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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65

Herman had other businesses to attend to, so he left the company affairs to Flynn and took off from the


His secretary, Nelson, quickly tagged along “How’s the situation with Cason?” asked Herman.

“Mr. Salstrom, it’s all taken care of The Kirkwood family’s factory is totally kaput. Kirkwood & Associates

had to shut down. Cason’s reputation is mud in the circle, his lawyer’s license was revoked, he’s no

longer a threat to us reported Nelson.

Herman said, Keeping an eye on him, I’m worried that someone like Cason might do something

extreme” Herman only cared if Anastasia got hurt, and he didn’t care what happened to Cason.

“Got it,” responded Nelson.

Herman left Elysian Tower, with a Rolls Royce waiting for him at the door.

As Herman got in, Nelson followed, and the driver hit the road.

Herman had a business dinner to attend, a meeting with a bank manager.

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At the hospital.

Cason was beaten to a pulp, multiple soft tissue injuries and broken ribs, now he was laid up in a

hospital bed.

Amanda’s eyes were swollen from crying. Her husband was arrested, their son was in the hospital,

their factory and law firm had been shut down.

The Kirkwood family was drowning in debt, with creditors beating down their door, they had no clue

how they would make ends meet.

Cason laid in the hospital bed, filled with anger. Then, Demi arrived. She was taken aback by Cason’s

injuries and was totally shocked when she saw him.

“Cason,” Demi said with a heavy heart, “how could they do this? Just because you owe them money,

they beat you up? They’re practically trying to kill you?” Seeing Demi, Cason suddenly perked up,

struggling to sit up. “Demi, did you find out what I asked you to look into?”

“I found out,” replied Demi. She sat down, looked at Cason and said seriously, “Cason, once you’re

healed, let’s skip town, go abroad. You can’t fight that guy.”

Cason had a sinking feeling. “Who? Who is he?”

“Herman Salstrom, the CEO of Elysian Technologies,” said Demi seriously.

This name shocked Cason.

He had speculated that Herman might have some connections, but he never thought Herman himself

would be a big shot, a persona non grata in Riverdale, the head honcho of the Salstrom family.

“No way,” Cason was still in denial. “The car he was driving that day was cheap, his outfit didn’t scream

money, his clothes weren’t branded, he looked like a poor man. How could he be the bigwig of the

Salstrom family? Didn’t Anastasia say he was just a worker?”

“I couldn’t believe it at first either,” said Demi “But I bumped into an old acquaintance, he’s now an

executive at Elysian Technologies. He confirmed it, Anastasia’s husband is Herman, the CEO of

Elysian Technologies.”

‘No, no, no, it must be someone else with the same name. I’ve been to their neighborhood, Harmony

Meadows, it’s just an average residential area. How could the head of the Salstrom family live there?”

Cason was in disbelief. If true, his previous sense of superiority was a total joke.

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He had boasted at the class reunion about his contact with the CEO of Elysian Technologies. Was he

just a clown in Herman’s eyes at that time?

Cason couldn’t bear this blow. It was a mental kick in the gut.

Just an hour ago, he was threatening Anastasia on the phone, thinking about how to turn the tables.

If Herman is the CEO of Elysian Technologies, he would never be able to make amends..

“Cason, let’s go back abroad. You can’t fight the Salstrom family. Your law firm and factory have closed

down overnight, that’s proof enough,” Demi advised. You’ll only bring shame on yourself if you stick to

your guns.”

Cason shook his head, a bit dazed, muttering to himself, “How could the CEO of Elysian Technologies

be interested in a woman like Anastasia?”

Demi was surprised to hear Cason’s remark about Anastasia.

Last time, Cason was ardently pursuing Anastasia, wearing his heart on his sleeve. Why would he

badmouth Anastasia now, saying such ugly things?

Just then, Casons cell phone rang, and he got excited when he looked at the caller ID, which was the

phone number of the private investigator he hired to investigate Anastasia. Cason answered the call,

his voice was filled with impatience. “Did you find out?”