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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64

Flynn felt like his flattery strategy was working. If he could get on his sister–in–law’s good side, wouldn’t

that mean he had someone to fall back on?

Flynn chuckled, leaning his hands on his office desk. “So, brother, how was the movie with your wife

last night? Did it bring you two closer? Did you hold

hands, share a kiss?”

When the movie was mentioned, Herman stared at Flynn with a serious gaze. “There goes your

allowance for the first half of next year”

“What, why?!” Flynn yelped, grabbing Herman’s arm. “Brother, I’m broke. If you don’t give me my

allowance, I’ll have to beg on the streets. We’re brothers, how could you do this to me?”

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Flynn was laying it on thick, just short of actual tears.

As the vice president of Elysian Technologies, Flynn’s salary came from Herman Of course, his income

wasn’t the main thing to him.

He was quite the actor

Herman stared at Flynn gripping his hand and said flatly. Take your hand off”

Flynn immediately let go and gave Herman a pathetic look, as if he was wronged.

“Bro, was it the movie choice? That can’t be, it’s a touching movie. Watching it together in a dim setting,

it’s bound to spark something.”

“Too direct” Herman replied. “Inappropriate setting”

Flynn got it immediately, laughing, “Bro, my bad for not thinking it through. Next time you can watch it at

home or a private cinema. Just the two of you, do whatever you want, such a thrilling atmosphere.”

Flynn’s words were getting out of line. Herman pretended to hit Flynn, who quickly dodged and

laughed, “Bro, I got it. I’ll go check on my sister–in–law at the branch. It’s her first day, she might need

help. She’s so pretty, you must not want other men to set their sights on her”

“I’ve already told Victor at the branch, you don’t need to stir things up.” Herman handed Flynn a stack

of documents. “Don’t use this as an excuse to slack off. Look over these projects and deal with them.”

Flynn was speechless.

“Bro, you’ve been bullying me since we were kids, now you’re still doing it and even docking my pay. I

regret not running faster when we were kids, I wish I was the eldest.”

In wealthy families, brothers often fight over inheritance. But in the Salstrom family, the two brothers

were trying to pass the workload to each other.

Herman picked up his coat and patted Flynn’s shoulder, Think about it. If you do your work, I’ll have

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more time for dates and you can handle more company matters.”

Flynn mumbled, “I wish mom had another child, I could just slack off and enjoy a carefree rich kid life.

Or dad had an illegitimate child to compete for the inheritance. Our family is an anomaly among the

rich, there’s no challenge.”

With the Salstrom family’s wealth and status, even doing nothing for generations would be enough.

Flynn didn’t want to work hard, there was no point.

The Salstroms were not short of money.

Herman warned Flynn with a look, “Don’t let mom hear that. She’ll make dad sleep on the couch and

then don’t blame him if he cuts off your credit card”

Flynn smirked, “Just kidding, just kidding. Bro, you go ahead, I’ll review the projects. Have a nice date

with my sister–in–law, hopefully bring a new member to the Salstrom family soon.”

Little did Flynn know, his casual remark would soon become