Dad and Grandma, and some by Grandpa and my godmother…” Pattie

politely said. “Feel free to play with them.”