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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73

Cason was clutching his phone, his eyes full of rage

His bright future had been runed by Anastasia and Herman He swore he wouldn’t let them off easy

Demi, who came to deliver food, felt a chill run down her spine when she saw Cason’s gloomy face

Ever since the Kirkwood family drama, Cason’s mood had taken a dark turn.

Taking a deep breath, Demi entered the room. ‘Cason, you gotta eat something”

Cason put down his phone and asked, “How’s my dad doing?”

“Can’t see him right now, but I’ll find a way” Demi assured him. Im his lawyer now. I’ll do my best to get

him out on bail”

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Truth was, with the Salstrom family’s influence and his father’s grave charges, getting bail was next to

impossible. But saying this was just Demi’s way of calming Casons nerves.

Cason, gripping his phone, said firmly, “I’ll make Herman fetch my dad personally

Demi didn’t argue, even though she thought it was a long shot

Anastasia and Herman arrived at the hospital Herman didn’t go in with her but made up an excuse to

wait in the car

Alessia had been working for Elysian Technologies for ten years, first at the headquarters then at a

branch Herman was worried Alessia might recognize him and blow his cover

With gifts for the baby Anastasia entered the hospital. Alessia and her newborn were in the room, while

Alessias mother-in-law, Dana, was cuddling the baby and refusing to let go

Anastasia knocked lightly on the door. Alessia turned to see her and immediately smiled. “Anastasia,

you came”

“Hey, Alessia Anastasia walked in smiling. Just got off work, bought some clothes and toys for the baby

Haw’re you doing? Feeling better?

Alessia pointed her husband Evan to the gifts and said, “A bit sore, can’t really move around much.”

Alessia had a natural birth, but she was a real scaredy cat when it came to pain. She was too afraid to

move or walk

“You’ll be up and about after a few days of rest,” Anastasia glanced at the baby who suddenly started


Alessia, the new mom, panicked, “What’s wrong with the baby?”

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Alessia’s mother-in-law Dana said. The baby’s probably hungry. You don’t have any breast milk, and

the little formula you fed isn’t enough. Formula doesnt have all the nutrients. You should start

breastfeeding as soon as possible, it’s best for the baby”

Anastasia looked at them arguing and felt a little awkward. Although it might not be appropriate, she

was relieved that she didn’t have to deal with these mother in law issues.

Alessia, noticing Anastasia, said awkwardly. “I’m sorry you had to see this.”

No worries, Alessia. I understand. You get some rest. I’ll come visit another time.”

Understanding that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Anastasia didn’t stay any longer

Upon leaving the hospital, she noticed Herman waiting for her in the parking lot.

As Anastasia walked up, she noticed Herman was on a call. From a distance, she vaguely heard

something like “Mom, we’ll be home soon.”