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The Bound Between Us

Chatper 386
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Chapter 386

Layna’s words struck a chord with Anastasia. Having a child so young, she indeed failed her maternal duties.

Considering that Anastasia was pregnant and her baby was vulnerable, Herman told Layna, “You’ll sleep with

Grandma tonight.”

His tone was stern, intimidating Layna a bit. Layna was smart and quickly realized that if she wanted to live with her

mother, she had to win the approval

of the man in front of her.

Tears welled up in Layna’s eyes as she asked, “Are you my daddy?”

Anastasia, not wanting to put Herman on the spot, answered for him, “No, he’s not your daddy, Layna. You should

call him Uncle Herman from now on. Now go sleep with Grandma, it’s late.”

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Anastasia felt that it was already a big step for Herman to let them stay, asking him to take on the role of father

would be too much. Who the child’s father was, she wasn’t sure herself. Maybe it was, as Melinda said, the missing

Mr. Winchester, or someone from Neon Dreams. She couldn’t remember and was somewhat reluctant to search

for those memories.

Even though Layna was young, she understood a lot, She immediately grasped that her mom had remarried, the

man in front of her was her stepfather, and the baby in his arms was their child.

The man didn’t like her, but he liked her little sister. This was Layna’s understanding of the situation.

Layna dropped her tantrum and obediently went with Salma to sleep. She secretly asked Salma, “Where is my real


“I don’t know, sweetheart.”

Because it was likely that Layna was the granddaughter she had lost years ago, Salma was gentle with her. “Layna,

don’t bring up your daddy in front of your mom. Also, listen to your mom and Uncle Herman, get along well with

your sister, and when your mom has the baby, you have to help take care of


Layna asked, “Mom is having a baby brother?”

“Yes, your mom is pregnant with a baby boy, so you have to be good and not upset her,” Salma said with a smile.

“Now, let’s get some sleep.”

Layna recognized the situation. Her mom and Uncle Herman already had a daughter, and now they were going to

have a baby boy. They definitely wouldn’t love her anymore.

Layna recalled a friend whose mom stopped loving her after having a baby brother. Her mother always hit her and

made her give up everything for her little brother. Her toys were gone, and her little brother tore apart her Barbie


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Layna was repulsed by the idea of a little brother. In her mind, a little brother was someone who would steal her

mom’s love and share it. She didn’t want to share. She wanted her mom to love only her.

That night, Anastasia had trouble sleeping, weighed down by worries.

When dawn was about to break, Anastasia finally started to feel drowsy. In a half-asleep state, she didn’t know how

long ‘she had slept when she heard crying. Subconsciously, Anastasia thought of Layna’s defiance and woke up


It was already 8 a.m., a Saturday. Herman was out on business, Pattie didn’t need to go to school, and first thing in

the morning, Pattie and Layna started fighting over a Barbie doll. Both of them were crying. Due to Herman’s

absence, Layna grew bolder.

Salma, hearing the commotion, came out from the kitchen. Not knowing who was at fault but having a deeper bond

with Pattie, she instinctively sided with her. “Layna, apologize to your sister right now. You’re the older one; you

shouldn’t bully your sister.”

Layna cried out, “I won’t apologize. The Barbie doll is mine; she stole it from me.”