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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74

Anastasia was a little puzzled, wondering if Hermans parents were already dead.

While she was deep in thought, Herman noticed her from inside the car. He spoke into his phone,

“Auntie, let’s leave it at that. Anastasia and I are heading

home now.”

After he hung up, Herman asked. “How come you’re out so soon?”

“My colleague and her baby need their rest. I didnt want to be a bother, Anastasia said as she got into

the car. She asked, “Was that Ms. Katelyn on the phone just now?”

“Yeah, she cooked up a storm at home and wanted to know when we ll be back for dinner, Herman

responded as he started the car and headed for Harmony Meadows.

Did I hear that right? Anastasia was a little confused.

She said, “Herman, I think Ms. Katelyn is really too good to us. Even a real mother might not go to

these lengths”

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Herman replied, “She likes company. She gets bored when she’s home alone, so she keeps herself


“Does she only have your cousin as a son?” Anastasia asked. “If so, why doesn’t she live with him

instead of buying a house next door to us? Isn’t that a bit extravagant?”

“She’s not short of cash, Herman said in a low voice “When you get old, loneliness is the real fear. Ms.

Katelyn likes you, and that’s fate. Having her around the house will be a great help to us, especially

when we have kids. She can help take care of them.”

Today, it seemed impossible to avoid the topic..

Herman had mentioned having kids more than once recently.

Previously, when Monica and Katelyn urged him to have children, he appeared nonchalant. But now he

had completely changed his tune

Thinking about Alessia’s mother-in-law’s attitude, Anastasia said. ‘My colleague and her mother-in-law

just had a fight over whether the baby should be breastfed or bottle fed. I think it’s hard for modern

women. We have to take care of the family and be financially independent. Herman, if we have a baby.

will we face the same problems?”

Society promotes breastfeeding while expecting women to be financially independent

Herman immediately noticed Anastasia’s concerns. He said, “Dont worry Having children is natural,

Even male animals know to take on family responsibilities when their mates are pregnant. Let alone

men. Both career and family are our shared responsibility. I married you, so I will take care of you and

our baby. I will hold up my end of the responsibility”

Anastasia looked at him. At that moment, she found Herman incredibly attractive.

He also looked back at her and said with a warm smile. “Let’s take things one step at a time. Don’t put

too much pressure on yourself. The best marriage is one where I understand your sacrifices and you

understand my struggles. Only by understanding and accommodating each other can we go further.

Anastasia joked, “Herman, you’d be wasted if you weren’t a philosopher.”

Herman laughed, “In life, anyone can be a philosopher. Anastasia, we’ve been together for quite some

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time now What do you think of me?”

“You’re great,” Anastasia said sincerely, unable to find any flaws in Herman. “You’re just a bit of a dork!

Herman nodded in reflection, “So, you’re saying I lack a bit of romance and fun?”

Anastasia blushed and chuckled, “You could say that.”

After pondering for a moment, Herman said seriously. “I’ll make a change.”

The time flew by as they chatted and before they knew it, they were at the parking lot under their

apartment building After getting out of the car, Herman took Anastasia’s hand and they went upstairs


This routine of going home together after work made Anastasia feel very secure.

She didn’t seek a life of luxury, but a simple one with someone who cared about her, filling her life with


Anastasia sneaked a glance at Herman’s side profile, recalling how he had taught Cason a harsh

lesson for her and the things he’d said to Cason.

He would not allow anyorie to belittle his wife.

As Herman unlocked the door, they were both taken aback by the sight that greeted them,