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The Bound Between Us

Chatper 359
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Chapter 359

Anastasia was in trouble, so Herman didn’t have time to argue with Julie. He had to rush to the hospital.

Grandma Anita grabbed Herman’s hand. “Herman, where are you going? Julie is still here.”

Herman replied, “Grandma, Anastasia is in the hospital. I have to go there immediately.”

“She was fine when she was playing cards with me in the morning. She even made me angry. How did she suddenly end up in the hospital? I think she’s faking it.” Grandma Anita was very skeptical. “She’s doing this on purpose. That woman is very cunning. Herman, you mustn’t be fooled.”

“Grandma, if you don’t like someone, everything they do is wrong in your eyes. Anastasia is in trouble, and I must go to her.” Herman pulled his hand away, walked out without saying another word.

“Herman!” Grandma Anita was so angry that she stomped her foot, but she still could not stop Herman from leaving.

Julie watched Herman’s retreating figure. The feeling of resentment was springing up in her heart.

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“They’ll pay for today’s humiliation,” she thought, “both Herman and Anastasia.”

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“Julie, don’t be mad. I’ll talk to him when we get home. This is unacceptable.” Grandma Anita was also furious. She was certain that Anastasia was feigning illness. What a coincidence? She suddenly fell ill.

Julie forced a smile. “Grandma, I’m fine. Maybe Herman and I are just not meant to be. I’m going to go home.” There was a hint of melancholy in Julie’s voice, which made one feel sympathetic.

“You’re such a good girl.” Grandma Anita comforted her, “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure everything’s okay. It’s rare to find a girl as kind-hearted as you nowadays. Julie, when dealing with men, you need to be a little cunning. Look at that Anastasia. She faked an illness and managed to get Herman to leave. That’s being smart. Herman is a tough guy on the outside but soft on the inside. He’ll appreciate your kindness.”

Julie listened attentively and thanked her, “Thank you, Grandma.”

“Go home and rest. I’ll go to the hospital now and see what that woman is up to. Whether she’s really ill or just pretending”

Grandma Anita was convinced that Anastasia was faking it and couldn’t wait to expose her.

At Hope Hospital.

Monica was waiting anxiously in the corridor. Anastasia had been rushed into the emergency room. Monica blamed herself. She shouldn’t have insisted on drinking with Anastasia. If Anastasia was in danger, what was she going to do?

Monica was pacing anxiously outside the emergency room, waiting for the doctors to come out. Just then, Herman arrived, looking grave. “Monica, how is Anastasia?”

“Herman,” Monica replied worriedly, “I’m not sure yet. I’m so sorry. I didn’t think it would be like this. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t force Anastasia to drink

with me.”

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Herman asked coldly, “How much did she drink?”

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“Just one glass,” Monica assured him. “Really, just one glass. Not long after she drank it, she turned pale and started to feel a stomach ache. Then she started to bleed.”

Anastasia’s symptoms came on so fast. Her face turned pale in an instant, and she almost collapsed. Even thinking about it afterwards, Monica was still scared.

Monica asked, “Could it be that Anastasia hasn’t fully recovered from the car accident?”

Herman frowned. “She’s been in good health recently, and she was fine when she left in the morning. She can’t handle alcohol, but one glass shouldn’t cause such severe consequences.”

While they were talking, the door to the emergency room opened. A doctor came out. “Who is the family of Anastasia?”

Herman quickly stepped forward. “I’m her husband. Doctor, how is my


“The situation is not very good. The patient just had a major surgery, so her body hasn’t fully recovered. Plus, she drank alcohol, which led to symptoms of a threatened miscarriage.”

The doctor’s words shocked Herman. “A threatened miscarriage?”

Monica was also surprised. “Anastasia is pregnant?”