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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

Anastasia shook her head. She was hungry, but she couldn’t stomach anything right now

This time, she pissed off the Ledford family. It was a whole different ball game.

Herman punched Blake, who was a big shot from the Ledford family, the kind of guy who could make

her and Herman disappear from Riverdale without breaking a sweat

“Herman, are we screwed?” Anastasia asked anxiously “What did you do to Blake?”

1 cut off one of his fingers. That’s a slap on the wrist, really” Herman replied nonchalantly

“We’re screwed.” Anastasia got down from Herman’s lap and held his hand tightly. “You should lay low

for a while outside of Riverdale. If the Ledford family comes knocking, we’re in deep shit.”

They were just average Joes. How could they stand against the mighty Ledford family?

If the Ledford family called the cops, Herman might end up rotting in jail given Blake’s injury

Anastasia couldn’t hold back her tears as she thought about this. She blamed herself for bringing this

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onto Herman

Noticing that Anastasia was worried, Herman smiled and said, “Don’t worry I’ve got my cousin”

He tried to reassure Anastasia by mentioning Flynn Salstrom.

Anastasia shook her head. “This is different from before. Herman. You should leave Riverdale now. It

might be too late soon.”

“Anastasia, I’ll get you home safe. Don’t worry about me Herman patted Anastasias head. He wanted

to get Anastasia home safely before dealing with the Ledford family

But Anastasia was still worried

Trust me. Just go home Herman said with a smile.

Herman was as calm as a cucumber, making Anastasia even more worried.

Whats done is done. She could only brace hersell for what came next

Herman hailed a cab and let Anastasia get in

It was then that Anastasia realized Herman didn’t dive

“Where’s your car? And how did you know I was at Eclipse Lounge? Anastasia asked,

If Herman hadn’t shown up, she didn’t know what those rich kids would have done to her The

consequences could have been dire

“My car was at the office | came to Eclipse Lounge with a colleague for a client meeting.” Herman didn’t


His car was indeed at his office, and he did come to Eclipse Lounge for a client.

Theard some staff at Eclipse Lounge gossiping about some incident on the top floor Out of curiosity, I

went up, and there you were.” He made up a story.

Anastasia’s mind was a whirlwind. She was only concerned about the Ledford family coming after

them. She didn’t think too much about what Herman said

Soon, they arrived at Harmony Meadows.

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Herman got Anastasia home and called Katelyn Salstrom to keep her company so that she wouldn’t

overthink things.

“Anastasia, you should take a shower first” Herman suggested

The thought of Blake touching her made her feel sick. She nodded and went to the bathroom.

Katelyn took the chance to ask Herman, “What happened?”

‘Blake harassed Anastasia Luckily, I got there in time Herman explained briefly

“What? That bastard” Katelyn was seething. He’s got some nerve for messing with the Salstrom family”

Herman gave a pained look at Anastasia’s room and told Katelyn, “Mom, please stay with Anastasia. I

need to handle something”

“Okay, go ahead “Katelyn said angrily. “We need an explanation from the Ledford family. If they don’t

give us a satisfactory answer, we won’t let them off the hook. Do they think they can push the Salstrom

family around?>”

Katelyn was always a hothead.

Herman’s eyes turned icy. This time, the Ledford family will pay a much bigger price.”