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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75

They just had a conversation in the car about romance and atmosphere, and when they got back

home, the romantic setting was all set up.

The room was strewn with rose petals, the table was laid with steak, wine, and fresh flowers, romantic

music was playing, and the air was filled with fragrance

The whole environment was so romantic and full of atmosphere.

Anastasia turned to Herman, “Did you set this up?”

No woman could resist such a romantic atmosphere.

Herman quickly got the gist of it.

Turns out Katelyn had been pushing them to get home quickly to set this all up.

Herman admitted frankly. This was all set up by Ms. Katelyn”

Anastasia felt a little disappointed, “And here I thought it was you.”

She had imagined that after expressing her desires, Herman would have picked up on her romantic


The steak was still hot, obviously just cooked.

Herman asked, ‘Are you hungry? Want to eat something?”

Anastasia was indeed hungry, salivating at the sight of the steak and foie gras.

Afraid of stepping on the numerous rose petals, Anastasia swapped her shoes for slippers and

carefully walked to the dining table..

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Next door, Katelyn had been peeking through the crack in the door, and seeing the pair return and

enter the room, she couldn’t help but smirk.

She felt that Herman and Anastasia’s wedding was just around the corner.

Katelyn was even starting to plan their wedding. The heir of the Salstrom family was getting married, it

had to be a big deal.

Thinking this, Katelyn excitedly dialed Flynn, telling him about her plans for Herman’s wedding

Flynn said, “Mom, don’t you think you’re jumping the gun a little?”

“Not at all, weddings need early preparation. Im not going to wait until the last minute

“You should at least discuss it with Herman Flynn said, ‘I think he’s pretty content right now.”

“There’s no conflict here. I’ll prepare in advance, and it will surely come in handy. It’s always better to

be prepared.”

Unable to convince Katelyn, Flynn just let her be

Anastasia was not a frequent steak-eater and Herman noticed her struggle to cut it, so he offered, “Let

me do it.”

He took her plate and began to cut the steak for her

There was something elegant and noble about Herman’s manners. Watching him cut steak was a

visual treat.

Anastasia casually asked, “Herman, did you ever take a course on table manners?”

“Been to a lot of social events. You pick it up naturally over time: Herman replied, handing her the cut


While eating, Anastasia suddenly remembered something, “By the way, I’ve sorted out this month’s

expenses. Besides the car purchase, our living expenses amounted to four hundred dollars, and then

there’s also

She opened an accounting app on her phone to show Herman.

Herman glanced at it and said. The money is with you. Feel free to spend it as you see fit. I trust you.”

Being newlyweds, Anastasia had never asked Herman for money outright. Even when they were

running low, she was too shy to use the bank card Herman had given her.

In the end, she was still a bit formal and polite around Herman, not completely opening up yet.

Anastasia nodded. “Okay”

“Want some wine?” Herman picked up the bottle of red wine on the table and asked, “Fancy a bit?”

He immediately recognized this red wine as one of Katelyn’s from her personal wine cellar at home.

This red wine has a good taste, but it is strong.

Anastasia was going to say that she couldn’t hold her liquor well and would easily lose control, but in

the romantic atmosphere, she nodded, “Just half a glass”

Half a glass wouldn’t get her drunk.

Herman didnt want to get Anastasia drunk either, he just thought that fole gras paired with red wine

would taste better.

He poured her half a glass of wine and proposed a toast, “To our one-month wedding anniversary”

Only then did Anastasia realize that they had been married for a month.

“Cheers.” Anastasia raised her glass, the clinking of the glasses sounding crisp. The candlelight

reflected on their faces through the orange softening the atmosphere even more

Anastasia took a sip and exclaimed, This wine is really good, totally different from what I’ve had before,

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it’s smooth, not bitter at all

The wine shed had before were the cheap ones from the supermarket. The one Katelyn brought from

her home was a pricey vintage.

Anastasia couldn’t help but have a few more sips

Herman smiled and said, “Glad you like it. I’ll ask Ms. Katelyn to bring more”

“No need.”

“It’s nothing. Her family owns a winery. A few bottles of wine are nothing”

“Is that so?” Anastasia believed him and took another sip. The wine in her glass was almost gone, she

smiled, “Can I have another glass?”

“Sure” Herman smiled and poured her another glass, “Now try a piece of foie gras. The taste will be

completely different.”

The foie gras, air flown fresh, paired with the red wine, tasted heavenly.

Anastasia quickly tasted a piece and her face lit up. “So delicious”

“Glad you like it” Herman smiled

In the flickering candlelight, the wine made Anastasias lips even more enticing, giving one the urge to

kiss them

He also noticed that Anastasia indeed didn’t have a high tolerance for alcohol. After half a glass of

wine, her cheeks were already flushed.

Herman swallowed and said. You’re really beautiful.”

“What?” Anastasia didn’t catch what he said, looking at him dreamily

Her eyes were seductive, enough to steal one s soul in a single glance

Herman grabbed Anastasias hand. No more drinking

If she drank more, things could get out of hand