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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

Anastasia chuckled, their bond growing stronger since they’ve seen a movie together.

“Let’s take this one.”

Anastasia went into the room to change into the jeans and shirt she had chosen, while Herman waited

in the living room. He also sent Anastasia’s measurements to an international fashion designer, asking

her to custom–make some new clothes for Anastasia.

All of Herman’s clothes were custom–made, with no particular brand logo, so a clueless person

wouldn’t know how much they were worth

After sending the message, Herman added some requirements the clothes needed to be trendy and

attractive, but not too revealing.

Once the requirements were stated. Herman ordered a pair of matching pajamas, hoping they could be

completed within the week.

The international fashion designer, who’d been serving Herman for years and designed all his clothes,

was a bit curious when she saw his request message

This was the first time she was asked to design women’s clothing.

Had the company’s boss finally got a girlfriend?

Not wanting to keep him waiting, she replied promptly, “Received”

Anastasia, oblivious to all this, came out after changing. Herman had already put away his phone.

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Anastasia asked, “Do I look good in these clothes?”

Looking up at Anastasia, Herman started to regret choosing that outfit. The tight jeans highlighted her

slender legs perfectly.

Anastasia had long, thin legs with a muscular tone, and her figure was outstanding. The jeans did

nothing to hide her beauty, instead, they made her look

even more attractive

The white shirt, despite being buttoned up, was irresistibly attractive.

Her delicate, fair face, with light makeup, looked stunning

“Beautiful,” said Herman, wishing he could keep Anastasia at home so he could have her beauty all to


“Let’s get going. It’s our first day at work, we can’t be late, Anastasia urged.

Anastasia went to the entrance to change shoes. She chose high heels today, which made her look

even more elegant

They went to the underground parking lot and drove to the office of the jewelry company under Elysian


Halfway there, Herman suggested, “Once I make a little more money, you won’t have to work so hard.

I’ll let you be a full–time housewife, shopping and hanging out with friends. The money I make will be

enough for the household:

Anastasia shook her head. “No way, a woman must be financially independent. Even if there’s a man to

rely on, she can’t give up her ability to support herself and lose her self–worth. That’s my bottom line”

Anastasia had always been independent, so there was no way she’d give up that independence to be a

full–time housewife just because Herman said so.

And men’s promises always have an expiration date; they’re only valid during the honeymoon period.

Anastasia was clear–headed. No matter how far her marriage with Herman could go, she would never

give up on herself.

Herman realized his words may have been a bit hurtful. He reached out and held Anastasia’s hand,

“Whatever you want to do, I’ll support you.”

If his woman didn’t want to be a man’s shadow, he’d be her shield and let her fly freely. He would

always be her backup.

Anastasia smiled and said, “Didn’t you just say that we plan to buy a house? it would be too hard for

you to take on everything by yourself. Monica also mentioned that if we have a child in the future, the

expenses will be even greater.”

Anastasia suddenly stopped. She brought up having a child before Herman had made his intentions

clear. Was she being too eager?

However, Anastasia’s plans for their future made Herman very happy.

From their initial polite interactions, where she asked for nothing, to now including him in her future

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plans, it showed that Anastasia had him in her heart.

He smiled faintly and picked up where she left off, “Anastasia, do you prefer a boy or a girl?”

Anastasia realized that once she answered this question, their relationship would change.

The plan to have a baby might be put into action.

She had just found a new job, would she face discrimination from the company if she started trying for

a baby?

Who would want to hire a pregnant woman in today’s companies?

After thinking for a while, Anastasia finally replied, “I like girls. I can braid her hair, dress her in pink

princess dresses, and design unique jewelry for her to make her look very beautiful”

Herman nodded, “I also like girls.”

They quickly arrived at the company building, which was not Elysian Tower, so Herman could only drop

her off at the entrance.

“Anastasia, I’ll pick you up after work”

“Okay” Anastasia smiled and said, “Drive safely”

When she saw Herman leave, Anastasia turned and entered the company.

As soon as she stepped into the company, she received a call from a stranger.

Anastasia, you’ve ruined everything for me, and I’ll ruin you.”

The cold voice on the phone was Cason’s